2 - 4 players

Barrage is  a resource management

strategic game in which players

compete to build their majestic dams,

raise them to increase their storing capacity,

and deliver all the potential power through

pressure tunnels connected to the energy

turbines of their powerhouses.

If you can scan the QR code above,

you can also see it on your mobile!


Common Components

- 1 double sided map

- 1 management board

- 1 patent office board

- 7 executive officer tiles

(1 Anton Krylov's

special technology tiles)

- 1 energy track

- 15 advanced technology tiles

- 6 bonus tiles

- 6 objective tiles

- 10 starting setup tiles

- 45 private contract tiles

- 6 national contract tiles

- 8 headstream tiles

- 30 water drops

- hydroelectric credits

(24 of value 1

20 of value 3

15 of value 5)

- 3 neutral elevations

- 3 neutral bsaes

- 34 excavators

(24 of value 1

6 of value 3

4 of value 5)

- 26 concrete mixers

(16 of value 1

6 of value 3

4 of value 5)

[Excavators and Concrete Mixers

are referred to as Machineries]

Company Components

- 4 company boards

- 4 construction wheels

- 5 basic technology tiles

- 20 automa tiles

- 1 player aid

(for each of the 4 companies)

- 5 bases

(for each of the 4 companies)

- 5 elevations

(for each of the 4 companies)

- 5 conduits

(for each of the 4 companies)

- 4 powerhouses

(for each of the 4 companies)

- 1 turn order marker

(for each of the 4 companies)

- 1 energy marker

(for each of the 4 companies)

- 1 victory point marker

(for each of the 4 companies)

- 12 engineers

(for each of the 4 companies)

<Set up>

General Setup

Place the Map

in the center of the table.

The side with no icons is

recommended once you

have mastered the game.

Place the Energy Track and

the Management board next to

the Map as illustrated.

Place the Machineries

(Excavators and Concrete Mixers)

next to the Map to form the general supply.

Divided the Credits into their

different values and place them

in the general supply.

Place the Water Drops in

the general supply.

Shuffle the Headstream tiles and

randomly place 4 tiles face up

in the designated spaces on the Map.

Put the remaining tiles

back in the box.

Remove the Bonus tiles shown in

the Setup image and shuffle the others.

Randomly place 5 Bonus tiles

face-up in the designated spaces

of the Energy Track.

Shuffle all the Bonus tiles and

randomly place five of them

on the Energy track.

Put the remaining tiles back

in the box.

Shuffle the Objective tiles

and randomly place 1 Objective tile

in the designated space at

the end of the Energy Track.

Put the remaining tiles back

in the box.

Shuffle the National Contract tiles.

Pick a number of Contracts

equal to the number of players

minus one and place them

face-up in the designated spaces

on the Management board.

Put the remaining tiles

back in the box.

Divide the Private Contract tiles

according to their back.

Shuffle the three piles

separately and place them

face down in the designated

space on the Management board.

Pick the first two tiles from

each pile and place them face-up

next to their respective piles.

Divide the Neutral Dams Setup tiles

according to their backs,

then randomly draw one tile

from each pile.

Place the neutral Dams in

the building spaces of the basins

indicated on the tiles

you picked.

There is always a level 1 Dam

in the Mountains,

a level 2 Dam in the Hills

and a level 3 Dam in the Plains.

Place 1 Water Drop behind

each Neutral Dam.

Put all the starting setup tiles

back in the box.

Leave the Patent Office board

and all the Advanced Technology tiles

in the box.

You will not need them

for the introductory game.

Place the Patent Office board

next to the Map.

Divide the Advanced Technology tiles

according to their backs

and shuffle the three piles separately.

Place the three piles face down

in their corresponding spaces

on the left of the Patent Office board.

Pick the first three tiles

from the pile '' and place them

face-up in the designated spaces

on the right of the board.

Introductory Player Setup

For the introductory game assign

the Company boards and

Executive Officer tiles to the players

according to the table below.

Place each Executive Office tile

on the left of the associated

Company board.

Each player receives

every component in the color

associated with their Company board

and a Construction Wheel which

must be placed next to their

Company board.

Each player receives 6 Credits,

6 Excavators and 4 Concrete Mixers.

Each player receives

the Starting Contract tile

matching their Company,

as shown on the table above.

Place the Turn Order markers

on the designated spaces

at the beginning of the Energy Track

according to the order

shown in the previous page table.

(In a 3-player game,

the 4th space in the turn order

will not be used.

In a 2-player game,

the 3rd and 4th spaces

will not be used.)

Place the Energy markers

in the starting space of

the Energy Track,

with the "30" icon face-down.

Place the Victory Point markers

in space number "10" on

the scoring track around the Map,

with the "100" icon face-down.

Player select their Company boards,

their Executive Officers and

their Starting Contracts.

The Turn Order markers

are placed in the opposite order

to that with which players selected.

Put the basic wild Technology tiles

back in the box.

They will not be used

in the full game.

<Game Progress>

The game is divided into

five rounds, each of which is

made of five phases to be played

in the following order.

1. Income and Headstreams

2. Actions

3. Water Flow

4. Scoring

5. End of Round

Income and Headstreams

This phase can be played

simultaneously by all players.

All players get the active income

on their Company boards.

Income is represented by the symbol "!".

The active income is illustrated

inside structures spaces

(there is a smaller reminder

above the same space).

In order to activate income

you must build structures.

When you build a structure,

you must take it from your

Company board from left to right.

By building the second Base,

Elevation and Conduit,

you will receive the first income

related to that element.

By building the fourth piece

of the same structure,

you will receive the second income

(more profitable than the first).

By building the fifth piece,

you will receive the third income.

The first two types of income

in each line are different

for each Company board.

The third income is the same

for all companies (7VPs).

Powerhouses do not provide income;

they boost the production of energy.

Place Water Drops on the Headstream

tiles according to the number

indicated on the tile for

the current round.

Each Headstream tile shows

a symbol indicating how many

Water Drops you must place

on that tile during the fist four rounds

(during the fifth and last round

Water Drops won't be placed on

the Headstream tiles during this phase).

These Water Drops will

start flowing on the Map

during the Water Flow Phase.


Players play their turns

one after the other following

the turn order indicated by the

Turn Order markers

on the Energy Track.

When it's your turn,

you MUST place Engineers

onto ONE free action space

in order to perform

the corresponding action.

Action spaces with a red outline

require a payment of 3 Credits

in order to place your

Engineers there.

Take the requested Engineers

from your personal supply.

If you don't have the amount

of Engineers (or the

additional Credits) in your supply

required by the action space,

you can't perform the corresponding action.

Furthermore, you cannot place Engineers

in an action space without performing

the corresponding action.

Your turn ends once you have

performed an action.

If it's your turn and you don't

have Engineers left in

your supply, you must pass.

The Actions Phase is over once

all players have passed.

There are different types of actions,

divided between the Company boards

and different sections of

the Management board.

Construction Action

There are four action spaces

on each Company board,

each connected to a construction action.

This action allows you

to build a structure.

All players have their own

action space

(they cannot be used by

any of the other players).

These spaces' requests increase

from let to right:

the more structures you build

during a round the more

Engineers you will need.

In order to perform

a construction action

you must follow these steps:

1) Place the request Engineers

in the first available action

space on your board starting

from the left.

If you place your Engineers

in the space with

a red outline you must

pay an additional

fee of 3 Credits.

2) Put the Technology tile

related to the structure

you want to build in the open

segment of your Construction Wheel.

Take the Technology tile

displaying the symbol of

the structure you want

to build (or the wild symbol)

from your supply.

If you have neither the Technology

tile of a given structure

nor a wild tile you cannot

build that structure.

3) Put the Machineries you

must use to build that structure

in the open segment of your

Construction Wheel,

below the tile you have

just placed.

Different costs are applied to

each structure

(for a detailed explanation

of construction costs).

If you don't have all

the required Machineries,

you cannot perform the

construction action.

4) Rotate your Construction Wheel

by one segment.

Move the Construction Wheel

clockwise, so that both

the Technology tile and

Machineries are shifted from

the open segment to

the next segment.

5) Place the structure place

on the Map.

Take the first corresponding

structure piece from the left

of your Company Board and

place it in one corresponding

available building space on the Map

(if you are building an Elevation,

place it over one of your

existing Dams).

If you build a Powerhouse or

a Base in a building space

with a red outlined icon,

you must pay 3 extra Credits.

Should you discover an income space

after building, you will immediately

receive that income bonus.

You will receive it again

during Income Phase.

You can build 4 types of structures.

Each structures has

a different function and

a different cost.

The Base

- It is used to create a Dam

that collects and holds

the water you will need

for production.

- It can be built in any available

building space with

the Base icon.

- It costs 3 Excavators if built

in the Plains area,

4 Excavators if built in the Hills

area and 5 Excavators

built in the Mountains area.

- If built in a building space

with a red outlined

icon it has an extra cost of

3 Credits.

- You cannot build two Bases

of the same color in

the same basin.

The Elevation

- It is used to increase

the amount of water

that a Dam can hold.

- It is always built over

a Base or another Elevation

belonging to your color

(there aren't building spaces

with the Elevation icon).

- It costs 2 Concrete Mixers

if built in the Plains area,

3 Concrete Mixers if built in

the Hills area and 4 Concrete Mixers

if built in the Mountains area.

- Do not pay 3 additional Credits

if you build it over

a building space with

a red outlined icon.

- There can never be more that

two Elevations on

the same Base

(a Dam's maximum level is three).

The Powerhouse

- It is used to activate

the production of energy.

- It can be built in any

available building space

with the Powerhouse icon.

- It costs 2 Concrete Mixers

plus 1 extra Concrete Mixer

for every Powerhouse you

have already built.

- If built in a building space

with a red outlined icon

it has an extra cost of 3 Credits.

- You cannot build two Powerhouses

of the same color in the same basin.

Machineries, Credits and

Technology tiles

- Excavators and Concrete Mixers

are unusual resources.

When you use them to build

a structure they are not

'spent' forever.

They are invested for a certain

amount of time on the

Construction Wheel until they

will be available again after

a complete rotation.

When you get a resource

(in any way), take it from

the general supply and add it

to your personal supply

(do not put it on the

Construction Wheel).

The Machineries you get are

immediately available to you.

- Credits are never placed on

the Construction Wheel.

When you spend them,

put them back in the general supply.

- There are five types of

Technology tiles,

one for building each of

the four structure pieces,

and one wild Technology

tile that can be used to build

any of the four structures.

All Technology tiles work in

the same way;

they stay on the Construction Wheel

until they return to the entry

space and are available again.

Management Actions

Place the required Engineers

in an available action

space of your choosing on

the Management board,

and immediately perform

the action corresponding

to that space.

The Management board

is shared by all the players,

meaning that players are in

competition with one another

to occupy the action spaces:

the first player to place

Engineers in an action space

makes this space unavailable

for all the other players for

the entire round

(except for the Bank).

Every Management action has

two spaces where you

can place your Engineers,

one on the left and one on the right

of the action symbol:

the action space on the right

costs more than the first,

but it gives you a second chance

to perform an action

if the first space is already occupied.

Both action spaces can be occupied

by the same player during

the same round.

Some actions have a cost

indicated in the action symbol.

This cost must be paid when

the Engineer is placed together

with any extra fee for spaces

with a red outline.

You must have all the required Credits

to be able to place your Engineer

in a given space.

You cannot place an Engineer

in a space if you cannot

perform the action.

The actions on the Management

board are divided into different

sections for each category

so that actions of the same type

with similar effects

are in the same area of the board.

Turbine Station

Whenever you see this symbol

you can activate a production,

eventually applying

the bonus or malus indicated by

the number in purple.

In order to be able to perform

a production action

you must have:

- At least one Water Drop

on a Dam of your color

or a neutral Dam:

- A Powerhouse of your color

already built on the Map:

- A Conduit (of any color)

which directly connects

the relevant Dam to

Your Powerhouse.

Take as many Water Drops

as you wish from the relevant

Dam and move them

along the Conduit to reach

your Powerhouse.

You'll immediately produce

a quantity of Energy Units

equal to the Conduit's production

value multiplied by

the number of Water Drops

you decided to move.

You can decide to move

any number of Water Drops

held in the Dam you are using.

If you are using

a Conduit belonging to

another player,

give that player 1 Credit for

each Water Drop you move.

That player will also score

1 Victory Point for

each Water Drop.

The various production action

spaces have different

energy bonuses:

once you have calculated

the total amount of produced energy,

you must apply the production

bonus/malus of the action

space you used.

You cannot perform

a production action

if the total amount of produced

Energy Units is less than 1.

Production Effects

Move your Energy marker

on the Energy Track by

a number of spaces equal to

the amount of Energy Units produced.

The Energy Track records

the total amount of

energy produced by

each player in the current round.

If you produce more than

30 Energy Units,

flip your Energy marker

showing the "30" symbol upwards,

go back to the beginning

of the track and continue scoring

(for Credits gain and Bonus tile

the activation, consider

your marker to be on

the "30" space).

If you have a Contract

in your supply with an energy

request less than or equal to

the amount of Energy Unit

you have produced,

you can fulfill that Contract.

You can immediately collect

the reward shown on

the Contract and turn it face-down,

but you cannot fulfill this Contract

again in this game.

You can fulfill only one

Contract, as a result of

a production action.

This means you cannot put

two production actions

together to fulfill a Contract,

and you cannot fulfill

two Contracts with one

production action even if

the amount of energy produced

would be enough to

fulfill both of them.

National Contracts

If you produce an energy value

more than or equal to

the amount of energy

required by an available

National Contract

you can directly fulfill

that Contract instead of

a Contract you own.

National Contract tiles

do not go into the players' supply,

but they can be fulfilled

by the first player producing

the amount of required Energy Units.

Take the National Contract tile

and put it face down

in your personal supply.

Water Management

Place 2 Water Drops

on one or two

Headstream tiles.

You can decided on

which Headstream tile

to place them and you can also

divide the Water Drops

between two headstreams.

You can even place only

one Water Drop,

if you wish.

These Water Drop

will only flow down

during the Water Flow Phase.

Place 1 Water Drop

on a Headstream tile.

The drop you have just

placed flows down

immediately following

the water flow rules.

You can decide on which

Headstream tile to place it.

There is no limit to

the number of Water Drop

which can be present on

a Headstream tile.


Take a number of Credits

equal to the number of

Engineers you placed in

this action space.

The Bank is a single action

space that works differently

from the others:

you can place here

any number of Engineers

in the Bank, even if

the space is already

occupied by their or

other players' Engineers.


Rotate your Construction Wheel

by the number of segment

depicted in the action symbol.

If there is a cost depicted

in the action symbol,

pay that cost.

After each rotation of

the wheel (each segment)

you must immediately

take back any Machineries

or Technology tiles

that is back in the

open segment.

Machinery Shop

Pay the amount of Credits

indicated on the left side

of the action symbol

and receive the Machineries

indicated on the right side.

Take the Machineries from

the general supply and

place them in your personal

supply on your Executive Officer tile.

Contract Office

Take one available

Private Contract tile for free.

Pay 1 Credit and take two

available Private Contract tiles.

You can choose which

Contracts to take,

but only among those


You cannot pick

National Contract tiles.

Place them face-up in

your personal supply next to

your board.

The picked Contract tiles

are replaced by

the tile on the top

of the corresponding pile

(so that there are always

2 contracts available for

each level), but only

at the end of your turn.

You cannot have more than

3 Contracts face-up

in your personal supply.

If, after performing

this action, you have more than

three Contracts in front of you,

you must immediately

discard them until

you have only three.

You care free to choose

which Contracts to discard.

Already fulfilled Contracts

(face down) are not counted.

Patent Office

Pay 5 Credits and take

the corresponding

Advanced Technology tile.

There are three action spaces,

each of which is associated

with a tile.

Take the tile and add it

to your personal supply:

it will become immediately

available during this round.

Advanced Technology tiles

allow you to build structures

in the same way as

the basic technology tiles,

but they have an

additional special effect

which is activated only

when you use them.

The picked tiles will be

replaced only at the

end of the round.

Water Flow

At the end of the Action Phase,

when all players have placed

all their Engineers,

the Water Flow Phase begins.

All the Water Drops

on the Headstream tiles

flow down according to

the normal rules,

following rivers and basins.

Water Drops are moved

one at a time filling

the Dams they flow into.

When a Dam is full

(the number of Water Drops

equal to the Dam's

maximum capacity,

that is, its level)

the next Water Drops flow past it.

The Water Flow Phase

is over once all

the Water Drops flow past it.

The Water Flow Phase

is over once all the

Water Drops have been

placed or removed,

if they have reached

the lower basin.


The first player on the Energy Track

scores 6 Victory Points;

the second scores

2 Victory Points.

This bonus is warded only

to players who have produced

at least 1 Energy Unit.

In case of a tie

for the first position,

sum up both bonuses

(6 and 2 VPs)

and split them evenly

between all the players

who tied, rounded up.

Any other player

won't get the bonus for

the second position.

In case of a tie

for the second position,

all the players who tied

get 1 VP.

Gain Credits according to

your position on the Energy Track.

Take the amount of Credits

indicated by the Energy Track

space your marker has

reached or surpassed.

If your marker is on

the number "0" space,

then you will gain 3 Credits

but lose 3 Victory Points.

Score Victory Points

thanks to the Bonus tile

of the current round.

The Energy Track is divided into

five numbered sections,

one for each round

of the game.

The Bonus tile

of the current round is

the leftmost visible one.

For a detailed

explanation of all

the Bonus tiles.

Full Reward

: If your Energy Marker

is in the section related to

the current round (or further),

you will activated

the scoring of the Bonus tile.

Reduced Reward

: If your Energy Marker

is in a previous section

than the current round section,

you will activate

the scoring of the Bonus tile,

but you must reduce

the Bonus tile reward by

4 VPs for each section

your are behind.

Players can never lose

VPs from the Bonus tile scoring.

If the reduction you get

from being behind

the current section is

higher than the reward

you would get from

the Bonus tile,

you simply score no VPs.

No reward

: If your Energy Marker

is before the number "6"

space on the Energy Track,

you won't activate

the scoring of the Bonus tile.

Discard the Bonus tile

of the current round.

Remove from the game

the leftmost Bonus tile.

This will uncover a ~4 Vps

symbol to remind of

the VP reduction for

being behind on the Energy Track

when calculating

the Bonus tile reward.

If you remove the last

Bonus tile, the game ends.

End of Round

Update the turn order,

changing the position of

the Turn Order markers.

The player who produced

the least energy in

the current round becomes

the first player,

and so on.

If there is a tie in the amount of

energy produced by

two players then invert

the order of play

of the previous round.

Move all the Energy markers

back to the space

number "0" on the Energy Track.

All players take their

Engineers from action spaces

back in their personal supply.

If there are any Advanced

Technology tiles left on

the Patent Office board,

discard them by putting

them back in the box.

Take three new

Advanced Technology tiles

and place them face-up

in the designated spaces.

First, pick the tiles

from pile "Ⅰ";

when depleted, pick them

from pile "Ⅱ"

and finally from pile " ".

<How to Finish the Game>

The game ends

after the Scoring Phase of

the fifth round.

The final scoring then takes place.

Gain Victory Points

according to the Objective tile.

Each Objective tile

indicates a certain condition.

Determine the players'

classification according to

that condition.

The first player scores

15 Victory Points,

the second player scores

10 VPs and the third

player scores 5 VPs.

In case of a tie,

evenly divide the

Victory Points of the respective

tiers among the players

who tied

(round up if necessary).

Score Victory Points

for the resources you

have left available

in your personal supply.

Add the resources

(Excavators, Concrete Mixers,

Credits) together.

Score 1 Victory Point

for each Water Drop

held by your Personal Dams.

The player with the most

Victory Points wins.

In case of tie,

the player who produced

most Energy Units

during the last round

is the winner.