- The Leeghwater Project -

2 - 5 Players

BARRAGE - The Leeghwater Project

is an expansion for Barrage.

This expansion adds

two new elements to the game

to provide greater variety

and depth: external works

and private buildings.

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Common Components

- 1 Expansion Board

- 10 Private Building Tiles

- 15 External Work Tiles

tessere Lavoro Esterno

- 2 Scoring Tiles

- 4 Executive Officer Tiles 

- 3 Advanced Technology Tiles

- 1 Special Technology Tile

Company Components

- France, Germany, Italy, US

- 4 Basic Technology Tiles

(Private Buildings)

- 4 Company Board Extensions

Company Components

- Netherlands

- 1 Company Board

- 1 Board Extension

- 5 Basic Technology Tiles

- 5 Dam Base Pieces

- 5 Dam Elevation Pieces

- 5 Conduit Pieces

- 4 Powerhouse Pieces

- 1 Energy Markers

- 1 Order of Play Marker

- 1 Victory Point Marker

- 12 Engineers

<Set Up>

Use all the rules for

setting up the basic game

as well as the following:

- Place the expansion board

under the advanced technologies

to make a single board.

- Shuffle the 10 private building tiles,

randomly draw 5 and

place them in the appropriate spaces

on the expansion board.

- Divide the external works tiles

according to their backs,

shuffle the three piles separately

and place them face down

in the relative spaces

on the expansion board.

- Add the two new scoring tiles

to those of the basic game

and then randomly draw

the 5 which you will use.

- Add the three new advanced

technology tiles to

those of the basic game.

Divide the tiles according to

their backs and shuffle

the piles separately.

Randomly draw one tile

from each pile and put these tiles

back in the box.

Place the remaining tiles

according to the rules of the basic game.

In this way you will have

a different set up of technology tiles

in every game you play.

Choosing the Companies

- Add the NETHERLANDS board

to the 4 other Company Boards

(place da gioco)

and randomly choose

a number of boards

to play with according to

the number of players.

- If the Netherlands board

is picked you will need

all the orange pieces.

- Add the executive officers

from the expansion to those

of the basic game and

then pick the ones you will use.

- Each player receives

the fifth technology tile

(Private Building)

for their company.

- Each player receives

the extension board for

their company and places it

under their company board.

- Each player receives 5 building pieces

5 token edificio and places them

in the relative spaces

on the extension board.

<Action Phase>

Private Buildings

In this expansion there is

a new type of structure which

players can be build

: private buildings.

The rules for building are

the same as those for

building structures

in the basic game,

with a few differences:

- Place the required number

of engineers on the company board

and put the correct technology tile

in the construction wheel together

with the required resources.

- Each player can build

5 different private buildings

in each game as shown on the tiles

on the expansion board.

The construction cost for

each building is shown in

the top left-hand corner.

- When you build a private building

you must place one of

your building pieces on one of

the free relative spaces

next to the building.

Each player can only place

one of their pieces next to

each private building tile.

If the space has a red border

you must also pay 3 credits.

- Private buildings do not provide

an immediate bonus

when you build them,

nor do they guarantee

you any income.

- Private buildings work like

action spaces but they can only

be used by the players

who have built them.

- In order to benefit from

a private building when it is your turn

during the action phase

place the required number of

engineers on the private building space.

- For each private building tile

there are two spaces

- one costing more than the other.

Only one player can occupy

the first, cheaper, space,

while the second space can

be occupied by multiple players.

Each player can use

a private building once

in each round.

If you have already placed

your engineers next to

a private building you

cannot place any more, ie.

Players can only place

their engineers in one of

the spaces next to a building,

not in both.

- See the relative appendix

for the effects of the private building tiles.

- Private buildings give the number

of victory points shown on

the top-right of the tile

at the end of the game.

External Works

In this expansion there is

a new action which players

can choose to perform

: external works.

In order to perform

this action when it is

their turn players must:

- Place two engineers in

of the three appropriate spaces.

Each space is associated with

an external works tile.

- To carry out the action

you must then take the resources

shown on the tile from your supply.

You cannot take resources

from your construction wheel

to perform this action.

The resources you have used are

then placed in the common


If you not have the resources

required you cannot place

your engineers in that space.

- Immediately receive the reward

shown on the tile.

- Take the tile and place it

face down next to your company board.

Final Scoring

Add up the points shown on

the buildings you have built.

<Appendix 1>
Company Boards - Netherlands

The Netherlands board

features a new effect

associated with the third powerhouse

: Every time you produce energy,

you can place water directly

on one of your dams EXCEPT

for the one that you

have just used in the production.

The water token that you

place is taken from the common

supply and does not travel

through headstreams or rivers.

<Appendix 2>
New Executive Officers

You have a special action

space for one engineer.

You can use this space to

activate one of the buildings

which you have already built.

You can also activate

the same building using

one of the normal action spaces.

This officer therefore allows

you to activate the same building

twice in a single round.

Receive the special technology

tile for external works.

When you perform the external

works action you can use

this tile so that you do not lose

the resources required

for the action.

Place the resources required on

your construction wheel together

with the tile as if you were building.

The resources and the tile

will be available to you

again when the construction wheel

has made a complete turn.

You cannot use this effect

if the external works special

technology tile is already

on the construction wheel.

You can fulfill two or more

contracts in one single production

as long as the total amount

of energy produced is higher than

the amount of energy

required by the contracts.

The maximum number

of contracts you can have

at one time is 4.

Receive the architect in

place of one of your 12 engineers.

If you use your/the architect

in a space requiring only

one engineer you immediately

have another turn.

If you place the architect together

with other engineers in

a space requiring 2 or 3 engineers

you do not receive any special effect.

<Appendix 3>
New Advanced Technologies

No. LW1

Level : I

Type of Construction

: Private Building

Special Ability

: Immediately receive

the effect of the building

you have just built.

You do not need to place

any engineers to obtain the effect.

You must still pay any

and all costs shown in

the effect of the given building.

No. LW2

Level : II

Type of Construction

: Private Building

Special Ability

: Pay only one of the two types

of resources required in

the construction cost.

If the cost is only one type

of resource then you

can build for free.

No. LW3

Level : III

Type of Construction

: Private Building

Special Ability

: Immediately receive

the victory points awarded by

the building you have just built.

<Appendix 4>
Private Buildings


Take 1 water drop from

the supply and place it directly

above a dam of your choice.

This drop does not follow

the usual flow of the river.

Base Camp

Take a technology tile

from your construction wheel

and place it in your supply.

You cannot take any resources

from the wheel.


Choose one segment of

your construction wheel

and take half of the resources

from that segment.

If necessary round down.

You can decide which resources to take.


Take and perform the effect

of an external works tile

paying a cost in credits which

is equal to double the number

of resources required on the tile.

When you use this building

you do not pay any resources.


Pay 1 credit to receive

advance by 4 points

on the Energy Track.


Pay 1 credit to receive

2 resources of your choice.


Receive 5 credits.

Control Center

Perform a production action

with a +3 bonus.

Wind Turbine

Pay 2 credits to receive

5 energy points.

You can use this energy

to fulfill a contract.


Pay 3 credits to fulfill a contract.

You do not produce energy

but simply receive the bonus

from the contract then

turn it face down.