Century: A New World

for 2-4 players

The player with the most points wins.

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1. From the Location boards A

retrieve out the boards A1, B1 and C1. 

Now retrieve one of the boards D1, E1 or F1, 

and return the other two to the box. 

 Then create the game board by placing the four boards in the middle of the table 

as shown above B

2. From the Point cards C

remove all cards that have a white star on their bottom left corner 

and return them to the box. 

If you play with less than 4 players, 

you will remove cards based on the player count: 

In a 2-player game, 

remove all cards with a “3+”- and “=4”-mark in their bottom right corner. 

In a 3-player game, 

remove all cards with a “=4”-mark. 

Afterwards, shuffle the Point cards and place one at random above each Fort location 

at the top of the game board face up.

Place the remaining cards as a face-up draw deck D close by. 

3. From the Bonus tiles E, remove all tiles that show the icons I or III 

at their bottom and return them to the box. 

 Shuffle the remaining 17 Bonus tiles and place a stack face-up 

onto each bonus space F on the game board. 

Every stack includes as many random Bonus tiles as the number on that space states.

Return any spare Bonus tiles to the box. 

4. Shuffle the ten Exploration tiles G

At random, place one tile face up onto every location 

that has an Exploration icon on it. 

In a 2- and 3-player game, 

place one of the remaining two Exploration tiles onto each location 

that is marked with a 2-3 icon. 

In a 4-player game, return the two remaining Exploration tiles to the box, 

leaving the locations with an 2-3 icon uncovered. 

5. Retrieve a player board H for each player. 

Make sure the one with the first player symbol is included. 

Shuffle them and place one in front of each player with side A facing up. 

The player with the first player symbol will be the start player. 

6. Each player chooses a player color and takes the 12 settlers of that color. 

They then place six of them on their player board I (seven in a 2-player game). 

The remaining settlers are placed as a reserve to the left of their player board J

These are not available to the players yet. 

7.Next to the game board, put the cubes into the bowls separated 

by colour K and arrange those 4 bowls in an ascending order: 

yellow (corn) red (meat) green (tobacco) brown (fur). 

8. Based on player turn order, 

each player will receive the following quantity of cubes 

and place them in the storage L on their player board: 

1st player > 3 yellow cubes 

2nd player > 4 yellow cubes 

3rd player > 4 yellow cubes 

4th player > 3 yellow cubes and 1 red cube

<Game Play>

Century - A New World is played over a series of rounds. 

 Each player will take one turn each round 

(starting with the first player and going clockwise). 

On your turn, you must perform 1 of the following actions: 


Use one location of the game board 

by placing the required number of settlers there.


Return all your settlers from the game board to your player board. 


Choose one location on the game board. 

You can choose any location 

that has neither an Exploration tile nor your own settlers on it. 


 a) place the required number of settlers on that location and 

b) use that location’s action(s).

a) Placing settlers on a location: 

Take the required number of settlers from your player board 

and place them onto the chosen location. 

The required number is determined as follows: 

• If the location is not occupied by any settlers, 

place as many settlers there as shown at the location’s bottom. 

• If the location is already occupied 

 by any number of settlers of another player, 

you must oust those 

by placing the same number of settlers there plus one additional settler. 

Then return the ousted settlers to their owner’s player board.


If Tom wanted to use location A

he would have to place 1 settler from his player board there. 

If he wanted to use location B, he would need to place 4 settlers 

from his player board there and return the 3 blue settlers 

to the player board of their owner. 


Due to benefits of Native Help cards, 

it may happen that a location is occupied 

by fewer settlers than the number on the location’s bottom shows. 

b) Performing the location’s action(s): 

After you have placed your settlers on the location 

you must perform the action according to its type immediately.

There are 4 basic types of locations:

Production locations,

where you gain specific cubes from the supply.

Upgrade locations,

where you upgrade goods in your storage to goods of a higher level.

Trade locations,

where you exchange specific goods from your storage 

for other ones from the supply.

Fort locations,

where you may exchange cubes to claim that location’s Point card 

or take one Bonus tile or both.


If you cannot or do not want to use a location on your turn, 

you must instead collect all of your settlers from the game board 

and place them back onto your player board.

Storage limit

At the end of any turn, if you have more cubes in your storage than spaces available, 

 you must return cubes of your choice to the supply 

until you reach your storage limit of 10 cubes. 

Cube supply limit

The cube supply is considered unlimited. 

If a supply should be exhausted, 

use something else as a substitute.

<Game End>

Once a player claims their 8th Point card, 

finish the current round of play. 

Then the game ends. 

At that point, players count all their points from:

◆ Their Point cards

◆ Bonus tiles they have gained during the game

◆ Exploration tiles they have gained due to certain Point cards

◆ Remaining cubes in their storage: Each non-yellow cube is worth 1 point.

The player with the most points wins. 

If there is a tie, 

the tied player who was last to take a turn wins.