The player who plays the cards in their hand will win the round.

After several rounds, the player who reaches 500 points first will win the final victory.


2~10 players

Scan the QR code above, and see it on your mobile!


19 Blue Cards

19 Green Cards

19 Red Cards

19 Yellow Cards

36 Et cetera Special Cards


<Set up>

1. Each player will draw 1 Card

The player with the highest number shall be the Dealer.

2. The Dealer will deal each player 7 Cards face down.

The leftovers will be organized into one Deck face down.

3. Turn the top card of the Deck over and start the game.

NOTE: If the revealed card is one of the Special Cards, refer to the directions below.


<Game Progress>

1. The game will be played counterclockwise, 

beginning with the player to the left of the Dealer.

2. Players will play the card in their hand of which the color or number matches 

with the top card of the Discard Pile

(For the Special Cards, refer to the directions below.)

3. If you don't have a card to play or either do not want to play, 

draw a single card from the Deck.

(If you drew a card that can be played, you can play it immediately.)

4. <Special Cards>

(1) Draw 2 Card

The Draw 2 Card requires the next player to draw 2 Cards from the Deck.

The given player, however, can toss the penalty to their own next player 

by playing another Draw 2 Card

The starter will have draw 2 Cards and forego their turn 

if the Draw 2 Card is the first card to be revealed.

(2) Reverse Card

The Reverse Card forces the game to be played in reverse.

The game will continue in the opposite direction, clockwise, 

starting from the Dealer if the Reverse Card is the first card to be revealed.

(3) Skip Card

The Skip Card forces the next player to forego their turn.

If the Skip Card is the first card revealed, the Starter's turn will be skipped.

(3) Wild Draw 4 Card

The Wild Draw 4 Card allows the player who played it renewal the color played,

 and requires the next player to draw 4 Cards from the deck.

This card can be played only if you do not have the card that matched the previous card. 

You can, however, try it out. 

- Challenge! -

However, if the following player believes the given player is playing the card improperly,

they may challenge the given player by declaring "Challenge!".

If the challenged player is actually playing the card improperly, 

they will need to draw 4 cards instead. 

If not, though, the challenger will need to draw 6 Cards.

If the Wild Draw 4 Card is the first card revealed, the card will be returned to the deck. 

To begin the game, reveal a new card.

(4) Wild Card

A suspicious condition is not necessary to play the Wild Card.

The player who played it has the option of renewing the color.

(5) Wild Swap Card

The Wild Swap Card allows the player who played it to exchange all of their cards 

with a specific player if desired. And, of course, has the option of renewing the color.

(5) Wild Custom Card

Note the extra rule that every player agreed to prior to the game.

If a player plays the Wild Custom Card, they must follow the turn orders 

and then will receive the option of renewing the color.

If any Wild Card (except the Wild Draw 4 Card) is the first card revealed, 

the Starter has the option of renewing the color.


<How to Finish the game>

1. The player must declare "UNO!

before only holding the very last card (i.e. a UNO-Card).

(You must draw 4 cards if another player catches the situation 

and declares your "UNO" first.)

2. The round is won by the first player to discard all of their cards!

The Winner receives the Point in the manner described below:

<How to calculate Points>

Number Card: The displayed number of points.

Draw 2 Card, Reverse Card, Skip Card: 20 points for each.

Wild Swap Card, Wild Custom Card: 40 Points for each. 

Wild Card, Wild Draw Card: 50 Points for each.

The game is won by the first player to reach 500 points after several rounds!
