Flip over all other tiles considering the rule of the numbers. Facial expressions will be important clues.

The Da Vinci Code Game
The goal of the Da Vinci Code game is to reveal all of your opponents' secret codes before they uncover yours.

* The game can be played with 2 - 4 players

* One game takes about couple minutes ~ 20 minutes

Two sets (one black and one white) of numbered titles from 0-11 and two joker tiles(black and white each 1).

12 number tiles X 2 + 2 joker tiles = 26 tiles 

<Set Up>

1. After subtracting two joker tiles, mix the remaining 24 tiles well and flip them over on the floor so that the numbers are not visible.

2. Take four tiles each randomly and line them up in front of them so that no one else can see the numbers. (4player : 3tiles)
(Tiles can be imported in any color combination)

3. When you set up a tile, you should put the smallest number on the left and the larger number on the right.

<Game Progress>

1. When it's your turn, take one of the tiles you've turned on the floor and set it up in order between the tiles you've already built.

2. We deduce other people's secret codes by pointing to one other person's tile and guessing which number is written on it.

3. The person who is pointed out to the tile immediately informs the result, and if the reasoning is correct, lay the tile down so that the number is visible.

4.If the reasoning is correct, the player who gets it right can do one of the two actions.

Continue reasoning: Continue reasoning for other tiles. You can continue reasoning until you get it wrong, but if you get it wrong at least once, you will lay down the tile you brought this time and reveal it and turn it over.

Finish the turn: Even if the reasoning is correct, you can turn over the turn without continuing the reasoning for other tiles.

5. If there are no tiles on the floor while performing the above order one by one, you should skip getting the tiles and if the reasoning is wrong, you should disclose one of the tiles that has not yet been released.

6. Joker tiles can be placed in the desired location, and once set, they cannot be moved.

<How to Finish the Game>

If only one person remains and everyone else's secret code is revealed, the game is over, and the last one wins.

Enjoy !