Troyes: The Ladies of Troyes

|2-4 Players Ages 12 to Adult | 90 minutes 

With this expansion, the rules of the base game can be modified in five different ways, and you can mix and match those modifications as you see fit. The ladies of Troyes make an appearance in the form of 3 new Character cards that you can include in your games. A new action allows players to move their guard along the ramparts, in order to access new activities outside the city. Each player's head of the family is represented by a new purple die, which can carry out civil, military, or religious actions - your choice! The other players cannot buy this die. There are also 27 new Activity cards and 6 Event cards to add even more variety to the game!


27 new Activity cards (9 military - 9 civil - 9 religious)

6 new Event cards

9 Character cards

8 two-sided outdoor Activity tiles

additional deniers and victory point tokens

2 additional black dice

20 large cubes in the players' colors (1 large cube equals 3 small cubes)

 4 purple dice

 4 rampart guards in the players' colors

2 additional gray neutral citizens


Troyes, the base game, is required to play with this expansion. The goal of the the gameplay are the same as in the base game, except for the changes that are detailed in this rulebook. At the start of the game, the players must agree on which of the following modules they wish to include; you may choose one, several, or even all of them - plenty of options, to maximize the possibilities!

Module 1: New Character cards

Setup: Replace the 6 cards from the base game with the 9 new Character cards before giving each player a secret Character card (2 Character cards each for 2 players). 

How they work: The 6 cards that are identical to the ones from the base game work the same way. The 3 new cards (the ladies of Troyes) are explained in detail in the appendix.

 Variant: One Character card is revealed at the start of the game, when the Character cards are dealt. Everyone can see it, and every player knows that this character will grant VPs to everyone at the end of the game.

Module 2: New Activity cards

Setup: You can use these 27 new cards alone, or shuffle them together with the 27 cards of the base game.

How they work: These cards are described in the appendix.

Important: The Ladies of Troyes introduces two new types of card. Mixed cards have both an immediate and a delayed effect. During the first activation, you place cubes on the card. On a subsequent activation, you can use the cubes to benefit from the card's effect. It is impossible to place cubes and to use them during the same action. During your action, you can use more than one cube from such a card. These mixed-type Activity cards are not subject to the restriction that an action can be modified by only one cube at a time. It is also possible to use a cube from another Activity card to improve the activation of mixed-type cards.

Cards whose effects are delayed until the end of the game: The cubes players place on these will count during the scoring at the end of the game.

Module 3: New Event cards

Setup: You can use these 6 new Event cards alone, or shuffle them together with the those of the base game.

How they work: These cards are described in appendix.

Module 4: The head of the family

Setup: Add one purple die per player to the general supply. Return any unused purple dice to the box.

How they work: Phase 2: Assembling the workforce
Each player adds one purple die, the head of his family, to the other dice to which he is entitled. This die goes together with the others in your district of the city square. The purple die gets rolled during this phase, just like the others. 
Phase 3: Event and Phase 4: Actions
The purple die can be used exactly like the other dice to counter a black die (Phase 3) or to perform an action (Phase 4). You may even utilize influence points to reroll or turn this die over. Two special rules apply to the purple die: 
• It is impossible to buy a purple die from another player. Thus, only the player who rolled the die can use it.
• When you want to use your purple die, you choose its effective color, which can be yellow, white, or red. While it is on the board, the purple die cannot be considered to be yellow, white, or red. 

Notes: If the die is used to counter a black die, it always counts double, because it is assumed that you made it red.
When the Procession card is in play, include the purple die when counting to determine who has the most dice in his district.

Module 5: Rampart guards and outdoor activities

Setup: The ramparts of the city of Troyes form a track of 20 spaces that each player's guard will be able to patrol. Each tower along the wall and each city gate is a space of this track, as shown to the right. Each player places the guard of his color on the top gate, which is equivalent to space 0. 

Note: A city gate represents only one space, even if it comprises two towers. Take one random tile from each level of the outdoor Activity tiles (the level is indicated at the bottom-right of each tile). Place these
four tiles outside the four city gates, clockwise around the city, according to the tiles' levels (the Level I tile is placed outside the first gate along the track; the II tile, outside the second gate; the III tile, outside the third; and the IV tile outside the fourth). The tiles are double-sided; for each one, randomly choose which side is face-up. 

How they work: Phase 4: Actions
A new action is available:
7 Use your guard on the ramparts
With a single die of any color, you can use your rampart guard. This die cannot be modified by delayed-effect cards; however, you can boost the value of the die by paying deniers to the bank. Each denier you pay increases the die's value by one, but the die cannot be boosted beyond a 6. The value of the possibly-boosted die gives you that many action points. You can use each action point in the following ways, as you choose:
• Advance your guard one space along the ramparts. You must always move your guard clockwise. It is not possible to advance past space 20 (see Outdoor Activities in the appendix).
• Place a cube on an outdoor activity to which you have access. Once your guard reaches or passes a city gate, you have access to the outdoor activity outside that gate for the rest of the game.
The only way to add cubes to outdoor activities is by selecting Action 7 - Use your guard on the ramparts. The cubes permit you to benefit from the outdoor activity in the same fashion as delayed-effect Activity cards from the base game, with the difference that you may use outdoor activity cubes during other players' turns and during Phase 3: Events. Each activity is explained in detail on page 4.

Important notes: In the same action, it is possible to use both a cube from a delayed-effect Activity card and cubes from outdoor activities. It is possible to use two cubes from different outdoor activities in the same action; however, it is not possible to use two cubes from the same outdoor activity during the same action 
(even if the action is performed by an opponent). 
• When your guard first reaches the gate at the top of the board, you must place it on the Level IV activity associated with it. You can no longer move your guard on the ramparts; however, you may still use Action 7 Use your guard on the ramparts to put cubes on the 4 outdoor activities.
• The guard otherwise is never allowed to leave the ramparts to be used elsewhere in the game.

[3]Tournament Variant

This simple variant is designed for tournaments for 3- or 4-player games. In Plase 5: End of the round of the penultimate (second-to-last) round of the game, the start player passes the start playercard to his right (instead of his left). Play the final round of the game counterclockwise.

[4]Outdoor Activities

Earn 4 Influence points when an opponent buys at least one of your dice. This requires discarding a cube from this activity during that opponent's turn. You get only 4 Influence points, even if your opponent is buying more than one die.

Earn 4 deniers when an opponent activates an Activity card on which you have a tradesman. This requires discarding a cube from this activity during that opponent's turn. You earn only 4 deniers, event if your opponent activates the card more than once.

Discard a cube from this activity to earn 4 Influence points when placing a citizen on one of the 3 principal buildings.

Discard a cube from this activity to earn 5 additional deniers when using agriculture.

Discard a cube from this activity in order to exchange one die with each opponent, without changing their values. You can only make one such exchange with each opponent. It is thus possible to make up to 3 exchanges per cube. You are allowed to make an exchange with the neutral player. The exchanged dice may be the same color or different colors. Purple dice cannot be exchanged.

Discard a cube from this activity in order to destroy a black die each time you are required to counter the highest-valued black die during Phase 3: Events (you earn the associated Influence point). It is also possible to use a cube from this activity to avoid losing deniers (Drought and Civil War), influence points (Heresy), or a cube (Harsh Winter and Interruption of Work) during Phase 3: Events. It is possible to use several cubes in order to protect yourself from multiple events during Phase 3: Events.

Discard a cube from this activity to turn over an opponent's die that you just bought to perform an action. You must immediately use the die to execute an action.

When you activate an Activity card with a delayed or mixed effect, you can place one of your cubes on this outdoor activity on a delayed, mixed-effect or delayed-until- the-end-of-the-game Activity card of your choice. You do not need to have a tradesman on the other Activity card. Neither the activation cost nor the color of the other card matter. If you choose the Breeder, you must pay 3 deniers in order to place the cube.

Before executing your action, discard a cube from this activity to reroll a die of the color indicated on the outdoor activity. Take this die from the general supply, and place it on your district of the city square. You do not have to use it immediately; you can use it later, or leave it to be bought by another player. You can't use this activity if there are no dice of this color in the general supply.

Important notes: The die you use to place a cube on this activity, via Action 7 - Use your guard on the ramparts, must be of a different color than that of the die shown on the activity. For example, you can't use a yellow die to place a cube on this activity, if this activity allows you to reroll a yellow die.
• You cannot have more than one purple die on your district of the city square.
• You must pay 2 deniers to reroll your purple die.

Discard a cube from this activity in order to earn 2 additional VPs when placing at least one cube on the cathedral or on an Event card.

All players who reach the gate related to this activity earn 3VPs. At the end of the game, each cube placed on this activity earns its owner 1 VP.

At the end of the game, the player who has placed the most cubes on this activity earns 9 VPs; second earns 6 VPs, and third earns 3 VPs. In the case of a tie, the tied players split the VPs of the corresponding

The first player to reach the gate related to this activity places his guard on the first space and earns 6 VPs. The second player to reach it places his guard on the second space and earns 4 VPs. The 3rd and 4th gain 2 and 1 VPs, respectively. It is impossible to place cubes on this outdoor activity.