Fairytale Games: The Battle Royale 

|1 ~ 10 Players|60 MINAges 14 to Adult

The Dark Queen (otherwise known as the Evil Queen), the Queen of Hearts, and the Snow Queen; 3 of the most powerful queens of all realms join forces with the common goal of wiping the population completely, in order to start anew and create a utopia with no poverty, crime, or sickness, all designed with their vision and unquestionable control.

To prevent history from repeating itself, they agree to select a champion to lead the new civilization and firmly guide the people based on knowledge from the past world. This champion must have a strong will, strength, magic, intelligence, persuasive abilities and is proven to be a survivor. Thus the Queens have banished all Heroes and Villains into a fierce competition to see who will survive their Battle Royale. Will it be you?

Fairytale Games: The Battle Royale is a 1-10 player card game which plays like a board game. A normal game lasts from 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how you play. Align yourself with other players, go cutthroat or backstab your friends and reap rewards!

Table of Contents


31 Character Boards

93 Tactic Cards

51 Event Cards

49 Location Cards (Landmark and Basic) 

124 Bonus Cards (Disposable Items, Equipable Items, Legendary Items, Epic Items, Character Cards, Action Cards)

3 NPC Cards

46 Battle Cards

21 Boss/Minion Cards

39 Quest Cards

37 Victory Cards

2 Six-sided Dice

100 Resource Gems


Each character has their own board, identified by the illustration and name on the board.
These boards are used to track the status of your primary character during the game. There are a few important areas you will need to know:

1.Traits: There are different types of traits; Intelligence, Strength, Willpower, Magic, and Persuasion. Traits not only act as a resource to spend on certain cards and abilities, but are also the same as your health. So if you spend too many traits too quickly, you'll end up whittling away your health, making you easy pickings for an opponent. On the character board, you have the respective trait boxes for you to place your RESOURCE GEMS.

2. Reputation: Reputation points are earned for completing Quests or defeating Bosses. Having a certain number of reputation points will allow you to acquire Quests of the same or lower reputation level. Quests of higher levels will offer more rewards but will be much harder to complete. Reputation points can also be BURNED or traded in for a Trait of any kind (though not vice-versa). Although you may burn as many reputation points to get the trait you desire, you may not burn a reputation if there is only 1 left. (You must always have at least 1).

3. Status Bar: This area highlights important character stats such as:

Health: Each character begins the game with a certain number of health. Some characters may have higher or lower health points. You may not have more traits (or health points) than your character's starting amount unless otherwise noted.

Movement (MVM): Characters may vary in movement. The character board shows how many spaces your character may move up to. You do not have to always move that many spaces just as long as you don't exceed your character board's amount (unless you have an item, ability, or spell that lets you do otherwise).

Faction (FCT): This area represents what Faction your character belongs in. In the game, your PARTY gains bonuses per each character of the same Faction and a huge bonus once you have 5 characters in your party of the same faction (see Factions).

Weakness (WEAK): There are some characters that may have weaknesses to certain elements. If your character has a weakness and is being attacked by something with that element, they will take an additional +1 ATK damage. Pinocchio for example, is weak against fire for obvious reasons. If he were to be hit with a Fireball Spell or while in BATTLE, take damage from an opponent equipped with a Flame Sword, he would take the extra +1 ATK damage in addition to the normal attack. Of course he may defend against this extra damage like normal. (Weaknesses are Fire, Ice, Water, Dark, Holy, and Lightning).

Element (ELMT): There are some characters that may harness a type of element. The Sea Witch, for example, harnesses the element of Water. Elements are useful against those weak against them. But be aware that if you attack someone with a spell/ character/item that has the same element as they do, your damage is decreased by 1. In future editions of Fairytale Games, you'll see items and even quests that require the use of specific Elements. (Elements are Fire, Water, Dark, Holy, and Lightning).

4. Signature Move: This area relates to Battle Mode. During Battle, you may use a combination of battle cards to create Signature Moves. These moves do not require traits to be spent and have various effects, depending on your character. Each character has 3 Signature Moves (see Battle).

5. Super Move: Each character has 1 very special Super Move. To initiate it, you must have 5 or less health (unless otherwise stated). Doing these moves are like a "last ditch" effort to win or end combat. When you use a Super Move, your health/trait value will be around 2-3 so make sure you have a pretty good strategy before unleashing your character's super! (See Battle).

6. Item Slots: Each character may equip up to 2 items (unless otherwise stated). Once an item is equipped, you may use it in combat. Be careful though! Items can also be broken, stolen, or destroyed while in your inventory. If you have items in your Quest Hand, you may not equip them in battle to use them. So if you have a shiny new sword, equip it first before you initiate battle. If you're ambushed, can't really help you there.


Making up the bonus deck, are Character Cards, Action Cards, Disposable Items, Equipable Items, Legendary Items, and NPC cards.

Character Cards:

At the start of the game, you will choose 1 character as your PRIMARY CHARACTER. While you play, you may encounter characters while drawing cards from the Bonus Deck. At this point, you may try to have them join you, BATTLE them, or choose to ignore them, by shuffling them back into the bonus deck. Character cards have the following gameplay information:

Persuasion: This is how many persuasion points you need to have on your character board in order to get them to join your PARTY. The number of persuasion points are located on your character board depending on how you distribute them throughout the game.

Trait Bonus: If a character joins your party (with the exception of selecting your character as your in the beginning of the game) you'll gain the same value of Traits as you see under the character name. You can only gain these traits one time, even if this character leaves your party and rejoins later or are resurrected. The total traits cannot be higher than your maximum health total.

Ability: This is the characters' special ability. Some abilities will require the cost of trait points, some will not. Most of the characters will have different abilities that may target players or cards in QUEST MODE, BATTLE MODE, or both.

Action Cards: Cards that may have a trait cost to use. Once used, action cards are discarded. These are normally spells that enhance or affect characters in either Quest or Battle modes.

NPC: Otherwise known as Non-Player Characters. When they pop up, they are immediatelyplaced on the location you are on. Some NPCs are there to complete quests, some begin them, and some may offer new gameplay mechanics. Though the NPC cards are normally used on the map, you may use their respective tokens in the box to represent them.

Item Cards:

Item cards start off in your hand. Some items must be equipped before using their abilities. There are a few different types of Items:

Disposable Items: These can be played from your hand in Quest Mode but must be equipped to use in Battle Mode. Disposable items are discarded once used.

Equipable Items: Armor and weapons are items that can only be used if equipped. These types of items usually enhance your character in some way. Some of them can break (which becomes discarded) while others may restrict movement during Quest mode. You may not equip items (unless otherwise noted) during combat. So if you have some cool gear, make sure it's on you before getting ambushed!

Legendary Items: Any character can use these items but if equipped by its rightful owner, stated on the card, they would receive an additional bonus ability or enhancement. But be aware that if your character is not the rightful owner, there is a chance that it may disappear from your inventory, even if it's equipped! (See Quests).

Epic Items: These are the more powerful items only earned from defeating bosses or completing harder quests. Some of these items may even be keys to beginning or completing quests.

Reinforced Items: There are some protective items you'll come accross that have green boxes. These boxes represent the amount of damage that item can absorb. For example, a Steel Chestplate has +3 Defense and 3 green boxes. If you're attacked by a 2 ATK move, for example, you can either take the entirety of the damage, or have your Steel Chestplate absorb some of it. In this case, you can have it absorb all 2 ATK damage. Doing so will damage your armor. To indicate this, put two green gems on 2 of the 3 green boxes. That means, your Steel Chestplate can only absorb 1 more ATK damage in the future before it's destroyed and has to go into the Bonus Deck discard pile. In another example, if you were attacked by a 5 ATK move and decide to let the Steel Chestplate absorb the attack, you would destroy the armor and 2 ATK damage would carry over to you. You can still defend the attack if you have defense moves or if you have another piece of armor equipped, you may have that item absorb your damage or even distribute the damage between them so that both items survive the attack.


These cards are used in Quest Mode and make up the map of the game. As characters move, they may reveal new lands, offering bonuses or opening new quests. There are 2 types of

Basic Location: These consist of Swamps, Forests, Shore, Grasslands, and Ruins. Though random, some offer draws from the bonus deck, ambushes from minions, or other unique situations.

Landmark Location: These are iconic locations from different realms. For the most part, anyone who enters a Landmark Location the first time gets to draw a bonus card. Landmark Locations may act as a quest or may be an integral part of finishing a quest. Landmarks are unique like the Emerald City.


Each character has 3 Tactic Cards. These are cards that begin dormant/deactivated and can be enabled from abilities, rewards or during battle (See Battle). Tactic cards are different for each character where some may be Battle specific while others are Quest Mode specific.


These cards act as an internal clock for the game. Although there are 50 Event cards in the box, you will only use 30 in a game. At the beginning of every round, an event card is revealed, affecting everyone at the same time. Some may help you while some may give you a huge disadvantage. If there is no clear winner when there are no more Event Cards to draw, everyone loses. Some event cards have DURATION, which may extend the game time.


When you receive a KILL POINT, you will choose either an Alliance or Betrayal card. These cards offer bonuses for helping or harming fellow players respectfully. The cards' effects are ongoing and if its requirement is fulfilled, you will receive a bonus or advantage in the game. These cards also act as indicators for how many kills you've made in the game, which goes towards the win scenario.


Quests may be acquired at the DRAGON INN or through certain instances during the game. The quests are separated into 3 stacks:

A. Easy Quests (Requires reputation of 1-3) 
B. Medium Quests (Requires reputation of 4-6)
C. Boss Quests (Requires reputation of 7+)

You can only draw from the stack that reflects an equal or lower number of Reputation points you have. After drawing a Quest card, you do not have to initiate it and may keep it in your hand. If initiated, some quests have durations in which they need to be completed while others have no time limit. You may only initiate up to 1 Boss Quest and 2 Basic Quests though you may replace a quest by discarding the old one.

Though quests are individually fulfilled, players may work together for Boss Quests. In this case, you will form an ALLY PARTY (See Ally Party). After a Boss Quest has been won, survivors will divvy up the rewards through negotiation. If a player does not feel comfortable with the decision, they may initiate battle with another player to try to claim the rewards for themself (see Quests).


Boss and Minion cards are found off to the side. On one side of their cards, you will see the character and their name. On the back side, you will see their moves, any abilities they may have (or their moves may have) as well as rewards you'll receive for defeating them. Also note that Minions and Bosses have a creature type associated with them (ie. beast, human, etc.) There are some abilities or cards that play on specific creature types.

During Battle Royale, you may encounter minions during Quest Mode. These minions will combat you through an Auto-Battle system (See Battle). Once defeated, each minion will offer a reward. Bosses are encountered through a series of Quest requirements but follow the same Auto-Battle system. As mentioned, you may battle a boss by yourself or with an Ally Party. Be warned, Bosses are pretty powerful and it's not recommended to go up against one without at least 2 characters in your party!


There are tokens for all 31 characters in the game. If you have the Fairytale Games Miniatures of that respective character, you may replace the token and use the mini instead. You will also see some wolf tokens, NPC, and Poison tokens. You may use them as they come up during the game. Heal and Cure potion tokens are used if you play Alchemist Mode.


In the box you'll have 2 six-sided dice (D6). During the game you may have to roll dice for abilities or to determine attacks in battle from the enemy Al.


There are 100 gems in the box, separated by 3 colors, 30 Red, 40 Yellow, and 30 Green. The green gems are used for Reputation points while the Reds and Yellow are for your Trait/Health points (Reds are increments of 5 while Yellows are 1.)


Fairytale Games: Battle Royale offers two main types of play, single player and multiplayer. The game is scalable to up to 10 players at one time with a slight variation at gameplay and win-scenarios.

Battle Royale Mode

In the game there is a "Meta" game and an alternate win scenario. For the Meta game, you are playing Battle Royale the way the Trinity intends you to. You must survive and defeat other players. Battle Royale is a bit unique in that if your main character dies, you will continue as the next character in your party or if you have no characters, you would search the Bonus Deck for any remaining characters and use that one, shuffling the bonus deck before replacing it.

Single Player: In this scenario, you imagine that other entrants in the Battle Royale have been killing each other rather thoroughly or are victims of betrayal. Remaining are 3 characters, which you must kill within 30 days or else you will lose the game. Single player mode is nearly identical to the multiplayer ones with the exception of the kill goal number. The only other difference is when you begin the game, pull 3 characters from the Bonus Card stack and put them randomly faced down on a stack to the side. When 2 landmark locations have been revealed on the map, flip over the first character card and put its corresponding token on the Dragon Inn. This character will have a move of 3 and will always try to move towards you in the closest path. So if their closest path requires them to flip over Location Cards, they will do so. Once they reach your location, they will immediately ambush you.

The same will happen on your 4th and 6th landmark location revealed. Although they will be coming for you, you do not have to proactively battle them. In fact, you can run the opposite direction and get some items equipped before having to stand your ground and face them.

2-4 Players: Your goal is to kill 3 players and 2 characters (they may be a player as well). You may also kill the same player multiple times since they will be utilizing new characters each time they return to Battle Royale.

5-10 Players: Your goal is to kill 2 characters and be the last one standing. Meaning, after the first person kills 2 characters, all deaths are final and if your character dies, you will not be able to choose another character and continue playing. You will have to kill off the remaining players or survive their onslaught.

Tournament Play: This is the true Battle Royale where you can play up to 30 players, though you will need at least 3 copies of the Battle Deck and 300+ Resource Gems. Each player will only be able to use 1 character (if they die, that's it.) The last person standing wins. 10 people will enter Battle Royale at a time and they must move off of the Dragon Inn. Once all 10 players move, the next 10 players enter Battle Royale with a handicap of +5 Traits. The 3rd group of 10 players enter after that, but with a handicap of +5 Traits and +1 Bonus Card.

If you are the winner of Battle Royale, you will go to Epilogue 1 in this book.

Alternate Win Scenario:

There are other ways to win Battle Royale. In this edition, you may defeat the Trinity or Summon the Dark Dragon. Either option is very difficult and will require teamwork and defeating bosses or accomplishing certain quests.

Universal Lose Scenario:

If the Sundial does not have any more Event cards to draw and there is no winner, everyone loses (You will go to Epilogue 2 in this book).

Adventurer Mode:

This is for those who want to experience the Quest Mode to greater detail. You and up to 5 players will each draw 2 bonus cards at the beginning of your turn. You are all considered a Party and may not recruit new members to your party. When facing other characters (drawn from the Bonus Deck) your party must fight them. The turn order will start with whomever initiates the attack, then alternate between player and enemy. For example, in an ambush the enemy goes first, then player 1. After the enemy goes again then player 2, then the enemy and player 3... In this scenario the enemy first attacks player 1, then 2, then 3. Rewards from defeated enemies are split amongst the party.

Another nuance is that Event Cards are still being played, though after there are no more Event cards to draw, the game does not end. Instead, you will reshuffle the Event deck and begin drawing from it again. To win Adventurer Mode you must defeat the Trinity or Summon the Dark Dragon (unless you have addi- tional Win Scenarios from expansions or other editions you want to use).

Alchemist Mode:

For those who need more heal or cure potions, you may alter those respective cards to instead say "Gain a token and reshuffle this card into the Bonus Deck. The token may be discarded to...." (this area reflects the ability of the Heal Potion or Cure Potion.) When doing this, you can use the tokens that come in the box. You may use Alchemist Mode in association with any of the modes in Battle Royale.


Starting from left to right towards the Map, you will place the shuffled decks in this order, face down:

• Bonus Card Deck (Remove the Epic Items and put them aside).
• Easy Quest Deck
• Medium Quest Deck
• Boss Quest Deck
• Location Cards
• Event Cards (Note, there are 50 event cards in the game. You will only use 30 of them).

Above them, you will place these cards face-down:
• Battle Deck
• Minion Cards
• Boss Cards
• End Game Cards (Face-up for anyone to see/examine)
• Alliance Cards
• Batrayal Cards

Of course any tokens, dice, and resource gems will be placed off to the side as well as Tactic Cards that aren't being used at the moment. 

When you begin the game, depending on how many players, each player will need to gather a few things:

• Your Character Card (Bonus Card)
• Its 3 corresponding Tactic Cards
• The corresponding Character Board

In front of each player, your setup should look something like this.

If you notice, the 3 tactic cards are inactive on the left (turned horizontally), the character board is in the middle, and on the character board is your character card.

Each player looks at their character's Health and takes an equal amount of Resource Gems. Divide your resource gems and distribute them any way you want in the trait areas of your character board, with the exception of the reputation box Remember, your traits and health are connected! (See Traits).

After, each player will draw 1 card from the Bonus Deck and put it into their Quest Hand and place the Dragon Inn location card in the middle of the map area. Place all character tokens (or miniature figures) in play, on the Dragon Inn. This will be your starting point. Each player will also recieve 1 reputation point.

Next, assign who will be the Sundial. The Sundial is the person who will be in charge of flipping over Event cards, representing each new day right before the beginning of their turn. You are now ready to begin playing!


When you play, there are two types of modes you will switch from, Quest Mode and Battle Mode. When you are exploring the land and discovering quests, this is called the Quest Mode. When you initiate battle or are ambushed by enemies/players, you will enter Battle Mode.

Event Phase - The Sundial will represent the Trinity and the beginning of the new day. Before anyone can move, the Sundial will flip over an Event Card. This Event will have an action that affects each player, at the beginning of his or her turn. Event cards do not affect anyone currently in battle. As well, there may be events that have durations on them, giving them extra time in play (the Sundial does not flip over a new Event card if the duration is in effect).

NPC Phase - Certain NPCs that appear on the map may have a "MOVE" value on them. During this phase, all NPCs in play will move that value of spaces towards the next landmark location. Once they reach the landmark, they will continue moving towards the next one. NPCs usually have an interactive purpose. Some will stay to help players while others will be discarded once a player accomplishes their task


Starting with the Sundial, each player will have 1 turn (clockwise) until it's the Sundial's turn again. At that point, 1 day has considered passed as well as 1 round. During each player's turn, you will have the following phases:

• First Strategy Phase
• Movement Phase
• Action Phase
• Second Strategy Phase
• End Turn

Strategy Phase - During this phase, you may:
1. Play action cards
2. Use character abilities
3. Use equipment abilities

Movement Phase - During this phase, you can move up to your movement space (noted on your character card). You do not have to move exactly that amount nor do you have to move at all. (See Movement)

Action Phase - During this phase you may:
1. Initiate Battle
2. Equip Items
3. Open a Quest from the Dragon Inn
4. Initiate a Quest from your hand
5. Interact with NPCs (that are already on the Map)
6. Separate your Party
7. Form an Ally Party
8. Character Assist 9. Join Battle


Normally, turns go in the same order beginning with the Sundial. But, if players initiate battle, this is where the order gets changed up quite a bit. In Battle Royale, you do not wait until another player finishes battle. Instead, everyone else continues to move through their turns like normal. For the person in battle, once they have concluded battle, they will pick up their turn after the current player's turn. This will be the new player turn order. The Sundial will always be the sundial unless they are removed from the game. In that case the next person (clockwise) will be the new Sundial. As a Sundial:

• You will need to manage how long you take in battle as other players will be reaping bonus items and completing quests.
• You will need to time when you should initiate battle as turn order may prove to be very important in gaining the upper hand
• You may strategically want to shift the order of your turn to be before or after another player, in order to create the perfect strategy or combo against them.


When you move, you will draw a card from the Location deck and place it face up in the direction you'd like to move. This is called discovering a location. Every space you move towards, you will reveal another location card. You do not have to move the full amount of spaces though you can only move up to your maximum movement value (unless you have something that extends that value.) You may also move onto locations already revealed. To summarize, you are able to move anywhere adjacent to your current location as long as there is an explored location to move on or there are still unexplored locations in the location deck, which you can reveal.

Searching the Land:
Certain locations offer free benefits such as drawing a bonus card, gaining traits, or cleansing your status ailments. If you want the bonus, you must end your movement on that location and "search" it. By doing so, you will flip over the location, depleting that location of its bonus (exhausting it).

Re-searchable Land:
Some locations can be searched multiple times before flipping them over. These locations have green. boxes on them. Once the location has been searched, the second time it's searched, place a resource game on the green box. After the first time, it will cost 2 traits to search the location a second time. If the box has a third box, it would take 3 traits to search it the third time and so forth. That said, the same character may search the location multiple times. After the location reaches its limit of re-searchability, the location flips over like normal, indicating it has been exhausted of its bonuses.

While moving, you may reveal a location card that ends your movement, such as being ambushed. In this situation, you would end movement and enter battle immediately, ending your Quest Mode turn. You be in Battle Mode until you leave battle (through winning, losing, or escaping.) If the enemy is a random one, randomly select from the Minions that match your reputation point value or below. Once battle has concluded, flip over the location. Ambushes come between the movement and strategy Phases.

Even after the Location Deck has been depleted, you can move around the revealed locations, as they are now part of the overall map. During the game, some locations can be destroyed, changed, or even brought back to its original state. So keep this in mind as you place your locations. We know it's pretty funny making weird design patterns on the map, but be careful not to get trapped by other players by creating too many dead ends!


There are 3 types of Quest Decks, Easy, Medium and Boss Quests. Each deck requires you to have a minimum of a certain number of Reputation Points before being allowed to Open them. To Open a quest, you have to be on the Dragon Inn location and during your Planning Phase, you may draw a quest from the respective quest pile. For example, if you have 2 Reputation Points on your character board, you may not draw from the Medium or Boss Quest decks. One thing to note about Opening quests, is that you may search the Quest Deck your are opening from and choose which quest you'd like, much like going into a Tavern and asking the barkeep for the newest Quests in a fantasy game. Boss Quests are the only type of quests that may be shared with another player.

• Easy Quests require a reputation of 1-2
• Medium Quests require a reputation of 3-4 
• Boss Quests require a reputation of 5+

When you Open a quest, you put that quest into your Quest Hand. Doing so does not make that an active quest. To Initiate the quest, you would play it face up by your character board during your Planning Phase. You may initiate a quest right after you open it. You can play a total of 1 Boss Quest and a mix of 2 Easy or Medium Quests at one time. If you have a new quest you'd like to put in play, you will have to replace an initiated quest by discarding the old one in the Quest Discard pile. Among these quests are 3 main types of quests, Basic, Character, and Boss Quests.

Basic Quests:
These are your normal quests. Completing them will reward you with a small bonus and/or reputation points.

Character Quests:
These are much harder and require a specific event/trigger to occur. Character Quests are open for anyone though you will get an additional bonus if you have the character (in your party) that is listed in Blue on the card. Usually it is that Character's Legendary Item. If you complete a quest and receive the said Legendary Item, if it is in play and even equipped by another player, it will be removed and placed into your Quest Hand automatically. You see, your character's Legendary Item is bound to your character so it will magically appear if you complete the quest that deems you worthy of it.

Boss Quests:
Some will start off with you having to do a few things before getting to the Boss, but eventually the Boss Battle will happen. You may work with others or try to take on the Boss yourself Bosses are very powerful and may wipe you out completely if you don't plan ahead. By defeating bosses, the rewards are usually great so pick your fights correctly!


If you draw a character from the Bonus Deck, you may choose to recruit them. If you do, you must make sure their Persuasion cost (upper left area) is equivalent (you don't spend them) to the minimum number of persuasion traits you have on your character board
 (bottom left). If a character joins you in your party, eave your primary character on top and slide the other characters to the right of your Player Board.

You may now have access to 4 Item Slots. In this case, you would take the corresponding character's tactic Cards and Character Card and place it by your character board. With more party members, you will be able to use their character card abilities and tactic cards without having to switch between them. For example, if you have the chance to enable a tactic card, you can enable one of theirs instead of Our primary character's tactic.

Quest Mode you may switch characters during your Action Phase but your traits and health points must carry over exactly as is (note that your maximum health may not exceed the health on your character board.)

Battle Mode you may only switch characters if your battle card allows you to. In that case, you will ave access to the Super Moves and Signature Moves (along with elements and weaknesses) of the haracter you are fighting as. There are also ways for the enemy to Knock Back your fighting character o one of your Ally Characters instead.


you and other players may form an Ally Party. An Ally Party may consist of up to 3 Players at one time, though each player may have multiple characters in their own party. To form an Ally Party, all players evolved agree and remove their character token form the board. They will now use one character among all of them to represent the Ally Party. Place that character on the Dragon Inn. The token's movement is equivalent to the character with the highest movement among all the characters in each idividual party of the Ally Party. The Ally Party is now a grouped turn that happens after the last active player's turn and will remain this way until players leave the party.

While in an Ally Party, any effect that targets the token will affect the entire party. For example, if another player is able to deal 3 ATK damage to the token in Quest Mode, each player in the Ally Party will have to deal with the same threat separately, though they may help each other.

If a player decides to initiate battle against the Ally Party token, they are trying to ambush the entire party. So in this case, the battle order will be:

• Non-Ally Party Player attacks 
• Ally Party Player 1 attacks 
• Non-Ally Party Player attacks 
• Ally Party Player 2 attacks 
• Non-Ally Party Player attacks

If an Ally Party receives a reward, they will have to divide it among themselves as a group consensus.

If player wants, they may Dissolve their alliance at any time. By dissolving, your turn order now begins after the last active person's turn. You may also initiate battle against an Ally Party once you have left their party.

In an internal dispute where you have just defeated a Boss and cannot come to terms as to who gets what reward, you may cause Conflict by dissolving from your Ally Party before rewards are distributed, and immediately initiate battle with the Ally Party. Before Battle Initiates, any player who does not want tc get involved may Ignore Conflict. Those who ignore conflict will not participate in battle. If the Ally Party player is victorious, they will decide how to distribute the rewards (they may not take all of it themselves) within their party. Those who did not battle may not have any objections. If the player who caused Conflict wins, they take all of the rewards.


During the game you may recruit other characters to join your individual party. But at times, you may want to separate your party members. You can do so at any time during your Planningn Phase by placing a token at your location representing the other character. During your next movement phase, you may move both characters separately, though only 1 character may search locations per turn. Eithe character may initiate battle, or be ambushed in battle.

• You will retain any faction bonus while separated but essentially your characters may be killed as if the were individual characters.
• You may not join an Ally Party if your party is separated.
•  When both characters are separated, your non-primary character has their own health points and begins with max health points. If reunited with the party (during the action phase) your primary character's health and traits will retain the traits from the lowest character between both characters.


You may enter battle by two means, initiating battle or being ambushed. When you initiate a battle against an enemy, you will be on the offensive and will go first. If you are ambushed, the enemy begins first and is on the offensive. You may only initiate battle with another player if you share the same location as them. But, like everything, there are abilities and cards that allow exceptions to this rule. While you are in battle, your character token stays in the same location on the Quest Mode map. Other players may interact with your character only if they Assist or Join Battle.

Battle Deck:
In the Battle Deck there are a few types of cards to take note of:

• Attack Cards - These are your attacks, causing possible damage to your enemy. Any weapons or some abilities/cards you have can add to the damage on the card.
• Defense Cards - This is how much you can defend. For example, if an enemy attacks you with an ATK of 3 and you play a card with a DEF 2, you will only take 1 ATK damage; If you are attacked by an attack of 2 and you defend with a DEF 2, you will take no damage.
• Tactic Card - You may play this at any time. This enables a tactic card of your choice.
• Heal Card - This is a way to regain some health/traits.
• Cure Card - This card rids you of ailments such as Poison or Stun.
• Escape Card - You may use this card any time to try to escape battle, though it will be a gamble of who wants to spend the most traits. Upon a successful Escape, your enemy may not initiate battle with you while sharing the same location as you for 2 turns or until you move out of that location.

There are also some battle cards that give status effects to a move you play. "Spear" for example, can add Pierce to your attack

Tag Outs:
Some cards or abilities will allow you to Tag Out your current character with a different character of your choice in your party. Although your Health/Traits stay exactly the same (even the same distribution on your character board), you will now be using the Signature Moves and Super Move of the next character. You cannot Tag Out if you have no other character in your party.

Knock Back:
Some cards will let you Knock Back an enemy, forcing them to use a different character in your party of your choice to fight you. Although their Health/Traits stay exactly the same (even the same distribution on your character board), they will now be using the Signature Moves and Super Move of their next charac- ter. You cannot Knock Back an enemy if they have no other character in their party.

The advantage of Tag Outs and Knock Backs is that it changes the dynamic of battle. If you were using a character more focused in magic and your traits were stacked that way, knocking your character back so that you're using someone high in strength makes it more difficult for you to battle with.

Status Effects:
In battle, there are different status effects you may come across. If a move has one of these status effects and you take any amount of damage from that move (successful hit), then the following may occur:

• Break - One of your equipped items is discarded.
• Bleed - Enemy rolls a die and adds that value to the move they just attacked with.
• Pierce - The move ignores 1 equipped armor
• Poison - If you are hit with poison, receive a poison token. At the beginning of your turn, you will receive 1 unblockable ATK damage until the status has been cured. During Quest Mode, poison hits you during your Strategy Phase, before your Movement. You may have more than 1 poison token at one time. 
• Stun - You may not attack on your next attack turn.
• Dizzy - You discard your current Battle Hand and draw 1 card.


To begin battle, you and your enemy will use the Battle Deck and share it, as a community deck. Each player begins by drawing 5 cards from the battle deck. The player who initiates the battle goes first and is on the offensive. At this time, they will play any attack, heal, cure, tactic, or escape cards. If an attack is played, the defending player may play a defense card to try to offset the damage. You may only play one defense card in reaction to 1 attack card (unless otherwise noted.)

Note that attack cards require you to spend traits, essentially lowering your health. Although you can win a battle without equipped items, well-worn weapons or armor can make a 15 minute battle a 2 minute one.

After the attack is resolved, the player on offense may play another attack Once again, the defending player may defend. If they do not defend, they will simply take the full damage. This will continue until the offensive player cannot or does not want to play any additional cards. At this point, the offensive player ends their turn and the defending player becomes the offensive player while the offensive player be- comes the defending one.

At the beginning of next player's turn (in this example, it's player 2) both players may keep any cards in their hand and draw up to 5 cards from the Battle Deck If there are no more cards to draw, reshuffle the discarded battle cards to form a new deck and continue drawing.

Turns vs Rounds:
A turn is a player's individual turn, such as their attack turn. A Round is a full cycle that goes from an individual's attack turn, their enemy's attack turn, then the beginning of their attack turn again.

Signature Moves:
Each character's character board shows their Signature Moves (top right section). Signature moves are excellent and effective combat elements that may cause damage or have added effects without the cost of trait points. Each character has their own set of 3 Signature Moves. To use these moves, you'll need the correct combination of cards. For example:

You may use as many Signature Moves as you are able to play them. (Note: If you have more characters in your party, you cannot access their Signature Moves. You will have to be that character to access their Signature Moves.)

Super Moves:
On your character boards, you will see your character's personal Super Move. Think of these as des- peration moves, as the requirement will normally be that you have 5 or less health points. Although each Super Move is different between characters, they will usually require you to spend enough traits to leave you with very little health - so make it count! Super Moves vary and can give you a huge advantage or sometimes may very well depend on luck Explore the different characters to see which one works the best for you! (Note: If you have more characters in your party, you cannot access their Super Moves. You will have to be that character to access their Super Move.)

Fleeing Battle:
Before the beginning of your attack phase, you may choose to Flee Battle. Different than an escape, this one has a higher risk of failure. To Flee, you and your enemy will roll one D6 die each. If you roll higher, you may Flee Battle. If you roll less, you do not flee and instead, end your attack phase and your enemy's first attack will be unblockable.

Upon a successful flee, your enemy may not initiate battle with you while sharing the same location as you for 2 turns or until you move out of that location.


There is a specific Battle Mechanic for enemies controlled by the game such as Minions, Bosses, or Characters you decide to battle from the Bonus Deck

VS. Automated Bosses and Minions:
Like battling against a player whomever initiates battle will begin their turn first and as the offensive attacker. Let's say for this example you are Snow and you initiate battle against a Wolf.

Begin battle by drawing 5 cards from the battle deck. You may start playing an attack card. Once played, roll a die to see if the enemy defends (represented by the shield icon). By matching the die value to the corresponding die symbol on the Minion card, you can see the results. Some enemies have O value for defense, such as the Wolf.

Keep following this pattern until you decide to end your attack turn. Once again, discard any cards and draw up to 5 cards. On your enemy's attack turn, you will roll a die and match the corresponding symbol on the Wolf Min- ion card. Based on that attack value, you will play a defense card. Automated enemies will only attack you once unless noted otherwise. While battling Automated enemies, you may still Flee or play Escape cards. Escape cards have a different mechanic in this case, as you will roll a die for the enemy. Whatever the value is will be what you would need to spend in traits +1 in order to successfully leave battle with the Escape Card. There is no penalty for a failed Escape Card attempt. Once battle has ended, if you are victorious, you will receive any rewards from killing the enemy. You will return to Quest Mode in the turn order after the current active player has finished their turn.

VS. Automated Characters:
When you draw a character from the Bonus Deck, you may choose to recruit them, ignore them (by shuffling them back into the bonus deck), or Ambush them. If you Ambush them, you are essentially initiating battle against them. Since they are Automated (controlled by the game), their mechanics are a bit different during battle. In this ex- ample, let's say you are Red and you initiate battle against an automated Hook

Once again, draw 5 cards. Place Hook's character card in front of you. Hook begins at full health; Per his charac- ter board, he has 20 health points. Since you initiated battle, you will play your attack card first. Let's say you play a Heavy attack (spend 1 trait to deal 3 ATK damage.) Now, it's your enemy's turn to defend. By looking at Hook's character card, you'll notice that he has 3 different types of traits in the middle of his card (persuasion, intel- ligence, and strength). Based on this, he will flip over 3 cards, one at a time, from the Battle Deck If any defense cards are revealed by the third card, add up all the defense values to represent how much Hook defends for. (Alice, for example has 4 different types of traits so she will flip over 4 cards instead of 3). Note that if Hook draws anything other than a defense card, it will not count as a defense.

After Red ends her attack turn, it's now time for Hook to attack. Once again, based on the number of different traits he has on his character cards, he will draw and reveal that many cards. The difference is that any attacks drawn, will have a cumulative value representing one large attack against Red. For example, if he had drawn 2 Heavy cards and 1 Weak his one attack move will be equal to 7 ATK damage in which Red would have to defend against. Remember, Red can only use 1 defense card against that attack since it is considered a single attack.

Because of this attack, Hook will still have to spend trait points. So taking the cost of each card, Hook will lose 3 traits (bringing him to 17 health) in order to deal a possible 7 damage.

If Hook instead, drew 2 Heavy and 1 Rabid, he will ignore the Knockback ability and instead automatically add Poison to his now 6 ATK damage attack If any point of damage hits Red, she will receive a Poison token.

What about the other unique Battle Cards? The following are their effects if drawn by an automated character:

• Heal: If the enemy draws this, immediately roll a die to determine how many traits they gain and apply it. They may not exceed their maximum health points.
• Cure: If they have any status ailments or buffs, immediately remove them and give the enemy +1 health/trait.
• Tactic: They get another attack turn following this one.
• Escape: Roll against the enemy. If they succeed, reshuffle their character back into the Bonus Deck If they fail or if a tie occurs, end their turn and continue battle.


While a character is in battle with an enemy, you may assist them or join the battle. There is a big difference and depending on how you play, it's a great way to build allies or make enemies.

While sharing the same location as the player(s) in battle, you may choose to Assist by stating your intention during your Planning Phase. In this case, you are able to interact with any player in battle (even a Minion or Boss), but are limited to:

• Using Disposable Items (Heal, Cure, Poison, etc) on anyone in battle
• Loaning Weapons or Armor to players to equip (you may not equip an item on a Minion or Boss) 
• Using Action Cards.
• Using Character Abilities
• Using Tactics

Assisting battle, you may not deal direct physical damage to any character in battle unless it's from an action card or a character ability. Likewise, characters in battle may not deal physical damage to those assisting. Players battle may also interact with those assisting by:

• Using Disposable Items (Heal, Cure, Poison, etc) on assistants
• Passing Weapons or Armor to assistants to prevent them from breaking (or to free up an item slot) 
• Using Action Cards
• Using Character Abilities
• Using Tactics

When the battle ends, the victorious player in battle may choose to share any rewards they receive, though it is not required.

While on the same location as a player entering battle, you may choose to join the battle. If you choose to do so, your turn will follow the last offensive character. In this case, you will immediately draw 5 cards from the Battle Deck If you join a battle you may deal damage and defend as if you were in a normal battle, though any players may choose who to deal damage to. For example, if Red is battling the Big Bad Wolf and you (Goldilocks) joins the battle. During your attack phase, you may choose to attack Big Bad Wolf or Red or keep helping strictly one character, keeping in mind that Red or Big Bad Wolf may attack you if they choose to. If one character is killed, (in this example let's say Red is killed) Goldilocks and Big Bad Wolf may call 'a truce and end the battle. Big Bad Wolf will enter Quest Mode first, then Goldilocks (for turn order). If Red and Big Bad Wolf ended battle without killing each other, whoever escaped battle first would enter Quest Mode first in turn order.

In the case of Joining Battle when a player is battling with an automated enemy, you may still choose which character to attack. But, the automated enemy will ALWAYS attack players no matter if you help them or not. For example, if Hook were battling a Troll and you (Goldilocks) join the battle, you would join in after the active attacking character (let's say it's Hook). So the turn order would be Hook attacks, the Troll attacks Hook, Goldilocks attacks, the Troll attacks Goldilocks, then Hook attacks, etc. If you join a battle against an automated enemy and you win, you will not receive any reward from the kill unless you were in an Ally Party with Hook.


Whenever you successfully kill an enemy, their character gets discarded in the Bonus Card Discard pile. To signify your Kill Point, you will draw from one of the two Victory Stacks, Betrayal or Alliance.

These cards represent 1 kill point but also doubles as an active reward card. When you receive one, place it face up by your initiated quests. If you complete the task on the victory card, you'll gain its reward. Victory Cards stay face-up and active, meaning you can keep reaping the rewards whenever you complete its task. As you earn more kills, more active Victory Cards will be available for you to gain multiple rewards.

Betrayal cards differ than Alliance as you get rewarded for doing negative things to other players while Alliance gives your rewards for helping them. Though you can have a mix of both types of Victory cards, it's a good idea to focus on your own play style.


You may recruit up to 4 other characters in your party for a maximum of 5 characters in your party. Al- though there are no requirements for who is in your party, having 2 or more characters with the same fac- tion give you pretty useful bonuses.

Here are the list of Factions, their symbols and their bonuses. Team Bonuses are if you have 1-4 charac- ters that share the same faction in your party. Faction Bonuses are if you have all 5 characters. (Note: In the expanded universe of Fairytale Games you will find more characters that share these factions which you can use in Battle Royale).

The Wild Ones
STEADY PACE (Two to Four Characters in your party)
+1 MVM for each like faction character in party (up to 4).

SCATTER (All Five Characters in your party)
When in Battle, playing an Escape card ALWAYS succeeds.

The Horror Show
SHARPENING THE BLADES (Two to Four Characters in your party)
Equipped Weapons give +1 ATK Bonus in Battle per each like faction character in your party (up to 4).

DIE AGAIN (All Five Characters in your party)
Whenever you would roll a die, you may ignore it and roll again.

The Dark Ones
BLOOD PACT (Two to Four Characters in your party)
You can sacrifice your ally to gain +2 Health per each like faction character in your party (up to 4).

MIND SHIFT (All Five Characters in your party)
At the beginning of Battle, rearrange your enemy's trait points on their character board in any order (it must have the same number of points it currently has and you may not remove/change reputation points).

The Merceneries
HUNTING (Two to Four Characters in your party)
Can Initiate Player battle up to +1 space away for each like Faction Ally in your party.

UNLIKELY HOSTAGE (All Five Characters in your party)
At the beginning of battle, you can take one of your enemy's ally. They cannot use that Ally or its ability unless they lose 10 traits to regain control of their Ally. If they do not pay the trait cost by the end of battle, their ally is reshuffled into the Bonus Deck.

Children of Magic
APPRENTICESHIP (Two to Four Characters in your party)
Quests or items that require magic traits, require 1 less per each faction character in party (up to 4).

SPELLCASTER (All Five Characters in your party)
You may play an action card from the Bonus Discard pile as if it were in your hand.

The Fugitives
RUMMAGE (Two to Four Characters in your party)
When you draw a bonus card, you can reshuffle it into the Bonus Stack and re-draw again (before you put it into your hand).

DISTRACTION (All Five Characters in your party)
You may spend 3 Traits to enable a tactic card of your choice.

• When you get the FACTION BONUS, your original TEAM BONUS still applies
• Bonuses apply even if you're separated on the board with your allies as long as they are still considered part of your party
• If another player agrees to be in your Ally Party or vice versa, faction bonuses count for the entire party if, for example they control 3 of the 5 Faction characters and you the remaining 2.
• There are no extra bonuses for having a joined party with more than 5 faction characters (ie. Ally Party) 
• If your party has two faction combinations, you will gain the bonus of both.

There are new characters to be discovered with new expansions and promo cards. These characters are not only playable within Battle Royale, but also expand on the current factions or may have characters that belong in the above factions. See which characters work well with your best team!


Included in the box are 2 End Game Quests. If you are able to complete their requirements, you may read their corresponding Epilogues in this book.

• If you win Battle Royale mode, read Epilogue 1.
• If everyone loses, read Epilogue 2.
• If you complete the quest "Finding Safe Haven", read Epilogue 3.
• If you complete the quest "To Summoning Darkness", read Epilogue 4.

EPILOGUE 1 Requirement: You win Battle Royale Mode

As you gaze upon your blood stained hands, you crack a confused smile. You did it, your survived - But at what cost? You question your morals as you flash back to all the death, betrayal and uneasy alliances during the Battle Royale. Was it truly worth it?

Yes. Yes it was.

In fact, you suddenly feel a power resonating from within you. You move your hand across your shattered ribs, ready to cringe in pain, but the pain never comes. Surprised you look down and see that the gash from the knife wound you took on your arm begins magically healing itself. Amazed, you now stand up straight only to be greeted by a gentle white light from above. Holding your hand over your eyes to shield yourself from the brightness, you vaguely see an image of 3 women.

"Well done, my Champion" bellows a powerful female voice. "You have proven yourself to us and for that you shall be rewarded richly."

"What do I do now?" You reply, ever so meekly.

"We will rebuild the realms, destroying everyone left and re-creating a world in our vision where you will be our herald, a legendary warrior that the new world will look up to" explained the other, higher pitched female voice.

"Since history tends to repeat itself, especially with the sins of living beings, you will guide them with your newfound strength, intellect, understanding of magic, willpower and persuasive abilities," continued the third, softer-spoken female. "We will mold you into this legend while you dedicate your loyalty and heart to us..."

".... Knowing that if you fail, you can always be replaced," finalized the first female voice, followed by a menacing laughter.

You tremble with fear after hearing the last statement, yet your eyes beam with excitement. Has the Battle Royale broken you to the point where you no longer feel remorse for taking the lives of your friends and allies? Or deep down, were you never the person everyone expected you to be? It doesn't matter. This was a new beginning and you are to become a legend. Whatever made you who you are now, kept you alive. If there was even a glimmer of regret, you need to become a greater Legend to honor those whose sacrifice proved your worth to the Trinity.

"Yes, my Queens. I am ready."

EPILOGUE 2 Requirement: 30 days pass an there is no winner.

A ferocious echo of thunder can be heard resonating throughout the realms, some louder than others. No, not thunder but the sound of 30+ enchanted neck collars detonating with a deafening explosion. In an instant, the screams around the realms became silent and only the smell of brimstone would remain of these casualties.

"Bah, another useless group!" Exclaimed a now, furious Evil Queen. "Disappointing. Not even one potential Champion!"

"Calm down," reassured the Frost Queen. "Let's release the next group of captives and see if they are better suited for survival".

"Ha! I do believe that THIS group will prove most interesting to watch." Happily spoke the Queen of Hearts. Just look at who we have here - vicious versus the valiant".

Realizing that they were right, the Evil Queen gestures the other Queens to put their arms over the glowing cauldron. As they chant their spell, 30 new beings materialized across the Fairytale Games realms, scattered and confused. Memories of those that just died from disintegration were wiped clean from all the inhabitants within the Fairytale Games.

"How long do you wager it'll take these new ones to realize their enchanted neck collars?" Asked the Queen of Hearts.

"Does it even matter? Even after putting it together, the last group failed to become stronger even understanding the game they are playing." Sighed the Evil Queen.

"I don't know," the Frost Queen began "I have a feeling that we might have to get our hands dirty with this group."

EPILOGUE 3 Requirement: Complete "Finding Safe Haven"

You sprint with the last of your stamina and energy, gathering your last breaths while you ignore the pain from your broken bones. You hear explosions and screams unlike anything you've heard before, but you don't look back. You see the Enchanted Forest just up ahead and you disassociate yourself with the world collapsing behind you, shattering the ground just barely each step behind you.

As you leap into the Enchanted Forest with an amazing finish, you feel your body give away as you pass out into the light. Are you dead?

Your eyes begin to flutter open, blurry at first, but suddenly you see a person - with wings - a fairy? "Hello, you made it!" Gleefully giggled the tiny airborne girl. "We were afraid you became a casualty!"

"We?" You spoke, in a raspy voice. As she nodded, you look around, surprised to see many familiar faces. Some of those you fought, many you fought alongside with. Confused, you continue, "What happened? What's going on?"

With a calm demeanor another fairy, this time a more mature one appears.

"Because of your heart, spirit and fortitude you and your allies were able to defeat the Trinity and restore peace to this land. Although we do not know how to return to our original realms, we do know that the Trinity is gone and we are able to coexist in this Fairytale Games universe.“

"Yes" a beast like creature begins, "We are all survivors of the Battle Royale and have decided to rebuild what was once destroyed. We sacrificed many things and people to defeat the Trinity. With your help with everyone's help - maybe we can create a new vision for this land."

Trying to grasp the situation, you slowly stand. Looking around you see those around you nod and smile without animosity or ill intention. Realizing that all your wounds have completely healed, you breathe in as much fresh air as your lungs can hold, then exhale in a sigh of relief. You know that the memories of Battle Royale haven't sunk in yet, but you smile. You smile genuinely for the first time in a long time and it feels good.

As it seems everyone is waiting for your response, you look to the Fairy Godmother and with confidence and hope you say, "So, when do we begin?"

EPILOGUE 4 Requirement: Complete "To Summon Darkness”

From the distance you hear thunder and lightning. The sound consumes the air as the wind picks up, stronger and stronger until it's hard to keep yourself standing without holding onto something.

"It's working!" Shouts Rumplestiltskin, barely holding onto a marble column.

Several flashes of lighting strike around the large, circular emblem created with blood and magic on the marble floor of the ruins. Books and debris begin swirling around the emblem.

"Use your deflection spell to protect yourselves!" Shouted Bastinda.
"What?!?" Screamed Morgan La Fey "I can't hear a word you're saying."

Sound became mute as thunder and lighting continued to crackle, chaining from one after another. The emblem begins to glow a bright purple fluorescence in the blackness of the night. The candles seemed insignificant to the illumination coming from the magic. Suddenly, a large tornado of darkness appears on top of the emblem, sucking everything into its void.

"Hold on to anything you can!" Screamed the Sea Witch at the top of her gilled lungs.

The pressure and pull from the vortex was unbearable. It takes all of your strength to keep yourself from flying away. As you think that, you lose your grip and scream as you're sucked towards the emblem. While airborne, you flash back to Battle Royale and how your alliance with the Dark Ones managed to trick the other factions into weakening the Trinity, while also providing you a chance to help summon the Dark Dragon spell. Believing your victory to be short-lived, you make your peace then realize you must have just shattered your tailbone. Pain rushes to your spine as you notice the wind has stopped and you are positioned squarely on the emblem. You look to the side as your allies begin gathering themselves.

"Something's not right," Explains Mother Goose. "This.... Should not happen."

Silence. For what seemed like hours, you're surprised to be jolted alert by a scream in the distance, followed by more screams. You glance over to see your comrades staring at something, frozen white as sheets. You turn to the direction they're looking at as utter fear takes over every inch of your body. You see a glow of vacant darkness from eyes, huge eyes, glaring at you. The massive beast bellows JAB. BER. WOK" in a blood curdling rage that echoes for miles. As you slowly back away, you whisper under your breath,

"Thorne, what have you done?"

To Be Continued...