The objective of the game is to deceive your opponent and pull your cockroach piece towards your side of the board. Players take turns being the guesser and the deceiver, aiming to avoid the red crosses and flip the pieces to the green side first. The player who gets their cockroach to the final square first wins the game.

Kakerlaken Poker

for 2 people|10min~15min

1. 1 board 

2. four cockroach token

3. one king token

4. four tokens (3 green, 1 red)

objective of game

1.Place the game board in the center of the table

2.Place the four cockroach tokens in the designated spot in the center of the game board

3.Set aside the real crown-carrying piece for now

4.The two players sit facing each other and take turns performing the roles of the guesser and the deceiver.

How to play the game


1.The player who has seen a cockroach most recently takes on the role of the deceiver and takes the four square pieces

2.The deceiver aims to place the pieces in such a way that the guesser, their opponent, flips a piece with a red cross before they flip a ✅ green piece

3.The deceiver flips each piece and places it on the dotted squares of the game board in each row

4. The deceiver can move the pieces around as much as possible to confuse the guesser


1. Once the four pieces are placed face down on the game board, the guesser takes their turn.

2.The guesser flips the pieces one by one, aiming to reveal three pieces with green sides first.

3. If the guesser flips a piece with a ✅ green side, they can move the cockroach in that row one space towards their side

❌ Red Cross

1.If the guesser flips a piece with a ❌ red cross, their turn ends immediately.

2. The cockroach in that row can no longer be moved towards the guesser's side and remains in its current position.

3.If there are still pieces that haven't been flipped, the deceiver can move the cockroach in that row one space towards their side

4. Note: If the guesser flips all three ✅ green pieces without revealing a ❌ red cross, their turn ends, and the last ❌ red cross piece is not flipped. The cockroach in that row remains in its current position.

Then, the roles are switched. The current round's guesser becomes the deceiver for the next round and takes the four square pieces. The deceiver now becomes the guesser, and a new round begins

End of the game 

The first player to move one of their cockroaches to the final square, reaching the guesser's zone, ends the game and wins

The Real Cockroach Duel (Advanced Mode)

n the Real Cockroach Duel, the deceiver also receives the real piece. At the start of their turn, they crown a chosen cockroach with the 👑 crown, designating it as the 👑 Queen Cockroach. The order does not matter; they can place the pieces on the game board first and then crown the cockroach or vice versa. When pieces in the queen's row are flipped, the following rules apply

-✅ If the piece has a green side: Move the 👑 Queen Cockroach 2 spaces towards the guesser's side

-❌ Red cross: Move the 👑 Queen Cockroach 1 space towards the deceiver's side.

-If there are still unflipped pieces, move the cockroach in each row 1 space towards the deceiver's side

-Note: If the guesser flips a red cross piece in another row first, move the 👑 Queen Cockroach 2 spaces towards the deceiver's side