Kaker Laken Poker

2~6 Players

It's a game where you have to trick as many cards as possible to the player.

Player who no longer have cards to cheat on will lose.

If you scan the QR code above, you can see it on your mobile!


64 cards (8 cards separated by 8 colors)

8 fart bug cards

8 toad cards

8 scorpion cards

8 mouse cards

8 fly cards

8 bat cards

8 cockroach cards

8 spider cards

<Game Progress>

Distribute 64 cards equally.

(Don't use the card left over after dividing)

The player gives one of his cards to one person and mention the type of card he/she has.

(You can tell him/her a lie.)

1. Checking the card

The person who receives the card will guess the truth/false and check the card.

Put it in front of you if it's wrong.

(If you get it right, put it in front of your opponent.)

2. Handing over the card

Check the card only for yourself and hand it over to someone else by saying a type of creature. (ex. "This is a spider card")

(You can also tell him/her a lie.)

(The recipient can also guess or hand over the card.)

The person who takes the card picks the card from his/her hand and repeats the round.

<How to finish the game>

If one player collects 4 same-type cards, the game ends and he/she loses.

In a 2-player game, the player who collects 5 same-type cards loses.