Jolly & Roger

It's a game where you get more points

by plundering more treasures than your opponent.

The person with the highest total wins and becomes the new pirate king.

If you scan the QR code above, 

you can see it on your mobile!

50 cards. 
( There's a parrot on the back. )

Eight red pirate cards (three, two, and 111 treasure cards, respectively.

10 blue pirate cards 
(four, two, two, one, one, each of treasure 1-5 treasures)

Twelve yellow pirate cards 
(four, three, two, two and one treasure, each)

13 green pirate cards (4, 3, 2 and 2 treasures, respectively)

7 Special Cards

Three Kraken, two Skeleton, two Tortugas.

2 Treasure Box Cards

four ships

A red ship. (Treasure 9)

A blue ship. (Treasure 7)

A yellow ship (Treasure 5)

A Green Boat (Treasure 3)

Captain's 8 horses.

- Four black.

- 4 gray.

One pirate flag, (Please put it together.) 

<Game Preparation>

Seven special cards are not used in the first game.

Mix 43 pirate cards well and randomly remove 3 of them.

Do not check the front of the three removed sheets.

<Game Start!>

The starting player takes the pirate flag.

A player whose turn is to be called a 

"dividing pirate" opponent is called a

 "choosing pirate"

1. Divide cards

The "dividing pirate" will be opened on the front page by pulling out 5 cards.

Create a pile of moles as desired.

3:2 or 1:4

(There must be at least one card at each end.)

2. Pick a card

The  "choosing pirate" picks one of the two piles and 

gives the other to the"dividing pirate"

3. Using your card

"choosing pirate" uses all the cards in the order of your choice immediately.

Send troops to the treasure ship according to the color.

Pirate cards have numbers on them, meaning "fighting power" 

and "treasure" looted by the pirates.

Place the captain's meeple on the ship of a highly combatant player.

If you want, you can flip the pirate card and put the parrot however you want.

( Parrot's combat power is 1.)

The order changes.

If your combat power is higher than your opponent, you will take the ship.

If you have the upper hand, you can plunder it.

Put the pirate card of that color in the treasure box. 

You're getting the card in your hand on board. )

The card placed in the treasure box will not be used until the end of the game 

and will be reported as the final score.

Game End

The game ends when you run out of cards.

Score calculation

Add all the numbers of pirate cards you put under the treasure box.

The person with the highest total wins and becomes the new pirate king.

Skilled Game Rules

Skeleton can send troops wherever it wants regardless of the color of the treasure ship.

But you can't put it in a treasure box to loot.

Kraken removes one of the opponent's pirate cards.

However, the skeleton cannot be removed.

When Tortuga uses his card, his parrot card is flipped over to the pirate card.

But the special card cannot be flipped.