Halli Galli Party

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2~4 Players

If you get a card with the same attributes, you ring the bell.

The person with the most cards wins.



56 fruits cards

1 bell

<Preparation for the game>

Shuffle the cards well and deal them equally.

( Always put your hands next to your pile of cards )

<Progression of the game>

From the youngest person, open one card clockwise.

(Open the card so that other people can see it first)

If you get a card with the same attributes, ring the bell.

The successful player puts the card at the bottom of the pile.

If you ring the bell incorrectly,

You have to hand out your own cards to everyone.

Even if you run out of piles of your cards, participate until the cards you have already opened are gone.

If only the last two people are left, the game ends when someone ring the bell first.

The person with the most cards at the end wins.