2 - 6 players

It's the game where cards of the same color are put down.

The person with the least penalty points wins.

If you scan the QR code above, you can also see it on your mobile!


36 penguin cards

(7 cards each, but 8 cards for blue)

30 penalty tokens

- 20 white tokens (-1)

- 10 blue tokens (-5)

<Game Preparation>

Shuffle the cards and deal them equally to all players.

If there are 5 players, one card remains

and places it on the table as the first card.

<Game Progress>

The game will be played as many rounds as

the number of players.

The starting player takes turns once.

There are 8 cards on the bottom floor,

and as upper floor, 1 card is decreased

like the form of a pyramid.

You can freely place your card on the bottom floor.

If there are more than two cards connected below,

you can put them upstairs.

But, you must put it in the same color as

one of the two cards below.

Even if the lower floor is not full,

you can put the card upstairs.

However, if the floor is full,

the card must be placed upstairs.

Put your cards down one by one.

If you don't have any more cards to put down,

you'll be out of the round.

You'll get as many penalty tokens as

the remaining cards in your hands.

If you put all your cards down,

return 2 white penalty tokens(-2).

Shuffle the cards and start the next round.

<How to Finish the Game>

The game ends when you finish

the round as many as the number of players.

The player who gets the least penalty points wins.