2 - 4 players

Each player plays the role of
a corporation specialized in
sending Settlers to colonize
unexplored planets of the galaxy.
These corporations are looking for
Settlers with different skills.

The first stage of the Settlers journey
to infinity and beyond is
the transfer to Ganymede,
the largest of Jupiter's many moons
and the launch site of the Settlers Ships.

If you scan the QR code above, you can also see it on your mobile!


- 30 Settler tiles,
including 4 starting tiles

- 90 Cards, including
30 Earth Shuttle cards
30 Mars Shuttle cards
30 Settlers Ship cards

- 52 Settler meeples
(13 in each of the 4 colors)

- 4 player boards
: the player board represents
the journey of the Settlers
from Earth to Ganymede and
is divided into several sections.

a) At the top, players place
their Settler tiles in the dedicated slots.
These tiles allow them
to recruit Settlers and place them on Earth.

b) The Earth-based Space Flight Center
can accommodate up to 6 Settlers
waiting to board an Earth Shuttle to Mars.

c) The Martian Space Flight Center
can accommodate only
5 Settlers as they are waiting
to board a Martian Shuttle to Ganymede.

d) The launch site of Ganymede
hosts 2 “Settlers Ship” cards.
These 2 Ships are placed on
the players’ boards at
the beginning of the game.
Their “launch conditions” are indicated
on the right side of their
respective holding boxes:
3 identical Settlers or 4 different ones.
A Settlers Ship takes off once
all the required Settlers are
on the Ship card.
It is then replaced with a new card.

e) At the bottom of the player board,
players place their Shuttle cards
in the corresponding columns
(with the matching symbol)
and trigger their effects.
Recruited Settlers are always
placed on Earth.
When a player uses an Earth Shuttle,
Settlers are transferred from Earth to Mars.
Similarly, when a Martian Shuttle is used,
Settlers are transferred from Mars
to the Settlers Ships at the
player’s discretion on Ganymede.
When completed,
a Settlers Ship automatically takes off
at the end of the active player’s turn.
The Settlers having left the solar system
for good are then returned to the supply.
Players will be able to multiply
the effects of their Settler tiles
and their Shuttles if they already
own some of the same type.

- 4 Reputation markers
(wooden cubes)

<Game Preparation>

The last player to watch
a Sci-Fi movie or TV series
become the 1st player.

Place a player board in front of you
and put a Reputation marker(wooden cube)
on the leftmost space
of your Reputation track.

Then, take 7/10/13 Settlers per color
(respectively in 2/3/4 players games)
to form the supply and place them
next to the playing area.

Take the 4 starting Settler tiles
(with 1 meeple + 1 ship symbol on them)
and place them face up
in the center of the table.
Form a stack with the 26 remaining Settler tiles.

Sort the Earth and Mars Shuttles,
shuffle them separately
and make 2 face down draw piles.
Reveal 4 of each and place them
in a row with the Earth Shuttles
above the Settler tiles and the Mars Shuttles
above the Earth Shuttles.
The face-up tiles and the cards
form the playing area, common to all players.

Take the 30 Settlers Ships, shuffle them face down
and then reveal 3 of them
to form a row of 3 Settlers Ships
above the 4 Mars Shuttles.
Then deal 4 Settlers Ship cards to each player.

Each player chooses 2 Settlers Ships
from his hand and place them face down
on the appropriate space of their player board.
Each player’s 2 remaining
Settlers Ship are shuffled
back into the Settlers Ship draw pile.
Then, all players reveal
their Settlers Ships simultaneously.

<Game Progress>

Starting with the 1st player,
players play in turns until
the end of the game is triggered.

When comes his turn,
the active player must choose
1 action among 3.

And at the end of their turn,
the player refills the empty spaces of the playing area.
Then, the next player, in clockwise order,
becomes the active player.

The 3 available actions are : 

- Choose a Settler tile

- Use a Shuttle to move Settlers

- Discards Settler tiles
to perform Basic Actions

1. Choose a Settler Tile

The active player selects one Settler tile
and places it in 1 of the 3 dedicated spaces
at the top of his player board.

He then triggers the effect of this tile
(most of the time consisting in
the «recruitment» of a Settler meeple
from the supply that matches
the Settler symbol(s) of the tile,
and placing it on Earth.

Each Settler tile has a type printed on it.
If the selected tile is the 2nd (or the 3rd)
of the same type to be placed on his board,
the active player may apply
its effect twice (or 3 times respectively).
They may choose different effects
in this manner if the selected tile happens
to offer a choice of different possible effects.

Players cannot control more than
3 Settler tiles at any given time.
Should a player take a Settler tile
and already has 3 of them
on his player board,
he must discard one Settler tile
of his choice before placing
the new one on his player board.

If the Settler tiles stack is emptied,
shuffle the discarded tiles
into a new face down draw pile.
Settler tiles are discarded face up
so that any player may look at them at any time.

2. Use a Shuttle Card to Move Settlers

The active player may use an Earth Shuttle
if they have on Earth the required
Settlers indicated at
the top of the Earth Shuttle card
(in numbers and types).

Then, they take the Shuttle card,
place it on the matching column
at the bottom of their board
and physically move the Settlers
from Earth to Mars.

Then, they may resolve
the effect of the Shuttle card.
This effect may be triggered
as many times as they control
Shuttle cards of the same type
at the bottom of their player board,
including this one.

The active player may use a Mars Shuttle
if he has on Mars the required
Settlers indicated on the Mars Shuttle card
(in numbers and types).

Then, he takes the Shuttle card,
places it on the matching
column at the bottom of his board
and physically move the Settlers
from Mars to the Ship of his choice
(it can be both) on Ganymede.

The take-off conditions of the Ships are strict.
If Settlers cannot get into a Ship
because there is no valid space available,
they are lost in space and
returned to the supply.

Then, he may resolve
the effect of the Shuttle card.
This effect may be triggered
as many times as he controls
Shuttle cards of the same type
at the bottom of his player board,
including this one.

All white Shuttles require
at least one white Settler:
a Settler of any color may be
used for a white Settler.

Some Shuttles need to discard
a Settler tile of the active player’s choice
from his player board to be used.
A player cannot use
this type of Shuttle
if he cannot discard a Settler tile
from his player board.

The number of Settlers required
to complete a Settlers Ship is indicated on
the right side of each player board:
3 identical Settlers or 4 different ones.

When a Settlers Ship takes off,
the active player executes
the 3 following steps in order:

1) All the Settlers on
the Settlers Ship return to the supply.

2) The effect of the Settlers Ship,
if any, is indicated on the bottom
right corner of the card
and is now applied.
The Ship card is then placed face up
next to the player board.

3) A new Settlers Ship is picked
from the Settlers Ship row
and added to the player’s hand.
Then, he chooses a replacement Ship
from his hand and places it
on the empty space of his player board.

3. Discard Settler Tile
to Perform Basic Actions

Discard any number of Settler tiles
to perform that many number of Basic Actions.
If the active player performs
several Basic Actions this way,
he can choose different ones
or the same one.

- Recruit : Recruit one Settler of
your choice from the supply
and place it on Earth.

- Adapt: Discard a Settler from
your player board and replace it
with one of the color of
your choice from the supply.

- Move: Move one Settler
from Earth to Mars,
from Mars to a Settlers Ship
on Ganymede, or from a Settlers Ship
to the other Settlers Ship.

- Reputation : Move your Reputation marker
one space forward (to the right)
on your Reputation track.

- Draw: Take a Settlers Ship
from the Settlers Ships row
(or the 1st one from the draw pile)
and add it to your hand.

At the end of his turn,
the active player refills
the playing area by revealing
new tiles or cards from
their corresponding pile.

<Important Additional Rules>

1. Row Bonus
: Each time a player used 1 Shuttle
of each type, he may choose one
of his Settler Ships that
takes off immediately,
even if it is still incomplete or empty.
Then, this player resolves all the
Completed Settlers Ship steps
as if that Ship had taken off
at the end of his turn.

2. Reputation Track
: There are 3 Bonus spaces
on your Reputation track
that allow you to perform a Basic Action.
When gaining Reputation,
the active player must stop
on the Bonus space
if he wants to perform
this Basic Action.
He may also ignore the Bonus
if he prefers to progress faster
on the Reputation track.

3. Reaching your Reputation's Maximum
: If a player’s Reputation
reaches its maximum,
the active player may choose
one of his Settlers Ships on Ganymede:
this Ship takes off immediately,
even if it is still incomplete or empty.
Then, this player resolves all
the Completed Settlers Ship steps
as if that Ship had taken off
at the end of his turn.
Once a player’s Reputation
has reached its maximum,
he cannot gain more Reputation
but may still use a Shuttle that
would increase his Reputation.
At the end of the game,
players score 0/1/2/4/6 VP
according to their final Reputation level.

4. Other Rules

- Sometimes, it is possible that
a player cannot move a Settler
because the destination is
full or not eligible:
the destination is full (Mars)
or the take off conditions
do not allow a player
to move a Settler there (Ganymede).
In this case, the Settler is lost in
space and returns to the supply.

- Earth is limited to 6 Settlers
and Mars is limited to 5 Settlers.
Should a player recruit new Settlers
with no space available,
because he cannot discard Settlers
already in place,
the new recruits are simply lost.
However, should a player recruit 2 Settlers
with only one available slot remaining,
they still may recruit one of the two Settlers.

- Players’ hand is limited to 4 Settlers
Ships at the end of their turn.
Should a player exceed this limit,
they replace the excedentary Ships
under the Settlers Ships draw pile,
in the order of their choice.

- The Settlers supply is limited to
7/10/13 of each color in
2/3/4-player games respectively.
A player may still perform
Action 1, 2 or 3, even if that
would allow him to gain a Settler
not available in the supply.

<How to Finish the Game>

Players take turns until
one of the following
end-game conditions occur:

- A player launches his 4th Settlers Ship.
If a player completes his 4th and 5th Ship
in their same final turn,
both Ships take off.

- One of the two Shuttle draw pile
is empty (either Earth of Mars).

The turn is played till its end
so that all players will have played
the same number of turns.