1 -5 players

In this expansion to Terraforming Mars,

you have the opportunity to visit several moons,

represented by Colony Tiles,

where you can build colonies,

or trade to get the specific benefits from them.

If you scan the QR code above, you can also see it on your mobile!


- 49 project cards

- 5 corporation cards

- 11 Colony tiles

- 1 Trade Fleets tile

- 1 reference tile

- 8 markers

- 8 Trade Fleets

<Set up>

Place the Trade Fleets Tile next to the game board.

Take one trade fleet each

and place it on the Trade Fleets Tile,

with your player marker inside it.

Shuffle the Colony Tiles and draw

the number of players plus 2,

and place them next to the main game board.

Place a white cube on the highlighted

second step of each Colony Tile track.

This marker indicates what you

can gain from trading there.


start with their white marker on the moon,

and the marker is placed on the highlighted

second step of the track immediately

when there is any card in play

that may collect their respective resources.

You can not place a colony there,

or trade there, until that happens.

Shuffle the project cards together with

the main game project cards,

and the Colony corporation cards together

with the other corporation cards.


: Let players draw one of the Colony corporations,

and one of the other corporation to choose from.

<Building a Colony - Standard Project ->

You may use an action to build a colony.

This is a standard project that costs 17 M€

: place your player marker on

the lowest available spot on the Colony Tile track

(move the white marker up 1 step if necessary).

Take the placement bonus printed inside the track.

Only 3 colonies total per Colony Tile

are allowed no exceptions!

Each player may only have one colony per Colony Tile

(unless stated otherwise on a card).

<Trading with a Colony Tile -Not a Standard Project>

You may use one of your actions

to trade with a Colony Tile.

Pay the cost

: 9M€, or 3 energy, or 3 titanium,

and move your Trade Fleet

from the Trade Fleets Tile to an available Colony Tile

(but not to the Colony track).

A Colony Tile may only hold

1 trade fleet at a time.

Then follow the Colony Tile instructions

: Check the Colony Tile track

to determine your trade income,

and give the local colony owners their colony bonus.

Directly after trading you

move the white marker as far left as possible,

stopping next to the player colonies,

or at the bottom of the track.

When the generation ends,

all trade fleets move back from the Colony Tiles

to the Trade Fleets Tile,

and all whilte markers moves

1 step up the Colony track.


: The depicted moons and dwarf planets

follow the same scale in size,

but we want to note that

this scale is approximately one third of the scale

of the Mars image you see

on the main game board.

Ganymede is not very far from Mars in size!

<The Solar Phase

: World Government Terraforming

and Colony Production>

The Solar phase takes place

after the production phase

<Solo Play with Colonies>

Use all normal solo rules for

the main game and expansions,

but start by reducing M€ production 2 steps.

Draw 4 Colony Tiles,

and choose 3 of these to have in play.