1-5 players

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6policy tiles
16 project cards
5 corporation cards
2 reference cards
31 global event cards
14 neutral delegates
35 delegates (7 in each color)
Dominance marker
Terraformer milestone tile
Terraforming Committee board
Global event board


This expansion to Terraforming Mars introduces Global Events that affect all players.
The players also place delegates in the Terraforming Committee to gain influece and decide which party will rule during the next generation.
There are 6 different parties, each with a different policy (effect or action), and a one-time bonus that is applied when they become ruling. To afford giving these bonuses to the players, the Terrafoprming Committee is also revising Terraform Ratings, causing players to lose 1 TR each generation !

Set up

1) Boards
Place the Terraforming Committee board and Global Event board next to the main game board. If playing on the base game board (Tharsis), replace the Terraformer milestone with the new tile, requiring only TR 26.

2) Delegates
Each player takes their seven delegate markers and places one in the Lobby of the Terraformiong Committee board and the other six in the Delegate Reserve. 
Place a gray neutral delegate in the Chairman seat, and the rest of the gray neutral delegates in the Neutral Reserve. All delegate markers remain on the Terraforming Committee board for the rest of the game. 

3) Global Events

a) Shuffle the Global event cards and place the deck on the reserved space on the Global event board. 

b) Draw a card from the Global event deck and place it face up on the space marked "Coming Global Event". Place a neutral delegate as Party leader in the party indicated at the top left of the card. This party now Dominant- place the Dominance marker in the area for delegates of that party.

c) Turn over the top card of the Global event deck face up and place a neutral delegate as Party leader to the party indicated at the top left of that card,. 
If it is in the same party as the other neutral delegate, place it in the area for delegates instead. 
Note: There is no Current Global Event to execute the first generation.

4) Place all six Policy tiles in a pile at their designated place in the Terraforming Committee board, with Greens on top. They start as the ruling party, and their policy will be active during the upcoming Action phase.

5) Shuffle the 16 new Turmoil project cards into the main project card deck.

<Terraforming Committee board>

<Global Event Board>

Rules & Game concepts


: This is not a standard project, but may be taken any nunmer of times in a generation. Move one of your delegates from the Delegate Reserve, or from the Lobby, into the Delegate Area of your desired party on the Terraforming Committee board.


: This symbol means delegate, and is represented by a delegate marker in your plater color red,
Having 1 or more delegates in the delegate area of the Dominant party gives you 1 influence each.

Party leader

: The first delegate placed in a party automatically becomes Party leader-mobing the marker to the Party leader seat in that party.

If a player (including the neutral player) ever has more delegates in a party than the current Party leader, they replace the paty leadr marker with one of their own from that party.
( The old Party leader becomes a normal delegate again for that party)
Note that a Party leader also counts as a delegate for that party.
The party leader in the dominant party counts as 1 influence and will become chairman in the turmoil phase.

Chairman : When the Dominant party becomes ruling, the Party leader becomes chairman and that player receives 1 TR.

Dominant party: The party with the most delegates is the Dominant party and is identified by having the Dominance marker in the delegate area of that party.
If another party ever has more delegates than the Dominant party, they become dominant and receive the dominance marker.
The dominant party will become the ruling party for the next generation. When a party becomes ruling, its delegates are returned to their corresponding reserve, and the dominance marker is shifted to the new party with the most delegates. If more than one party is tied for this, the Dominance marker is moved to the first of these, counted clockwise from the party that just became ruling.

Ruling party
: The active Policy tile shows which party is currently ruling.
The effect or action on the Policy tile is active only during the action phase. When a party becomes ruling, it also appoints a new Chairman and applies a Ruling Bonus.

Becoming Ruling
: In step 3 of the turmoil part of the Solar phase, the Dominant party becomes ruling, replacing the old ruling party. Place the party's policy tile on top of the pile - this policy will be active during the next action phase. Then the ruling bonus of the new ruling party is applied to all players. Next, the old chaiman and all delegates in the ruling party are returned to the reserves.
The party leader becomes the new chairman- move it to the chairman seat- and that player gains 1 TR. The emptying of the ruling party causes the Dominance Marker to shift. Lastly the lobby is refilled.

The Lobby 
: Each player starts each generation with 1 delegate in the reserved area in the Lobby on the terraforming committee board. This delegate may be placed in a party as a free Lobbying action. At the end of each generation, each spent delegate in the  Lobby is replaced by a new delegate from the Delegate Reserve. If a player has no more delegates in the reserve, that player cannot add a new delegate to the Lobby.

Neutral delegates
: Global Events place neutral delegates in the Terraforming Committee. The gray neutral delegate markers do not belong to any player, but they do count as a separate player. These neutral delegates can become Party Leader and Chairman.

Project card requrements
: The requirements are explained in text on the respective cards. If the requirement shows the icon of one of the parties of the Terraforming Committee, that card is playable only if that party is currently ruling, or if you have at least 2 delegates in that party.

Influence and max 5 limit
: Any global event that counts something can only count up to a maximum of 5.
This is specified in the card text but not with icons.

This number (max 5) can be modified up or down by your influence.

A player may have 0-3 influence based on these criteria

a) Owning the chairman gives 1 influence.
b) Owning the leader of the Dominant party gives 1 influence.
c) Owning 1 or more non- leader delegates in the Dominant party gives 1 influence.

TR revision 
: At the beginning of the Turmoil phase, after the production phase, ALL players lose 1 TR,
simulating that the Terraforming Committee is actively revising your TR, and old
merits become obsolete over time.  Remember, the Terraforming Committee hands out generous bonuses, and the budget has to be cut somewhere.

Distant global event

: When a Global event card is first shown, place a neutral delegate in the party indicated top left on that card. Read the flavor text and the Global event effect at the bottom of that card. This Global event will occur in 3 generations from now,

Coming global event
: When a card goes from being coming global event to being current global event, place a neutral delegate in the party indicated mid right on that card.

Current Global event
: In the turmoil phase at the end of the generation, the current global event effect is performed. Note that if the event allows the first player to do something, the first player does not receive any bonuses or TR for this placement.

* Note that there is no Current Global event the first generation. 

Special cases

If a global parameter is at its maximum, it may not be affected again for the rest of the game.
If Volcanic Eruptions trigger the ocean bonus at 0 degree celcius, then the first player decides where the ocean tile is placed, but does not receive bonuses from it.

If Snow cover lowers the temperature below the 0 degree celcius, nothing happens, but the ocean bonus may now be triggered a second time when the temperature is raised again !

Final Scoring 

: When the game ends , the turmoil step is not performed.
As a last step in scoring, all party leaders and the chairman are worth 1 VP for the respective player.

Solo with turmoil 

: Combine the rules for Turmoil with the solo rules for the main game and any expansions you want to add. 
Note that Res's Ruling bonus and some Global events have special cases for the solo game. Decide before set up if you want to terraform in the allotted time, or reach TR 63.

Now have fun playing game ~!