Love Letter
2 - 6 Players
Players are suitors delivering
messages to the princess.
The goal is to collect favor tokens.
Players get 1 favor token
for winning a round.
To win a round,
you must either be holding
the highest-numbered card
when the player deck runs out,
or be the only player
left in the round.
- 1 Princess(9) card
- 1 Countess(8) card
- 1 King(7) card
- 2 Chancellor(6) cards
- 2 Prince(5) cards
- 2 Handmaid(4) cards
- 2 Baron(3) cards
- 2 Priest(2) cards
- 6 Guard(1) cards
- 2 Spy(0) cards
- flavor tokens
- pouch
<Set Up>
Shuffle the 21 character cards
and deal 1 card to each player.
Take the top card of the deck
and remove it from the game
without looking at it.
<Card Effect>
: Out of the round
if you play/discard.
: Must play if you
have King or Prince.
: Trade hands.
: Draw and return
2 cards
: Discard a hand
and redraw.
: Immune to other cards
until your next turn.
: Compare hands.
: Look at a hand.
: Guess a hand.
: Gain favor if no one
else plays/discards a Spy.
<Game Progress>
On your turn,
draw one card from the deck.
Then, choose and play
one of your two cards
and resolve its effect.
Keep the played card face-up
in front of you for
the rest of the game.
Play proceeds clockwise.
If you get eliminated
from a round,
discard your hand
face-up in front of you.
All played and discarded cards
should always remain face-up.
If the deck is empty
at the end of a turn,
all remaining players
reveal their card.
Whoever has the highest
numbered card wins the round,
as your letter was successfully
delivered to the princess.
If tied, both players
get a favor token.
The winner of
the previous round
is the starting player
for the new round.
If Chancellor is played with
only one card remaining
in the deck,
draw that card and
return one card from
your hand to the deck.
If Chancellor is played with
no cards in the deck,
it is played with no effect.
If Prince is played and
there are no cards
in the deck,
the chosen player draws
the face-down set-aside card.
If you are the only player
remaining in the game
that played a Spy and
you win the game
(either through being
the only remaining player
or revealing the highest card),
you’ll get two favor tokens.
If you are the only
remaining player that played
a Spy and you lose the game
due to not revealing
the highest card,
you will still get
a favor token for the Spy.
If you play/discard two spies,
you can still only gain
one favor token from the spies.
If all other players
are protected by a Handmaid,
then if you play Guard, Priest,
Baron, or King, they are played
with no effect.
If you play Prince, you must
discard your own hand.
<How to Finish the Game>
Number of flavor tokens
needed to win.
2 Players : 6
3 Players : 5
4 Players : 4
5 Players : 3
6 Players : 3