2 Players

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Fugitive is a quick

2-player game

where one player is

the Fugitive moving from

hideout to hideout on

his escape route,

and the other player is

the Marshal trying to

catch him before he escapes.

The main deck is composed

of 43 Hideout cards,

which represent places

the Fugitive can hide.

Optionally, you can add

Event cards to introduce

more uncertainty to Fugitive

and Marshal's standoff.


- 2 Role cards

Fugitive Player

- 42 Hideout cards

- 3 Hideout deck boards

- Placeholder card

- Event card

Marshal Player

- Notepad Card

<Set up>

Place the 0 card,

the Fugitive's first Hideout,

in the center of

the play area.

This is the first card

of the center row.

Sort the Hideout cards

into three decks

: 4 - 14, 15 - 28, 29 - 41

Shuffle each deck

separately and place

each deck face down

near the center row.

Give the Fugitive

his starting hand.

(The Marshal has

no starting hand.)

The Fugitive starts with

the Hideout cards

numbered 1, 2, 3, and 42.

The Fugitive draws

additional cards

from the three sorted

Hideout decks :

Deck 1 (4 - 14) : draw 3 cards.

Deck 2 (15 - 28) : draw 2 cards.

Deck 3 (29 - 41) : draw 0 cards.

Hideout cards

Each card has 2 values :

a Hideout number

(#0 - #42)

and a Sprint number

indicated by footprints

(+1 or +2).

The Fugitive uses cards

by placing them as

Hideouts and by sacrificing

them to Sprint.

The Marshal uses cards

to deduce where

the Fugitive is hiding and,

by holding them,

to decrease the number

of options available

to the Fugitive.

Event and Placeholder cards

Event cards and Placeholder

cards are an optional variant.

Each Event either

helps the Fugitive,

helps the Marshal,

or helps whomever draws it.

Placeholder cards

used in place of events

for certain variants.

For your first game,

set the Event cards aside.

<Game Progress>

The Fugitive and Marshal

alternate turns

throughout the game.

On the Fugitive's turn,

he may move to a new

Hideout as part of

his path to escape.

On the Marshal's turn,

she attempts to catch

the Fugitive by uncovering

the Fugitive's Hideouts.

Fugitive's first turn

: The Fugitive places

1 or 2 new Hideouts.

Marshal's first turn

: The Marshal draws

2 cards total,

either from the same

deck or from different decks.

The Marshal makes

a guess to find

one or more Hideouts.

Fugitive's subsequent turns

: The Fugitive draws

1 card from any deck.

The Fugitive may place

1 new Hideout (or pass).

Marshal's normal turn

: The Marshal draws

1 card from any deck.

The Marshal makes

a guess to find one

or more Hideouts.

Continue taking turns

until one player wins

: The Fugitive wins

by playing card #42

(and escaping the manhunt,

if necessary).

The Marshal wins

by guessing all

the Fugitive's Hideouts,

either during her

normal turn or

by starting a manhunt.

<The Fugitive's Options>

Place a new Hideout

The Fugitive places

a card face-down to the right

of the previous Hideout,

establishing a new Hideout.

Hideouts are any face-down

or face-up cards

in the center row.

The Fugitive can look at

any face-down cards

at any time to

help him remember

what's been played.

Placing a Hideout normally

Normally, the Fugitive

can place a Hideout card

if its Hideout number

is up to 3 higher than

the previous Hideout.

The Fugitive cannot

place a new Hideout

with a lower number

than his previous Hideout.

For example,

if the previous Hideout

was card 4,

the Fugitive could choose

to play a card with

the Hideout numbers

5, 6, or 7 card,

but not a card with

the Hideout numbers 3

(because that's lower

than the previous

Hideout number)

or 15

(because that's more

than 3 higher than

the previous Hideout number.)

Using cards to Sprint

The Fugitive may extend

the normal range

of 3 by placing the new

Hideout with one or more

extra cards underneath it,


These extra cards are

used as Sprint cards,

and they extend

the Fugitive's range by

the sum of their

Sprint numbers.

When using cards as

Sprint cards,

the Fugitive must

place them so that

the Marshal can see

how many Sprint cards

have been played

(but not their Sprint numbers).

The Fugitive may

always choose to place

more Sprint cards

than necessary,

even if no sprinting

is required.

For example,

if the previous Hideout

had the Hideout number 4,

the Fugitive could normally

play only the 5, 6, or 7.

If the Fugitive wants

to play the 10 as

the next Hideout,

he must add cards

with a total Sprint value

of at least +3

(because 10 is 3 higher than

the Fugitive's normal range).


The Fugitive can choose

to pass his turn

and play no cards.

This lets him build up

cards in his hand

for later turns,

but it gives the Marshal

a chance to catch up.

<The Marshal's Options>

Guess a single Hideout

The Marshal guesses

a number between 1 and 41.

If that number matches

any of the face-down

Hideouts in the center row,

the Fugitive reveals

the Hideout card

and any Sprint cards under it.

The Marshal doesn't need

to select a specific

face-down card

when guessing,

and the Marshal never

needs to guess

Sprint cards.

Guess a series of Hideouts

The marshal guesses

multiple numbers.

If all of her guessed

numbers match face-down

Hideouts in the center row,

the Fugitive reveals all

the guessed Hideout cards

and any Sprint cards

under them.

If any of her guessed

numbers are wrong,

the Fugitive does not reveal

any cards, event if

one or more guessed

numbers are correct.

The Marshal doesn't

have to select specific

face-down cards

when guessing,

and she never has to

guess Sprint cards.

Start a Manhunt

As a last effort to

catch the Fugitive,

the Marshal can

start a manhunt,

which happens

separately from the normal

sequence of turns.

The Marshal can start

a manhunt only when

the Fugitive plays

the Hideout card

numbered #42 while

the highest revealed

Hideout number is #29 or lower.

In a manhunt,

the Marshal guesses

a single Hideout.

If she guesses correctly,

she continues to guess

another single Hideout.

If the Marshal guesses all Hideouts,

the manhunt was successful.

She catches the Fugitive

at the last second,

and the Marshal wins.

If she guesses incorrectly

at any point,

the manhunt failed.

The Fugitive escapes,

and the Marshal loses.

<Variant Plays>

Random Events

This variant adds

more randomness and

uncertainty to the game.

After Setup :

- Shuffle all the Event cards

(not the Placeholder cards)


- Shuffle 2 random

Event cards into each of

the three draw piles.

- set aside the other

Event cards and

the Placeholder cards;

they are not used.

During play, when either

player draws an Event,

resolve it immediately.

Then they draw another card.

Discovery Events

This variant introduces

a twist to the game

whenever the Marshal

discovers a Hideout.

- During setup,

shuffle all the Event cards

together and place them

near the play area.

Set aside the Placeholder cards;

they are not used.

- During play,

when the Marshal

successfully guesses

or more Hideouts,

the Fugitive immediately

draws and resolves

an event from the Event pile.

Helpful Events

This variant gives

some help to one

of the players.

During Setup :

- Sort out all the Events

that have the icon for

the player who receives

help from the Events

(Fugitive or Marshal).

- Shuffle those Events

evenly into each

of the three draw piles.

- set aside the

other Event cards and

the Placeholder cards;

they are not used.

During play

: when either player

draws an Event,

resolve it immediately.

Then draw another card.

Catchup Events

This variant helps

the player who's

currently behind.

During Setup :

- Sort the Event cards

into 3 Event piles

based on their icons

(Fugitive, Marshal, or no icon).

- Shuffle each Event pile.

- Place the Event piles

near the play area,

keeping track of

each Event pile.

- Shuffle 2 Placeholder cards

into each of the 3 draw

piles of Hideout cards.

During Play :

When either player draws

a Placeholder card,

draw and resolve

an Event card from

one of the Event piles,

depending on how

many Hideouts are

currently face-down

in the center row :

- 1 Hideout is face-down,

draw and resolve

an Event from

the Fugitive's Event pile.

- 2 Hideouts are face-down,

draw and resolve

an Event from

the neutral Event pile.

- 3 Hideouts or more

are face-down,

draw and resolve

an Event from

the Marshal's Event pile.

After each event,

that player draws

another card.