Showdown Tatics

2 Players

Showdown Tactics is a dueling game.

Each player must use

their set of Dragon Tiles

(numbered 1 to 9)

to defeat their opponent by

playing a higher number.

Each player selects 1 Dragon Tile

each round and duels

their opponent for supremacy.

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you can also see it on your mobile!


- 1 Arena

- 18 Dragon Tiles

(2 sets of tiles 1 - 9)


<Set Up>

Place the Arena

between both players.

Each player takes

1 set (blue or red) of Dragon Tiles

which are placed upright,

facing the player controlling them.

Choose the attacker and

press the start button

for 3 seconds.

Once the Arena is activated,

round lamps and player

lamps (blue/red) will light up.

Rotate the Arena to match

the player lamp color to

that of their Dragon Tiles.

A voice within the Arena

will provide further instruction.

<Game Progress>

The attacking player chooses

1 Dragon Tile and lays it

face down on the Arena steps.

Once the attacker’s Dragon Tile

has been placed,

the opponent places

1 Dragon Tile of their own

on the Arena steps.

There is beep when Dragon Tiles

are recognized.

If a Dragon Tile has not

been recognized,

place it once again

on the Arena steps.

Then the round ends.

Once both Dragon Tiles

have been recognized,

The Arena will announce

the winner by voice and light up

the winner’s round lamp.

Once Round Victory is determined,

the Arena announces

the next round.

Dragon Tiles are numbered 1-9.

For a player to be victorious,

their Dragon Tile must have

a higher number than

their opponent’s.

If both players place Dragon Tiles

of equal value,

this results in a Round Draw.

Once the round ends,

move the used Dragon Tiles

face down to the round table

on top of the Arena.

Then prepare for the next round.

The round victor becomes

the attacker for the next round.

If there was a Round Draw,

the most recent attacker

continues to be the attacker.

Although there are

9 rounds to play,

if Showdown Victory is

determined before 9 rounds

the game ends immediately.

The player with more

Round Victories wins.

<How to Finish the Game>

The first player to win

2 games (Showdown Victory)

is the overall winner.