
2 -4 players

During the game, the players take gem and gold tokens. 

With these tokens, they purchase development cards, 

which are worth prestige points and/or bonuses. 

These bonuses allow players to purchase subsequent development cards for a lesser cost.

 When a player has enough bonuses, 

they immediately receive a visit from a noble 

(which is also worth prestige points). 

As soon as a player reaches 15 prestige points, 

the current turn ends and the player 

with the most prestige points is declared the winner.


40 tokens :

7 Emerald tokens (green)

7 Diamond tokens (white)

7 Sapphire tokens (blue)

7 Onyx tokens(black)

7 Ruby tokens (red)

5 Gold Joker tokens (yellow)

90 Development cards

10 noble tiles

<Set up>

Divide the development cards according to level, and shuffle well.

Then, place them in a column in the middle of the table in order from bottom to top.

Reveal 4 cards from each level.



Shuffle the noble tiles and reveal one more card than the number of players. 

(For example if there are 4 players, reveal 5 noble tiles.)

Since the left tiles are not used during the game place them back in the box.

Lastly, sort the tokens on the table by color and put them in a pile.




Difference in game with 2 and 3 players.


2 Players

Remove 3 tokens from each gem color. (Use only 4 from each color)

Use all 5 gold joker tokens.


Reveal 3 noble tiles.





3 Players

Remove 2 tokens from each gem color. (Use only 5 from each color)

Use all 5 gold joker tokens.

Reveal 4 noble tiles.


Development Cards

In order to get points, you must purchase development cards.

Development cards are placed in the middle of the table in the view of all players,

and may be purchased by all players throughout the game.


When a player puts a development card in their hands, the card becomes reserved by the player and can only be purchased by the player holding the development card.



Information on the development cards are as in the following:

For example, if a player wishes to purchase this development card,

they can do so by using the amount of tokens marked on the card.

So in order to purchase this card one would have to use 2 white tokens, 2 red tokens and 3 black tokens. 


Then the player who purchases this card recieves a bonus of the number of tokens marked on the upper part(1) of the card.




Noble Tiles


When ending turns, if a player has enough bonuses they automatically earn the relevant noble tile.


Earning noble tiles does not count as an action. 

Each noble tile is worth 3 points.


Players can only earn one tile per each turn.


For example, if a player has 4 blue bonuses and 4 green bonuses, 

they would earn this following noble tile.







Start from the youngest player and take turns clockwise.

Players must perform one of the 4 actions below in their turn. 


① Take 3 gem tokens, each from different colors


② Take two gem tokens of the same color 

(This action may only be performed when there are over 4 gem tokens in the pile the player wishes to take from)


③ Put 1 development card in hands and take 1 gold joker token


④ Purchase 1 development card

(From cards in the middle of the table or in hands of the player)






Choosing Tokens

When ending turns, players may own up to 10 tokens, including jokers.

If one owns more than 10 tokens, he has to choose only 10 and discard the rest. 

The player can discard all or some of the tokens that he brought this turn according this order.



The player has to put his tokens that all players can see them. 







Hold Development Cards

The player gets the card on the table or on the top of a pile of development cards (level1, 2, 3) and then he can put off the purchase of that card.

(When the player gets the card from a pile of development cards, he doesn't need to open that card to other players.)



Once the player takes the card, he can't discard it during this game. 

The player can take the cards up to 3, and he can't discard them except purchasing that cards. 




Taking the card into the player's hands is the only way to get a golden jocker token.

If there are is no golden joker token left, you can hold the card in your hand but you can't take gold.







Purchase the Development Card

If the player wants to purchase the card, he has to pay tokens as marked on the card. 

The golden jocker can be substituted to any colors of tokens. 



Players put all used tokens including the golden jocker to center of the table. 



The player can purchase the development card on the table or the card in his hands.

The player must puts purchased cards so that it can be shown its bonus and winning points.

Arrange purchased cards according to color. 





If one player purchases or takes the cards on the table, other players open a same level card, and put instead of that card. Always 4 cards in one line are spreaded. 




If a pile of any level's cards are used up, just let them as an empty space. 








The player gets a discount according to the bonus provided by the development card already purchased. 

The bonus of each color has same value to tokens of same color. 




For example, you can get a discount the red token like this.



If the player has the development cards enough, he can get the other development card for free when he purchases other development cards.  








When the player finishes his turn, he checks whether he can get the noble tile.

If he has bonus as marked on the noble tile, he can get the noble tile. 


Players can not reject the noble tiles, and this is not regarded an action.


If the player satisfies the condition that can get several noble tiles at a time, he can choose one tile among them. 


And put that tile in front of him. At this time, the front of the card should be visible. 






Game Over

If one player gathers more than 15 winning points, finish the game at the player to the right of the first player.

So, all players take the same numbers of turn. 



The player with the highest winning points wins.




If the score including noble points is same, the player who purchased the least of development cards wins.