Sunset Over Water

Over six days, players gain Renown 

by hiking to beautiful locations to paint landscapes, 

which they’ll later sell. 

Each day, 

players choose a Planning Card, 

which allows them to travel through the Wilderness and paint 

(i.e., pick up Landscape Cards). 

At day’s end, they can sell paintings to earn Renown 

(i.e., turn in Landscape Cards to gain Commission cards worth Renown). 

Players also earn Renown by completing Daily Goals and 

by possessing Landscape Paintings at the end of the game.

If you can scan the QR code above,

you can also see it on your mobile!


<133 Cards>

60 Landscape Cards (front/back)
30 Commssion Cards
8 Orange Planning Cards
8 Green Planning Cards
8 Purple Planning Cards
8 Black Planning Cards
7 Daily Goal Cards
 4 QUick Reference Cards (Front/Back)
1 Orange Artist Meeple
1 Green Meeple
1 Purple Meeple
1 Black Meeple
1 Solo Journal Card
4 Ranger Station Cards (Front/ Back)
5 Inspiration Cards (Front/ Back)


<Game Tokens>


<10 Solo Variant(1 Player) Cards>

<Set Up>



Shuffle the Landscape Cards and place 25 of them in a 5x5 grid. 

This is called the Wilderness






Place the remaining Landscape Cards face-down in a pile next to the Wilderness.



This is the Landscape Deck. 






Leave a space for discarded Landscape Cards next to the Landscape Deck.



If the Landscape deck runs out, shuffle the discarded cards to form a new deck. 






Shuffle the Commission cards and place them face-down next to the Wilderness.



This is the Commission Deck



Draw Commission cards and place one more than the number of players to the right of the deck.



(For example, if there are 4 players, draw 5 cards)



This is the Commission Row.



Turn over one more Commission Card and place it face-up 

on top of the commission deck.



This Commission is unavaible to acquire till the next day.



Shuffle the Daily Goal Cards and place them face-down near the Commission Row. 



This is the Daily Goal Deck. 



Turn over one Daily Daily Goal Card and place it next to the Daily Goal Deck. 



Each player chooses a color and takes the Artist Meeple and 8 Planning Cards of their color,



as well as a Quick Reference Card.



For example, if you chose orange, take as in the picture above.



All players put their Artist Meeples on the center Landscape Card in the Wilderness. 



<Individual Card Set Up>



Each player shuffles their 8 Planning Cards 

and place their own deck face-down in front of themselves. 



This the Planning Deck.



During the game, players place earned

 Landscape Cards, Commission Cards, Daily Goal Cards and used



Planning Cards in front of themselves. 



Make enough room for these cards. 




<Game Play>


Sunset Over Water is played over 6 rounds(days)



Each day is composed of a Planning Phase, individual Trek Phases and a Cleanup Phase.



After the sixth day, a Final Scoring Phase occurs. 






[Phase 1: Planning]


Players start this phase by simultaneously drawing the top 3 cards 

from their own Planning Decks. 



All players then check the cards, choose 1 card to use for the day, 

and place it face-down in front of



themselves. Then, return the other 2 cards 

to the bottom of their Planning Deck in either order.



After all players have selected a Planning Card, simultaneously reveal the cards.


On the last day, there will be exactly 3 cards in their decks to choose from.







Each Planning Card has 3 pieces of information:



Wake Up – shows the time to start the day. 

The player with the earliest time goes first during the Trek Phase.



Hike – shows the direction and amount of movements an Artist 

can mkae in the Trek Phase.



Paint – shows how many Landscapes an Artist 

can paint during the Trek Phase.




[Phase 2: Trek]



Players compare their Wake Up times and start taking turns 

from the player with the earliest time to the latest.



For example, in the situation below, 

play in the order of purple-orange-green-black.



On a turn, the following actions may be performed: Hike-Paint-Sell



After taking these actions, the player immediately checks 

to see if they can claim the Daily Goal.



(After taking a turn, the player discards the Planning Card used for the turn. 

Each Planning Card is only used once per game.)









Players moves their Artist Meeple within the Wilderness in one direction 

from the movement arrows on



the chosen Planning Card. They may move as many movement points 

as shown on the selected card.



Moving from one Landscape Card to the next costs 1 movement point.



The Artist Meeple may pass through a Landscape Card with another Meeple on it, 

but may not finish on the same card.



The Artist Meeple may NOT pass through or enter an empty space in the Wilderness

(Spaces in which a Landscape Card has been removed by another Artist).



The Artist Meeple may not change direction while moving.



Players do not need to use all of their movement points. 

(There also may be situations where you can not move even 

if you wish to, due to blocked spaces)







After the players have moved their Artist Token, they may pick up any Landscape Cards 

on the Artist’s path(as many as the number shown on the Planning Card).



This action represents the artist painting pictures of the landscape while trekking.



However, players may not pick up cards occupied by another Artist.




Instead, they may pick up the Landscape Card on which their trek began.



At the beginning of the game, only the final player to move 

from the center card may pick it up. 



DO NOT fill in the empty Wilderness spaces with new Landscape Cards at this time.



Place acquired Landscape Cards in front of the player 

so that everyone can see the Landscape Features. 






Now that the painting step is over, players may earn Commission Cards 

from the Commission row by selling painted Landscapes. 

A player may sell as many Landscapes 

as they wish to and acquire more than one Commission Card per turn.




When acquiring a Commision card, 

a player must discard all the Landscape Paintings 

that they used to match the requirements of it. 

A single Landscape Card may not be used to earn several Commission Cards. 

Sold Landscapes are discarded into a common discard pile.

Place acquired Commission Cards face-up in front of the player 

so that everyone can see the scores.



Do not fill in the Commision Row with new Commission Cards 

until the beginning of the next round.


Mountains, Coast, Waterfall, Wildflowers, Sunset, Any feature (in order)


The number of picture frames on each Commission Card show 

the number of Landscapes and the number of Features that need to be sold.


For example, 

Sell 1 Landscape: one with only a Sunset.

Sell 2 Landscapes: one with a Coast, Waterfall, 
and any one other Feature. The other with any 1 Feature.

Sell 3 Landscapes: all 3 must have a Waterfall. 
Then they may have other Features or no other Features



Claim a Daily Goal


Each day a single Daily Goal Card can be claimed. 

Multiple players may meet the requirement of the goal, 

but it is the last person to meet the requirement 

that keeps the card at the end of the day.



After performing actions, 

if a player accomplishes the requirement of the Daily Goal Card, 

the player takes the card and keeps it in their play area.



If another player accomplishes the same requirement on that day,

 that player takes the Daily Goal Card from its current owner. 

The player who last completes the task in the day keeps the Daily Goal Card 

for end of game scoring.



Do not draw a new Daily Goal Card to replace one 

when it is claimed. 

It is replaced during the next Phase.




[Phase 3: Clean Up]


After all players have completed the Trek Phase, 

prepare for the next day. 

If the players have played 6 days, 

having only 2 Planning Cards left in their Planning Card deck, 

the game ends and the scores are calculated.



If the game is not over, clean up the day according to the following:



Wilderness: From left to right, starting in the top row 

and then moving down to the other rows, 

reveal new Landscape Cards 

from the deck and fill in each empty spaces on the Wilderness. 

The board must become a full 5 x 5 grid including those spaces 

occupied by a player’s Artist Token

The Artist Meeples remain on the newly placed cards.



Daily Goal Card: Reveal a new Daily Goal Card from the deck.

(If the prior Daily Goal Card was not claimed by any player, discard it.)



Commission Cards: Deal new Commission Cards from the deck, 

and starting with the card already revealed on top of the deck, 

place them in the Commission Row, 

replacing those acquired during the Day. 

The number of cards in the row is equal to 

that in the beginning of the game (One more than the number of players). 

Then, flip and reveal the top card on the Deck (to be used from the next day).



(Though this is an unlikely occasion, 

if there are not enough Commission Cards to fill the Commission Row, 

the game ends immediately.)





<Game End and Scoring>


The game ends after 6 Days (only 2 Planning Cards remain in each player's deck) 

OR if there are not enough Commission Cards to refill the Commission Row 

during Cleanup Phase

Each player calculates their own scores 

based on the cards they possess.



The player with the highest score wins. 

If a tie occurs, 

the player with the most Daily Goal Cards wins.

If there still is a tie, it is a shared victory



How to calculate scores



Points on Commision Cards+ Points on Daily Goal Cards+ Unsold Landscape Cards 

(1 Point per 2 Features- round down)





[Wanderlust- Solo Play]


<Set Up>


Place the 4 Ranger Station Cards in the spaces diagonally adjacent 

to the corner of the center.

Set up the 5 x 5 grid of the Wilderness as normal in the rest.

(21 Landscape Cards and 4 Ranger Station Cards)




Like a 2 player game, deal 3 Commission Cards to form a Commission Row.

Then flip 1 Commission Card on top of the Commission Deck as in the original rule. 



The Daily Goal Cards are not used. (Return them to the box)



Place 1 Artist Meeple on the center Landscape Card 

and take a set of matching Planning Cards, 

as well as a Quick Reference Card.



Place the Solo Journal Card in front of the player.




Shuffle the 5 Inspiration Cards and randomly select one.

(Return all the other Inspiration Cards to the box)





<Game Play>


The Solo Variant is played over 8 Days (Rounds) instead of 6.

The key differences of each phase are in the following.



[Phase 1: Planning]


Planning Deck: Draw 3 Planning Cards and place them face-up in the player’s area. 

From those 3 Cards, choose 1 to play. 

DO NOT return the 2 unchosen Planning Cards to the bottom of the Planning Deck. 

(To be used in the next round) 

Place the chosen Planning Card on the Solo Journal Card, 

and perform the following actions based on the Wake Up time:



Early Morning (5:00 - 7:45): Refill all empty spaces in the Wilderness 

with new Lanscape Cards from the Landscape Deck. .


Mid Morning (8:00 - 10:45): Discard the Commission Card 

with the highest points in the Row and do not replace it. 

If there is a tie for highest, discard the one on the left.


Late Morning (11:00 - 12:45: Discard 2 Commission Cards 

with the highest points in the same method as Mid Morning.




[Phase 2: Trek]




If the Artist moves through or lands on a Ranger Station, 

immediately refill all empty Landscape spaces surrounding the Ranger Station 

with new Landscape Cards from the Landscape Deck.

Fill in order from left to right, top to bottom, as in the original rule. 




The player cannot Paint a Ranger Station. 

(Ranger Station Cards can not be acquired)




On Day 8 (the final Round), the player may acquire the Commission Card 

on top of the Commission Deck as well.




[Phase 3: Clean Up]


Planning Cards: Draw a new Planning Card 

so that there are a total of 3 open cards at a time.

From Day 7, there will be no more Planning Cards in the deck, so skip this step.



Landscape Cards: DO NOT fill in the empty spaces.



Commission Cards: Before refilling cards into the Commission Row, 

slide all remaining cards in the row to the left(So that the empty spaces are in the right).

Refill the empty spaces with cards from the Commission Deck

and flip the top card of the Commission Deck.





<Game End and Final Scoring>


After Day 8, calculate the total score.



Commission Cards: Add up all points.

Unsold Landscapes: 1 point per every 2 Features (rounding down).

Inspiration Bonus: 1 point for each completed Commission Card 

that includes the feature matching the player’s Inspiration Card. 

(If the inspiration card is the Waterfall, 

1 point for each Commision Card with a Waterfall Feature on it. 

Even if there are multiple Waterfalls on one card, 

it is only scored 1 point. ?(Any Feature) scores no points.)

Return Home Bonus: If the player’s Artist Meeple ends the game 

on the center space of the Wilderness(starting spot), 

gain an additional 2 points.