Hako Onna

Hako Onna is horror boardgame where you escape from a mysterious mansion.



One player becomes 'Hako Onna' and the rest of the player becomes the 'Visitor' of the mansion who try to eascpe from the mansion - but if you accidentally stumble upon Hako Onna, you are dead.



If you can scan the QR code above,

you can also see it on your mobile!

You can check up the components in the following article.



Hako Onna Board

Summary of Hako Onna


Safe Board

Four summary versions of visitors

Nine room board (including the entrance to the 1st floor)

1 sound board, 6 sound discs (black 4 red2) 

1 door obstacle, 4 visitor markers.

10 Hako Onna cards. (Explaining each card below)

One time of despair card.

Six visitor cards 

10 diary cards.

Expansion card (exclude from play first)

Two Hako Onna expansion cards, two diary expansion cards, and seven visitor expansion cards.

<Interpretation of components>

Visitor card

Stethoscope- Helps open the safe.

When you peek into the safe, you can only say one number instead of three. If the number is correct, Hako Onna turns the number tiles upside down to show.

Mystery Book - I can tell you where there are no ghosts.

When the visible shadow is filled with a blank tile, it can be placed to show that it is a blank tile.

Hako Onnana Hakovito can turn it over again when he enters the room.

Sacred Drops - temporarily can seal weak abilities.

Try not to make a sound by stacking two disks at a time. If successful, say "Fukavishi, Fukavishi" to the next Hako Onna turn, and Hako Onna cannot set the ability of B or C rank.

Weiserboard - tells you if there is a ghost in a particular room.

It is only available when other visitors are in the same room.

"Are you in the ____ room?" Hako Onna shakes her head (no) or nods (yes).

Dowing Road - You can detect which floor of the mansion is haunted.

I ask, "What floor are you ask.

Hako Onna uses two index fingers to point to the game boards on the basement, first and second floors.

On the floor where Hako Onna is located, the index fingers are placed parallel, and when pointing to the floor without, the fingers extend outward.

Smartphone - You can take pictures of things you can't see.

You can see one of Hako Onna's set abilities or one of her abilities in her hand.

Stethoscope, Wiserboard, Dowing Road, and smartphone cannot be saved when Hako Onna is in the same room. Visitors die and items cannot be used.

Hako Onna's ability, Time of despair card

-You can see it in the summary of Hako Onna.


Diary card

These are cards with Hako Onna's ability written on them.

Number 1 "Closer to You": Hako Onna can move to any room on the same floor.

Number 2: "I'm coming to you": Hako Onna can move twice in this action.

Number 3 "Locked Door": (Can't be triggered twice in a row) Hako Onna puts the door obstacle at any door. Visitors cannot pass through this door. Obstacles will be removed on the next turn of Hako Onna.

Number 4 "Moving Things": (This card shouldn't be your Hako Onna card) Hako Onna can move all the tiles in the room to another shadow in the same room. You can also flip the open tiles in the room again.

Number 5, "Stay behind you": (If there is a sound, it is triggered by interference.) All visitors in the same room as Hako Onna die. If there are eight activated abilities, visitors in the same room with Hakovito will also die. Open the tiles to visitors and turn them upside down again.

Number 6, "Open it": (used as an obstruction.) Obstructed visitors must take a peek at one of the shadows in the room with their actions. You can also get a glimpse of the tiles that have been released.

Number 7 "I want her": (used as an obstruction.) Hako Onna steals visitor's items or any tile from the interrupted visitor (you can check it later). The stolen items are placed on Hako Onna's plate. If there's already something on top of it, give it to the interrupted visitor.

Number 8 "My Mary": (used as an obstruction) Visitors with Mary should reveal the bandry tile and have this card.) The visitor should avoid making two sounds at a time and cannot abandon Mary or give it to anyone. If no one has Mary, nothing happens.

Number 9 "False Answer": Passive effect: Hako Onna can lie when answering visitor items such as Dowing Road or Wizzer Board. When she answers, she doesn't have to reveal that this ability has been activated.

Number 10 "The phone rings": (This ability can only be used once in a game. It's used as a distraction:) Have Hako Onna force all visitors to move to the living room until one arrives. Other disturbances can also be used.

For expansion.

Summary of visitors <front>

Summary of visitors.


Avoid making sounds through cards, disks, passes (taking cards or disks and giving up turns).

You can't pass the red disk, and you can't pass it even when the red 0 card is facing up. Hako Onna can't interfere with the pass turn.

When there is a sound, the disk or card is reset and Hako Onna's turn. After Hako Onna's turn, I won't make a sound again.

You have to try.

If the fifth disk/card accumulates, takes, or passes, the timeout is triggered, and Hako Onna turns after the visitor's turn.


If you hear a sound, you must perform one of the following actions.

Move: Move your horse to a room facing you through a nearby door or staircase.

Peek: Check one of the tiles in the shadow of your room by yourself. You can get a glimpse of the tiles facing up, but you can't get a glimpse of the shadows without tiles.

Using items: There are rules for each item.

You can do as much as you want to do freely.

The behavior of showing, giving, or gaining tiles to visitors in the same room.

Throwing away tiles in the empty shadow of your room.

Sharing information.

If the visitors win,

A. Escape - Open the safe to get a key and peek at the secret exit.

B. Treatment - Identify weaknesses and write the item to her.

C. Praying for peace - Getting a Mary doll and peeping at the remains.

If Hako Onna wins,

A. Alone again - Death of all visitors

B. Inevitable - When there are no cases where visitors can win.

Hako Onna can interfere with behavior with certain abilities.

Summary of visitors, "Back A>

The tile effect when it's revealed, taken, or used.

When tiles are removed from the board, you should turn the blank tiles upside down.

Hako Onna, Hakovito: When you peek or disclose it, the visitor dies. Turn the tiles upside down again.

Diary Tile: Place the tile on the diary tile so that it can be seen when it is peeked or released.

Combination number: When you peek, you can put the number down in front of you, or you can just put it back in its place it.

Find out the numbers and deduce the combination of numbers that can open the safe.

Safe: You can't take tiles. If you peek at the vault tiles, you can guess the number of combinations regardless of the order. If you get hit, reveal the tile and get the key. If you're wrong, turn the tiles upside down.

Secret exit: You can't take tiles. If a visitor with a key peeks, the visitor wins, and a visitor without a key just turns the tile upside down at 10 o'clock.

Mary Doll: You can take it, but you can't use it.

Remains: You can't take them. If a visitor with a Mary doll peeks, the visitor wins, and a visitor without a Mary doll just turns the tile upside down at 10 o'clock.

Summary of visitors <B>

Weakness: You can take it, but you can't use it. Gather them to find out what Hako Onna's real weaknesses are.

Items - wooden piles, rusty chains, gasoline: You can take them. It can be used to find out the shadow of the room you are in.

If it's written to Hako Onna and Hako Onna's weakness, Hako Onna dies and visitors win.

If it was written to Hako Onna and it was not Hako Onna's weakness, the visitor would die and the item would be excluded from the game.

Items and tiles are excluded from the game if they are used for something other than Hako Onna. (Do not fill in the blank tiles.)

Item - Weird charm: You can take it. You can put it on one of Hako Onna's set abilities. This item and its ability are excluded from the game, but the influence of the ability persists.

Item - Fire extinguisher: You can take it. You can use it to cancel Hako Onna's turn when a player makes a sound. The sound system is not reset and items are excluded from the game when used. Using this item, you can stop exercising your ability to "stay behind you" and the card must remain upside down.

Hako Onna Summary <front>

Important item (left)

Diary Tile: If a diary tile is found, activate the corresponding ability card.

Combination Numbers: Numbers found can infer numbers that visitors can open the safe.

Safe: If a visitor peeps into the safe, they get a chance to match the number of combinations (the order of the numbers doesn't matter). If the reasoning is successful, the visitor gets the key.

Secret Exit: If a visitor with a key peeps at the secret exit tile, the tile is revealed and the visitors win.

Remains: If a visitor with a Mary doll peeks at the remains, the tiles will be revealed and visitors will win.

--Weird amulets and the use of fire extinguishers cannot be hindered--

Item - Strange Amulet: A visitor can put one of your set abilities on top. Amulets and abilities are excluded from the game, but the ability of the card triggered before that is preserved.

Item - Fire extinguisher: If there is a sound, visitors can use it to cancel your turn. "I'm behind you" The card's ability stops working and the card is turned upside down and placed in its original position.

Hako Onna Summary <Back>

Hako Onna ability.

No.1 "Closer to you": You can move to any room on the same floor in this action.

Number 2: "I'm coming to you": You can move twice in this action.

Number 3 "Locked Door": (Can't be invoked twice in a row) Place the door obstacle at any door. Visitors cannot pass through this door. Remove obstacles to your next turn.

Number 4 "moving objects": (This card shouldn't be your first card) You can move all the tiles in the room to another shadow in the same room. You can also flip the open tiles in the room again.

Number 5, "I'm behind you.": (If there's a sound, it's triggered by interference. All visitors in the same room as you die. If there are eight activated abilities, visitors in the same room with Hakovito will also die. Open the tiles to visitors and turn them upside down again.

Number 6, "Open it": (Use it as an obstruction.) Obstructed visitors must take a peek at one of the shadows in the room with their actions. You can also get a glimpse of the tiles that have been released.

Number 7 "I want her": (Use it as an obstruction) Steal any items from the visitor or any tiles from the interrupted visitor (you can check them later) Put the stolen items on your plate. If there's already something on top of it, give it to a visitor who's been disturbed.)

Number 8 "My Mary": (Use it as a disturbance) Visitors with Mary should reveal the bandry tile and have this card.) The visitor should avoid making two sounds at a time and cannot abandon Mary or give it to anyone. If no one has Mary, nothing happens.

Number 9 "False Answer": Passive effect: You can lie when answering visitor items such as Dowing Road or Weiser Board. When answering, you don't have to reveal that this ability has been activated.

Number 10 "The phone rings": (This ability can only be used once in a game. Use it as a distraction:) Let all visitors move to the living room until one arrives. Other disturbances can also be used.

Despair Time: Place this card at the bottom of the deck and pick two cards. Even if the corresponding diary tile is not disclosed, you will have a card.

-- Expansion card...

Hako Onna's ability card for expansion.

Impossible abalone (left)

You can put this card on hold at any time you take it out.

Activate this card when visitors have to put a red disk on it. Visitors should stack the beads of red tokens down. Once used, this card will be excluded from the game.

Fake scream.

You can put this card on hold at any time you take it out.

When you scream, you can always point where you are not. After use, visitors can close their eyes and bring them back, but they should not set up this ability card again.


Diary card for expansion.

Impossible abalone (left)

When Hako Onna takes out the card, it can be put on hold at any time and is not played with the ability to be lifted.

Hako Onna activates this card when a visitor has to put a red disk on it, and the visitor has to stack the beads of the red token so that they go down. Once used, this card will be excluded from the game.

Fake scream.

When Hako Onna takes out the card, it can be put on hold at any time and is not played with the ability to be lifted.

When screaming, Hako Onna can point to a place where Hako Onna is not present. Hako Onna can be brought back after visitors close their eyes after using it, but they should never set up this ability card again.



Visitor card for expansion (clockwise order)

Letter from the Black Dream: Acting despair. Take the time card of despair from Hako Onna's deck and put it at the bottom.

Chapter 2 of the Walkie Talkie: You can share information. You can "check" with visitors with walkie talkie. The "inspection" action can always be done, and you can show items to each other and share information without making a sound.

Ring of memory: It delivers the last wish. When you die, give all your tiles and items to any visitor. If the visitor wins before the next Hako Onna's turn, you win, too.

Infrared goggles: In order to use this item, flip the tiles before looking at the tiles during peeping. If you wrote the item and the tile is a diary tile, you can take unused visitor items.

Travel bag: You can only use it once. Leave your card under the room where you are, and leave blank tiles anywhere in the room. This blank tile becomes a "in the suitcase" and becomes an additional shadow of the room.

Ventriloquism Doll: Talk to the doll. Choose a room and Hako Onna checks all the tiles in the room. If you find a Mary doll, shout, "I'm Mary!" If you find a diary tile, open it and place it on the diary card.

Only memory rings and travel bags can be activated when Hako Onna is in the same room.




<Set up>





One player who plays Hako onna sits apart from other players.


Hako Onna takes Hako Onna Summary, Hako Onna and Safe Board.


Visitors choose their pawn each and take corresponding Hakobito tile and visitor's summary with them.





Place the 1F Hall on the table which becomes first floor of the mansion.

Shuffle the rest of the floors. Visitors, in turn, draw the floors and place it next to the board already aligned.

At least one door(red line) should be connected to each other.




When 2F hall is drawn, place it separately from the first floor.

The boards being drawn after 2F hall can be connected to any floor of the mansion. But the basement should NOT be connected to any other boards.



You can only move through connected door





After all the boards are placed, the visitors put their pawn on the 1F hall.






Put Hako Onna, Bones, Safe and Key Rings and 24 Empty tiles aside. 






Hako Onna secretly chooses 3 tiles from combination tiles and place them facedown on the Safe Board.



This becomes combination of the safe, regardless of the order.



Put rest of the combination tiles on the bottom of the box and place the Key Ring tile on the Safe tile, too.





Hako Onna secre chooses one tile from 3 weakness tiles and place it facedown on the Hako Onna Board.



Put rest of the weakness tiles on the bottom of the box.



The bottom of the box later becomes a mixing area of tiles to be put on the shadows.





Place the Safe tile on the designated shadow, in the Study Room.




Safe tile always starts here but it can be moved by Hako Onna later.






Put all the remaining item tiles and diary tiles on the bottom of the box.



These 22 tiles and composed of 2 weakness tiles, 3 combination tiles, 10 diary tiles and 7 item tiles except Bones, Safe and Key Rings.






Mix 22 tiles and place them facedown on the Shadows of the all rooms so that no players can see their faces.




One Shadow is going to be empty but you don't need to be as it is going to be filled soon.





Place the 10 diary cards in a row as shown in the picture.




These are used to track down Hako Onna's power.




Place the diary tiles on the corresdponding card when found.




Put Time of Despair aside and shuffle rest of the Hako Onna power cards.




Hako Onna draws 3 cards from them. Take one card to the hand secretly from 3 cards.




The 2 unchosen cards go back to the deck. Suffle the deck and put Time of Despair so that it goes at the bottom of the deck. Place it near Hako Onna.




Hako Onna CANNOT use 4. Moving things at the beginning of tge game.

To gain other powers, the correspoding diasry tiles should be found.




Theere are regular, hard, nightmare mode in this game.




Each mode has different settings for the Noise system. For every mode, place the Noise disc and board at the reach of every player.



Regular - 4 black discs, 1 red disc with small bead

Hard - 4 black discs, 1 red disc with big bead

Nightmare - 3 black discs, 2 red disc 


If you can't use the sound board system or want to use the card instead, put the sound board and disk back in the box and turn the sound card upside down in a 3x2 arrangement.





Refer to the explanation later on how to use it.





Now visitors close their eyes.


When all visitors close their eyes, Hako Onna puts the remains tile in any shadow.

To put the tile where it already is, move the original tile to an empty shadow.

However, it should not be placed in the shadow of the safe in the study room.

The vault tiles should always be placed in the designated shadow (red X) to start the game.


Hako Onna decides where to start now.

You can start in one of the two rooms with "Desire." (Red Bedroom and Eye Bedroom) Hako Onna can check all the tiles in the selected room.

Pick one and flip it over to the "position" of Hako Onna Pan.

Place the Hako Onna tile upside down in an empty shadow.

The tiles placed in the "position" cannot be checked by visitors until Hako Onna moves again.

Now visitors open their eyes.

Hako Onna starts the game by reciting the underlying lines.

Boom! The entrance was tightly closed with a loud noise. The door only opens when everyone is dead. No one can go out. Living.

Welcome to my house. No one can escape.


















"The conditions for victory".

The victory of visitors.

A. Escape - Open the safe to get a key and peek at the secret exit.

B. Kill Hako Onna - Find out weaknesses and write the item to her.

C. Praying for peace - Getting a Mary doll and peeping at the remains.

Hako Onna's victory.

A. Alone again - Death of all visitors

B. Inevitable - When there are no cases where visitors can win.

<Game flow>

Starting with the player on the left side of Hako Onna, visitors take turns.

Matton starts with a visitor who tries not to make a sound.

Visitors should stack the metric sound disc on the sound board (or the sound card described later). This can be successful or unsuccessful.



You have to stack it on top of the beads.

If visitors successfully stack sound disks, they avoid making sound and can have their turns.

After the turn, the player on the left will continue to play again.


Example of failure.
If a visitor fails to stack a sound disk, he or she will make a sound and it will be Hako Onna's turn.

The sound system is reset and starts again with the player who made the sound after Hako Onna's turn.

<Sound System>



Basic mode.

Put a red disk with a small bead on No. 3 and a black disk for the rest.

Difficult mode


Put a red disk with a large bead on No. 3 and a black disk for the rest.

Nightmare mode


Put a red disk with a large bead on it No. 2, a red disk with a small bead on it No. 4, and a black disk on it.

--- How to stack sound discs---


The first disk should be placed on the bead of the sound board like this.

The following sound disks can also be stacked continuously, and when the disk collapses, it makes a sound.





Red disks don't matter if the beads go up or down.

There are two criteria for determining that the disk has collapsed.


1. When the disk at the bottom is not on the bead of the sound board








2. When the disks touch something other than the one right below them





If the first disk slipped from the bead on the sound board, it is considered that the disk collapsed and made a sound.

However, when stacking a disk, if other disks do not collapse and only the disk you are currently placing has slipped, you don't have to consider it collapsed, but just try to rebuild it again.

--- When a visitor makes a sound---

1. Visitors currently playing stop turning.

2. Hako Onna has a turn.

3. The sound system is reset.

4. The visitor who made the sound tries again from disk 1.

If Hako Onna hits the table or knocks down the disk, the sound system will be reset, but Hako Onna's turn will not come.

However, if other players knock down the disk, consider it as a sound and take the above process.

However, in this case, it will be Hako Onna's turn after finishing the turn of the visitor currently playing.

--- Time over---


If the visitor successfully stacks up to the fifth disk, the visitor's turn is over and it becomes Hako Onna's turn.

The sound system is reset and the next visitor continues to turn.

This is not considered to have made a sound and is called a timeout.

--- Pass --- pass.

Visitors can just turn over by bringing in the disk.

However, you can't pass when it's time to post a red disk.

If you pass, you don't do anything and just move on to the next player's order.

Hako Onna can't use the ability to interfere with a turnaround.

If you pass when you have to upload the fifth disk, it's a timeout.

--- Alternative sound system ---





If you are in an environment where you can't stack disks or don't like delicate work, you can use the sound card instead.

Mix the cards and turn them upside down in a 3x2 arrangement.

Visitors flip a card on their turn.

If the sum of the cards released is 11 or more, it is considered to have made a sound and should be the same as "when the visitor made a sound."



Visitors can pass by simply taking the card without flipping or checking it, but when the 0 card is released,

You can't pass. If you pass the fifth card, the timeout will be activated.

If the remaining cards are disclosed or if there is only one card left by the visitor, the timeout will also be activated.

<The visitor's turn>

If a visitor succeeds in not making a sound, he or she can do one of the following main actions.



Use of items

Additionally, you can do the following free actions to your heart's content.

Show/give/receive tiles to visitors in the same room.

Throw away the tiles in the empty shadow in the room.

Sharing information.

[Hako's interruption]

Some of Hako Onna's abilities can interfere with visitor behavior, but not after the action has already been made.

For a good game, it's a good idea to talk first and put it into action before the visitor does what they want.

You don't have to wait, but you have to have time for Hako Onna to interrupt.

<Main Action>






You can move to the attached room through the door.

You can also move through the stairs connecting the warehouse - basement, first floor hall - second floor hall.


You sneak into one of the tiles in the shadow of your room.

If there are two tiles in one shadow, check both.

I checked the tiles.

- Hako Onna / Hakobitoyle City: Reveal the truth and die. Turn the tiles upside down again.

- Diary tile date: Open it and place it on the corresponding diary card.

- Tiles you can take (items, weaknesses, number of combinations): You can take them and turn them upside down in front of me so that no one can check them.

- Safe date and time: Let's match the combination. If you get it right, get the key, and if it's wrong, turn it over again.

- Secret exit date: If you have the key, the visitor wins. If you don't have a key, turn it over again.

- Date of remains: If you have a Mary doll, the visitor wins. If you don't have a key, turn it over again.

When the tile is removed from the game board with any indifference, refill it with an inverted blank tile.

If there is no empty tile left, just do nothing.

However, if you want, you can flip over the tiles you have and put them there.

You shouldn't peek at the empty shadow, but you can peek at the open tiles.

Use of items

Select an item card or tile and use it publicly. You have to specify what items to use.

Some items... Hako Onna is in the same room, but if you use it, you can't use it.

You can be killed right away by Hako Onna.

Hako Onna screams, turns her tiles upside down, kills visitors, and turns them upside down again.

If Hako Onna is not in the same room, Hako Onna may use her set abilities to interfere.

You can interrupt after saying which item to use and where, but you can't interrupt after using the item.


Showing/giveing/receiving tiles to visitors in the same room.

If there are other visitors in a room with a current turn-in visitor, they can show or exchange tiles with each other.

If a visitor peeps at a tile, he or she can show it to another visitor.

Throwing away the tiles in the empty shadow in the room

If you have an empty shadow in your room, you can leave your tiles upside down at any time.

Sharing information

Visitors can share information with each other at any time unless it is Hako Onna's turn.

However, you should keep in mind that Hako Onna is listening.

It's not good to speak in a language that Hako Onna doesn't understand,

It's okay to lie about tile information or wink.

<Play as Hako Onna>

Hako Onna is the owner, host, and entertainer of the game.

We need to lead the mood so that other players can maintain tension and play during the game.

There is no action that Hako Onna can attack visitors.

However, we can wait for visitors.

There are three ways to kill visitors.

1. A peek at Hako Onna's tiles.

2. Use a specific item when you're in the same room as Hako Onna.

3. When a visitor makes a sound, use the ability to "Stay behind you".

Hako Onna has to wait for visitors to find diary tiles to disallow her ability.

방ᄆDon't keep visitors waiting long when they close their eyes.

You have to think enough about what to do before closing your eyes.

Of course, playing can take a long time, but you have to minimize it.

<Hako on my turn>

Hako Onna's turn comes when visitors make a sound or time is over.

When Hako Onna finishes the turn, the sound system is reset.

The actions below should be performed in order once.

However, no action is essential.

- Screaming

- Ability setting / withdrawaling

- Power activating

- Move.


It's convenient to refer to the name of the room.

Hako Onna player screams and points to the room where he/she is (not the person who is asleep).

If there are two rooms on the game board, you should definitely point to one room.

And pick a skill card.

If your ability is lifted (if a diary tile is found and placed on the card), you will get a ability card.

If the ability is not lifted, put it back at the bottom of the deck.

If you picked "Time of Despair," put the time of despair back at the bottom of the deck and pick two abilities.

You can get them even if they are skills that are not lifted.

Setting/withdrawing skills

You can set your skills left and right on Hako Onna Pan.

<Simple acquisition of a card cannot be used. You can only use the set-up skills.>

Hako Onna is...

1. Set one of the underwater cards on the left or right side of the board.

2. You can bring back the set ability.

You can only do one of the two.

All ability cards must be activated and brought back with Hako Onna's hand.

Some cards are triggered by the visitor's turn.


Some powerful cards need more conditions to be activated.

These cards can only be activated when the ability as many as the number in the lock is lifted.

Setting can be done even if the conditions are not met, but it cannot be activated.

<All visitors should close their eyes now>>

Power activating

The set ability 1, 2, 3, and 4 cards are now available.

You don't have to let them know out loud, and you can do that if you want to use both abilities.

You have to bring back the abilities you used with your hands.

Capabilities 6, 7, 8, and 10 must be used as an obstruction to the visitor's turn and cannot be used for Hako Onna's turn.

Ability 5 automatically activates when a visitor makes a sound and when Hako Onna is in the same room.

Ability 9 continues to activate as a passive as soon as it is set.


Hako Onna Player takes tiles from the shadow of Hako Onna Tile and exchanges them with Hako Onna Pan's "position" tiles.

You can now move to the next room connected to the door, door, or stairs, or stay in the same room.

If you move the room, you can check the shadows in the room one by one and choose a shadow to breathe.

If there was a tile released, you can flip it again.

After choosing the shadow to move, place the Hako Onna tile in the shadow.

Move the tile from its original position to Hako Onna Pan.

If there is no tile in the shadow of Hako Onna's coming and going, you don't have to move the tile to its location.

Tiles placed in a location cannot be checked or obtained by visitors, so they can be used as strategies.





Hakovito puts the tiles in front of him where he wants to move, like Hako Onna's "position" when moving.

However, if you go to a shadow with Hako Onna or other Hakobito, you cannot bring tiles and you have to overlap them.

But it's not a good choice to know that two enemies are together.

<All visitors can open their eyes now>>

After Hako Onna's turn, the sound system is reset.

If the visitor made a sound and became Hako Onna's turn, the visitor who made the sound resumed the turn,

If it's Hako Onna's turn over time, the turn will resume from the next visitor.

The set 6, 7, 8, and 10 abilities can be activated by the visitor's turn.

Keep in mind that the ability in Hako Onna's hand cannot be activated.

When interfering, the visitor's turn is paused for a while, the ability card is reversed and released, the ability is activated, and Hako Onna takes it again, and the visitor's turn.

You can take action considering the disturbance of Hako Onna.

Obstruction can be done as soon as a visitor successfully stacks a disk, or even when he or she says what to do.

However, you can't do it after you actually do it.

For example

- You can't interrupt after you say you're going to peek at the shadow, but you can't interrupt after you actually peek at the shadow.

-It may interfere after the visitor discloses the item and says where it will be used, but it cannot interfere after actually using the item.

※ Strange amulets and the use of fire extinguishers cannot be hindered.

If both set abilities interfere, both can be used at once.

<Visitor's Game Play>


The only exit is a secret exit, but it's locked. The key to solve is in the safe.

The number to open the safe was set in advance by Hako Onna at the game preparation turn in a combination of three numbers.

To match this combination, you have to find the rest of the numbers and deduce them.

A peek into the safe.

Visitors who peek into the safe get a chance to guess the three numbers.

The order of numbers is irrelevant.

If the number said by the visitor is correct, Hako Onna gives the visitor a key and the visitor turns the tile upside down in front of him.

If it's wrong, turn the vault tiles upside down again and finish the turn.

If a visitor with a key peeps into a secret exit, the visitors escape and win.

If a visitor without a key peeks at the secret exit, just flip the tile again.


Upper line - Item tile, lower line - Weakness tile

Hako Onna is weak against one of the three items.

Hako Onna chose the items that were her weakness in the game preparation stage.

Visitors should find the remaining weak point tiles and infer Hako Onna's weak point.

Visitors say the item and the shadow to use, and then flip the tiles in the shadow.

1. If there is no Hako Onna, both tiles and items in the shadow (including Hakobito) will be excluded from the game.

Don't fill in the blank tiles.

2. If there is Hako Onna but it is not a weak item, other tiles and items in the shadow will be excluded from the game, and visitors will die.

3. When Hako Onna was present and the exact weakness item was used, Hako Onna was eliminated and the visitor won.

Wishing good luck


Hako Onna is just a sad girl who died alone.

If she brings her doll to her body, she can go where she wants and rest peacefully.

Find and bring Mary's doll somewhere in the mansion.

If a visitor with a Mary doll peeps at the remains, Hako Onna sleeps comfortably and the visitor wins.

Death and Hakobito

When a visitor dies, he turns into Hakobito and plays the game on Hako Onna's side.

The player who dies discloses all of his or her items to everyone and excludes them from the game.

Hako Onna and Hakovito play together, so you can move to Hako Onna's turn and share information.

You don't have to close your eyes to Hako Onna's turn now, but you shouldn't keep visitors waiting too long.

Hakobito's movement.

Hakobito can also move to a room connected to the door or to a room connected by stairs, such as a visitor or Hako Onna.




Put tiles under the horses of visitors.

Check the shadow of the room to move one by one, decide where to hide, and place the tile in front of you where you moved.

When moving to a shadow with Hako Onna or other Hakobito, you can't bring tiles, so just put two tiles together.

However, it is not a good choice as it is a hint to visitors.

Except for movement, Hakovito has no special ability.

Except for ability 5, it is not considered Hako Onna.

If Hako Onna wins, Hakobito will win, but eventually he just died.

<Game over>

If all visitors die, the game will end with Hako Onna's victory.

Not everyone is dead, but if there is no way for visitors to win anymore, it will be Hako Onna's victory.

For example, visitors cannot win if all weak items are destroyed, Hakobito has Mary's doll, and Hako Onna is on the secret exit.




If the visitor's defeat is decided on Hako Onna's turn, put the game box on the game board and open it when the visitors close their eyes.

More hopelessly, it can cause defeat to visitors.

+Expandation skills and items

Players should never be included in the game hastily unless they are very familiar with it.

Because there are things that are powerful enough to collapse the balance.

It can bring different strategies and advantages to the game, but it can also take away the pleasure of the game.

Impossible abalone is not included if you are using an alternative sound system.