Century: Spice Road

for 2~5 players

It's a game that you get victory points using cubes and cards.

The player with the most points wins.

If you can scan the QR code above, 

you can also see it on your mobile!


Victory Point Card (orange back side)

36 cards

Caravan card (gray back side)

5 cards

(Including the starting player card)

Starting Card - Production 2 (purple back side)

5 cards

Starting Card - Upgrade 2 (purple back side)

5 cards

Merchant Card 
(purple back side)

43 cards

Gold/Silver Coin Token

Total of 20 (10 each)

35 Wooden Cubes - 

30 Wooden Cubes - Saffron

20 Wooden Cubes - Cardamom

20 Wooden Cubes - Cinnamon


Mix the Victory Point cards well to make a pile.

Spread 5 Victory Point cards to the left of the pile so that you can see the front.

Bring a Gold Coin Token twice the number of players.

Place the first (far left) point card at the top.

Bring a Silver Coin Token twice the number of players.

Place it above the second point card.

Each player takes one starting card "Production 2" and "Upgrade 2."

Mix the Merchant Cards well to make a pile.

Spread 6 merchant cards to the left of the pile so that you can see the front.

Classify wooden cubes by color and put them in a bowl.

Refer to the picture above for the arrangement order.

(Yellow ->Red ->Green ->Brown)

Mix Caravan Cards containing the starting player card well as the number of players 

and distribute them one by one.

Place the yellow and red cubes on each player's caravan card as below.

Start player: 3 yellow cubes

Second player: 4 yellow cubes

Third player: 4 yellow cubes

Fourth player: 3 yellow cubes and 1 red cube

Fifth player: 3 yellow cubes and 1 red cube


When it's your turn, you can only do one of the following actions.

1. Playing a card

2. Acquire

3. Rest

4. Score

1. Playing a card

To play a hand card, place it face-up in front of you and trigger its effect.

If you use a spice card, take the color and number of cubes marked on it 

from the bowl and place them on your Caravan Card.

For example, if you use the card above, you can bring 4 yellow cubes.

The Upgrade 2 card allows you to upgrade the cube in your caravan.

You can upgrade two cubes in your caravan to the next level.

Or, you can upgrade one cube in your caravan to one level, 

and then you can do one cube to one level.

The upgrade stage is as shown in the picture above.

Using a trade card, return the color and number cube 

indicated above the arrow to the corresponding bowl 

from the magnetic caravan, 

take the color and number cube 

indicated below the arrow from the bowl, 

and place it in the magnetic caravan.

For example, using the above card, 

you can return three green cubes and bring three brown cubes.

Trade can be done several times at a time 

as long as the cube is allowed.

2. Acquire

It's free when you bring the Merchant Card on the far left.

Bring the first Merchant Card and hold it in your hand.

After taking the Merchant card, fill in the blanks 

by bringing the remaining cards close to the left.

If there's a blank on the left side of the pile of Merchant cards,

Open a new card from the pile and fill in the blanks.

To bring the second card first, you must first take a cube 

from your caravan and pay one cube for each Merchant card 

on the left side of the card you want to get.

For example, in order to bring the third Merchant card, 

you must place one cube each on the card 

on the left (2 cards) as shown in the picture.

Take the third card and fill in the blanks 

by bringing the remaining card on the right into close contact with the left.

If there is only a blank on the left side of the pile of Merchant cards,

 open a new card from the pile to fill in the blanks.

The type of cube doesn't matter.

3. Rest

When you take a break, bring all the cards you used and hold them in your hand again.

(Through this process, build your own merchant card hand.

This type of game is called "Deck Building Game")

4. Score

In order to obtain a Victory Point card, 

all the cubes marked on the Victory Point card must be in your caravan.

Put all the cubes back in the bowl, 

bring in the winning card, and place them 

in front of you so that you can't see the front.

After bringing in the Victory Point card, 

fill in the blank by bringing the remaining card close to the left.

If there is only a blank on the left side of the pile of Victory Point cards, 

open a new card from the pile to fill in the blanks.

If you brought a Victory Point card from the far left, 

bring one Gold Coin Token above the card.

If you brought the second Victory Point card from the far left, 

bring one Silver Coin Token above the card.

If you took the last Gold Coin Token, 

move the pile of Silver Coin Tokens to the left 

and place it at the top of the left-most Victory Point card.


If the cube held by the player exceeds the limit of cube retention 

shown on the caravan card at the end of his turn, 

the remaining cube will be selected and returned to the corresponding bowl.

Each player can have up to 10 cubes in a caravan.

The supply of cubes is unlimited.

If the cube of the bowl runs out, 

you can use a replacement.

<Game End>

If anyone has collected five Victory Point cards, 

they will only proceed until the round and end the game.

(6 cards for 2 or 3 players)

Then, each person adds their own points.

You get points through points cards, 
Gold/Silver Coin Tokens, 

and cubes left in the Caravan.

Three points per Gold Coin Token, one point per Silver Coin Token, 

and one point per yellow cube except yellow.

The player with the most points wins.

If several players tie, 

the last player to turn will win.