For the King (and Me)

For 2-5 Players

 Be the player with the most influence in each office of the government 

to gain the most points.

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1 Government board

5 Noble Tiles

36 Duty Tiles

1 Card Preparation Sheet

108 Cards 

(54 Government Cards, 15 King Cards and 39 Gold Cards)


Each player takes a Noble tile and places it in front of them, 

 with either side face up. 

Put the unused tiles back in the box.

Place the Government board to the side.

With 2, 3, or 4 players, there should be 5 portraits visible.

 With 2, 3, or 4 players, there should be 5 portraits visible.

Place each 3-value Duty tile on the matching spaces 

just below each portrait on the Government board.

Place the matching 1-value Duty tiles below the 3-value tiles.

In 2-player games only, do not use the 1-value tiles. 

Only one tile should be below each portrait. 

Find all of the cards marked with a number higher

 than the number of players at the bottom 

and put them back in the box. 

If a card doesn’t have a number at the bottom,

 keep it.


In a 3-player game, 

remove all of the cards 

with a 4 or 5 at the bottom and keep all the others.

In a 3-player game, 

remove all of the cards 

with a 4 or 5 at the bottom and keep all the others.

Shuffle all the remaining cards, 

then randomly put the number of cards shown in the table 

below back in the box without looking at them.

Shuffle all the remaining cards again and make a face-down deck.

Randomly choose the first player. 

They take the deck and will be the first player to distribute cards.


The game is played over 2 phases: 

I. Share Influence Phase 

II. Gain Esteem Phase

Share Influence Phase

During this phase, 

the players will take turns being the Advisor. 

The Advisor will distribute cards from the deck to themselves, 

the other players,

 and a common Favor deck. 

 Players continue taking turns until the deck is empty.

1. Distribute Cards

When it is your turn as Advisor, 

draw the top card from the deck, 

consider it carefully without showing it to the other players, 

then place it in one of 3 areas:

-In front of yourself 

Place the card face down in front of you, 

in your personal deck. 

Limit per turn: 1 card 

-In the middle of the table 

Place the card face up in the middle of the table 

Limit per turn: 1 card per opponent 

-Next to the Government board 

Place the card face down next to the Government board on top of the Favor deck. 

Limit per turn: 1 card

You must place the card you draw 

before drawing the next card. 

You cannot change your decision 

and move the card 

 after you draw the next card.

Keep distributing cards 

until you reach the limit in all 3 areas. 

Then continue to the next step.

2. Choose Central Cards

Each of your opponents, 

starting with the player to your left and going clockwise, 

will choose one of the cards you placed in the middle of the table 

and add it to their personal deck, 

face down.

3. Change Adviser

Give the deck to the player to your left. 

They become the Adviser and begin a new turn with the Distribute Cards step. 

If the deck is empty, 

continue to the GAIN ESTEEM PHASE.

II. Gain Esteem Phase

This phase plays over several rounds. 

First, shuffle the common Favor deck and place it facedown 

in the middle of the table. 

Each player takes their personal deck into their hand. 

 The player to the left of the last Adviser 

in the previous phase becomes the first player.

Then follow these steps in order, 

repeating the steps until the common deck is empty: 

1. The first player reveals the top card of the Favor deck 

 and places it in the middle of the table. 

2. Starting with the first player then taking turns in clockwise order, 

Raise or Pass following the rules outlined below. 

3. Whoever wins the card pays the total amount they bid 

 and takes the card into their hand.

* Gain Esteem

On your turn, 

you can try to Gain Esteem by bidding a number or Pass. 


The first number bid that round must be equal to or greater than 1. 

Any subsequent bids must be strictly greater 

than the previous number declared during that round. 

Players can continue raising the bid around the table multiple times.


If you Pass, you are removed from the bidding 

and can no longer raise this round. 

You can Pass as early as your first turn.


When all players but one have passed, 

the remaining player wins the bid 

and successfully Gains Esteem. 

They must pay whatever they declared on their last bid.

After the final round is over and the common deck is empty, 

 continue to the <END OF THE GAME>.

<End of the Game>

Add up the value of your Government cards in each color separately. 

The player with the highest sum takes the Primary Duty tile of the corresponding color. 

If there is a tie, 

the tied player with the card marked A (or closest to A in alphabetical order) 

 in that color takes the tile. 

Then, the player with the next highest sum 

takes the Secondary Duty tile of the corresponding color, 

if there is one. 

If there is a tie between multiple players for second place, 

 break the tie in the same way described above. 

In case of a tie for the Primary Duty, 

the player who lost the tie takes the corresponding Secondary tile. 

Count your victory points 

by adding the esteem of all the Primary and Secondary Duty tiles you gained. 

The player with the most victory points wins the game! 

If there’s a tie between players in the lead, 

the tied player with the highest value in Gold cards wins 

(Gold doesn’t have any other purpose at the end of the game). 

If there is still a tie, the one with the most Diplomacy cards wins. 

If there is still a tie, the one who has the blue card with A 

(or closest to A in alphabetical order) wins. 

If no tied player has any Diplomacy cards, 

follow the same steps with the Entertainment cards, 

then Livestock, Architecture, Military, 

and Provision cards 

until the tie is broken.