Kung Fur Fight!

For 2 Players

If you predict the opponent's behavior and set up a corresponding strategy 

to make 'Spirit Points' zero or 'Victory Points' higher than the opponent, 

you win.

If you can scan the QR code above, 

you can also see it on your mobile!


1 Scoring Board

2 Player Screen

1 Arena Board

1 Player Board

35 Tokens

6 Faction Tokens

52 Cards

(Animal Cards, Achievement Cards and Item Cards)

<Game Setup>

Cat vs Dogs

1. Each player chooses one faction between cats and dogs.

2. Players sit across the table and take all their components:

9 Animal Cards

1 Player Screen

1 Player Board

3 Faction Tokens

3 Food Tokens

The Ninja Cats player takes 2 Raihuu Tokens, and 4 Hidden Weapon Tokens.


The Monk Dogs player takes 3 Hua Tokens.

Place all Food Tokens on the Player Board,

and place one Faction Token on the card limit mark "3" of the Player Board.

3. Place the Arena Board between the players 

with the green side facing 

toward the Monk Dogs player.

4. Each player places one Faction Token 

on the place showing start of VP and SP.

5. Shuffle all Achievement Cards, Item Cards and Ranger Cards 

to form a face down Reward Pile.

6. Place all other tokens in the Warehouse.

<Game Sequence>

Prepare > Plan > Resolve > Refresh

Prepare Phase

At the beginning of each round, reveal the top 3 cards 

from the Reward Pile one by one 

and place them on arena 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

If there are Reward Cards left on the arena 

(not claimed due to a draw from the previous rounds), 

place the new Reward Card on top of them.

You may fan out the cards a little so that all the cards can be seen.

Each arena can hold a maximum of 3 Reward Cards. 

Whenever there is a fourth card added into an arena, 

remove the card on the bottom to the Discard Area.

Plan Phase

Both players place the Animal Cards behind their Player Screen into up to 3 teams

to plan for the fight.

The maximum number of Animal Cards you may play is indicated 

by the "Card Limit" on your Player Board.

When you assign 2 or more Animal Cards to an arena, 

stack them to form a team with each cards's AP being visible. 

The top card will be the Leader of the team; the Leader contributes AP, 

and you may also activate all its abilities.

The other cards are the Assistants who only contribute AP to the team.

In the above case, the combined AP becomes 5 

and activates the ability of Masaru, the colon. 

After assigning Animal Cards, you may add any number of hidden Weapon Tokens 

and/or Coconut Token to the teams.

However, you cannot add them to an arena without Animal Cards.

After the Resolve Phase, discard all used Hidden Weapon Tokens to the Warehouse.

Take Coconut Token back to you side; it is reuseable.

Resolve Phase

Remove your Player Screens and determine the winner of each combat.

(resolved from arena 1 to 3)

In each combat, both players may activate the abilities of their Leader 

and then add up all APs for their team.

If your team's AP is higher than your opponent's, 

you become the winner of that arena. 


Fu is the Chef and must be played as the Leader.

During the Refresh Phase, 

spend a Food Token 

and take back all used Animals Cards

to your hand.


If you have fewer VP than your opponent,

your AP is increased by 2.


If you play Hua as the Leader, 

place the Hua token on the arena after the combat.

Only one Hua token can be placed 

on each arena and 2 AP is assigned 

to that arena. 

If you lose the battle on a arena 

with the Hua token, 

you will throw it away. 

If you lose a combat against Hua as captain on a arena 

with Hua tokens, 

you will not remove the Hua token.


Ban ignores up to five of the opponent's Secret Weapon Tokens 

and steals up to two of them. 

Coconut Tokens cannot be ignored or stolen.


Yue adds AP as many as the number of counterpart Animal Cards placed 

on the arena. 

If the opponent placed 3 Animal Cards on the arena, 

add 3 AP.


Shiue can ignore card restrictions 

and place one animal card as an assistant 

if your animal card placed on the arena is less 

than three when dealing with the combat. 

There should not be more than four animal cards on a single arena. 

You can also add the wanderer card you earned earlier in the same round. 

If the opponent has placed Ringo as the Leader in the same arena, 

the loser will decide whether to use the ability through Rock-Paper-Scissors.


Hokuto is the Chef and must be played as the Leader.

During the Refresh Phase, 

spend a Food Token a

nd take back all used Animals Cards to your hand.


After the combat is resolved,

take 3 Hidden Weapon Tokens from the Warehouse.


Ringo can add up to four secret weapon tokens 

to the arena

when dealing with the combat. 

If the opponent placed Shiue as the Leader in the same arena, 

the loser will decide 

whether to use the ability through Rock-Paper-Scissors.


If you win a cambat with Yaou, 

you can take it back to your hand instead of placing it to the Rest Area.


When you assign Raihuu as the Leader to an arena, 

you also place a Raihuu Token on each of the other 2 arenas.


Take 4 Hidden Weapon Tokens from the Warehouse 

if you win this combat.


If you win, you gain 2 VP instead of 1.


When resolving the combat, you may remove one Assistant 

with the least AP from your opponent's team to the Rest Area.

If your opponent has only one Animal Card in this arena,

Shiau-Yao's ability is ignored.


If you lose, your SP is only reduced by 1.

Ignore any other abilities that may reduce your SP in this combat.


If you win, your opponent lose 2 SP.

If your opponent has Musashi as the Leader, 

they will only lose 1 SP even if you win with BoShark.


If your opponent's AP is higher than yours by 4 or more, you win the combat.

If your AP is higher than your opponent's, you still win the combat.


Himiko is not counted into your Card Limit 

when it is played as the Leader.

you still cannot play more than 3 Animal Cards in an arena

even with Himiko as the Leader. 


Tumaz must be played alone as the Leader.

No Assistants can be added to his team.

When activating Shiue's ability, 

you can't add Tumaz as the Assistant.

You can use Hidden Weapon Tokens and Coconut Token with Tumaz.

In the case above, 

the cat wins 7:8, 

the dog wins the arena 2 by 2-0, 

and the cat wins the arena 3 by 4:5.

If you win the arena, get 1VP 

and move your token on the VP track one step forward. 

If the VP is more than 10, 

it is considered to be more than 10 in one round.

After that, 

all compensation cards on the arena are obtained.

The wanderer card will be added to your hand and used from the next round.

Item cards are activated according to the activation time.

Immediately: Use immediately.

One time: Use it when you want to use it.

Persistent: Permanently used depending on the conditions.

Achievement cards activate effects immediately.


You gain 1 SP immediately.

In addition, you can take back all your used Animal Cards

to your hand in the Refresh Phase without spending a Food Token.

If you have played your Chef of your SP is reduced to 4 or lower,

you still have to spend the required Food Token. 

If you have 0 or 12 SP, 

you will not gain any SP when you get Ginseng.


Put this card in front of you. 

You win all combats that are tied.

If you and your opponent both have 0 AP in an arena,

"Apple" has no effect.


Take the Coconut Token from the Warehouse.

You gain add it to any team in the Plan Phase.

You gain 1 AP for the Coconut Token.

You can take back your Coconut Token in the Refresh Phase

and use it again in the Following rounds.

Coconut Token is not a Hidden Weapon Token.

Ban cannot steal or ignore it.

Ringo cannot add it to a combat.


Put this card in front of you.

You can use it and temporarily increase your Card Limit 

by 1 in any round you want.

In the Plan Phase, 

if you want to use "Peach", 

you don't have to tell your opponent,

simply increase your Card Limit by 1.

And remember to discard "Peach" at the end of the Resolve Phase.


Draw 3 cards from the Reward Pile and picj one.

If it's an Achievement Card or an Item Card,

activate it immediately;

if it's a Ranger Card, add it to your hand.

You must show the card you picked to your opponent.

Discard the other 2 cards to the Discard Pile, face down.


You gain 5 Hidden Weapon Tokens from the Warehouse immediately.


Place 1 Mushroom Token on your side of the arena where you won it.

You gain 1 AP for each Mushroom Token in the arena.

You can have at most 2 Mushroom Tokens in an arena.


Your opponent -2 SP and you +1 SP

If you have 0 or 12 SP, 

you will not gain any SP when you get "Power".


Your opponent loses 1 SP and put a "Card Limit-1" Token ot their Player Board.

Their Card Limit is reduced by 1 during the next Plan Phase.

Remove this token at the end of the next Refresh Phase.


Your opponent -2 SP. 

You can immediately take back all your Animal Cards it this arena to hand.


Your opponent loses SP based on the difference of your AP:

Opponent -1 SP if the AP difference is 0-2.

Opponent -3 SP if the AP difference is 3-6.

Opponent -5 SP if the AP difference is 7 or more.

This card still applies when you win a combat with Tai-Chi as the Leader.


When you gain "Boom", put it in front of you,

and your opponent loses SP based on the number of "Boom" you have.

Opponent -2 SP if you have 1 "Boom" in total.

Opponent -3 SP if you have 2 "Boom" in total.

Opponent -5 SP if you have 3 or more "Boom" in total.


You opponent -3 SP.


Your opponent -1 SP,

and you +1 VP.


Your opponent -2 SP,

and you gain 2 Hidden Weapon Tokens from the Warehouse.

When the Resolve Phase is over,

(It refers to after the arena 1, 2, and 3 are all processed.)

1. If VP is 4 or higher than the opponent,

2. If the opponent's SP is 0,

(If SP becomes 0, it cannot be recovered.)

You win the game.

(Exceptionally, if there are less than three remaining reward cards, 

the player with the higher VP wins.

Even if the VP is more than 4 higher than other players, 

if the SP is 0, you will lose.

If both players have 0 SP, 

the player with the higher VP wins.)

Refresh Phase

If no one meets the winning conditions at the end of the Resolve Phase, 

then the Refresh Phase begins.

1. Clean up

Move your used Animal Cards to the Rest Area,

used Reward Cards to the Discard Pile and used Hidden Weapon Tokens

and "Card Limit -1" Token to the Warehouse.

2. Player Board

Increase the Card Limit to 4 if your SP is reduced to 8 or lower, 

or 5 if your SP is reduced to 4 or lower:

Your Card Limit will not be decreased even if you gain SP back,

unless it's a temporary effect caused by card abilities.

3. Card Recovery

If you have played Chef Fu or Hokudo, 

use one Food Token to bring all the animal cards you used by hand.

(Including Wanderer)

When the SP falls below 4, 

the animal card can be recovered using the Delicacy Token.

Even if you used the Chef, 

you should use the Delicacy Token.

If you didn't use any Animal Cards 

during the planning stage, 

you can retrieve all Animal Cards 

without using Food Tokens.

Start a new round after the reorganization step.