
For 2 Players

Each player has 5 pieces of the same color.

They will take turns moving a piece,

respecting its ability to move.

The first player to get four of their pieces 

to the other side of the board and back wins.

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you can also see it on your mobile!


1 game board,

10 wooden game pieces (5 light and 5 dark)


Each player places their 5 pieces on their starting zone, 

behind the starting line, pointed toward the middle of the board. 

Each piece’s point indicates its movement direction.

<Playing the game>

Randomly determine the first player. 

On your turn, you must move one of your 5 pieces. 

The chosen piece moves a number of spaces equal 

to the number of points engraved beside its starting space, 

and always in a straight line in the direction it is pointed. 

Unless prevented from doing so, 

 the piece must perform its entire movement. 

If your piece ends its move on a space already occupied 

by one of your opponent’s pieces, 

your piece jumps over it to stop directly behind it

(see Passing Over Your Opponent’s Piece).

This piece advances 3 spaces. 

When a piece has crossed the board and reached the opposite site, 

it immediately turns around (to point back toward the starting line) 

and stops its movement, 

even if it still had movement points remaining. 

Its movement speed now depends on the number of points engraved 

beside the space on which it turned around. 

This piece has a movement speed of 3 spaces. 

It reaches the edge of the board after just two moves, 

and immediately turns around and stops (Fig. 3A); 

now it is the other player’s turn. 

From now on, this piece will have a movement speed of 1 space (Fig. 3B). 

As soon as a piece returns to its starting space, 

remove it from the board; 

it is no longer used.

<Passing over your opponent's pieces>

If during its movement, one of your pieces passes over one 

or more of your opponent’s pieces, 

it jumps over it/them, 

and stops its movement on the first empty space immediately after it/them

(even if it still had movement points remaining). 

The piece(s) over which it jumped must go back to the edge: 

• Pieces that have not yet turned around must return to their starting spaces.

• Pieces that have already made it 

to the other side must return to their turnaround space.

<END of the game>

The first player to make the round-trip with 4 of their 5 pieces wins the game.