
For 2 Players

All parts can be  defined according to 4 characteristics: 

square or round / tall or short / solid or hollow / dark or light 

To win, create a line of four pieces with at least one common characteristic.

The line of pieces can be either horizontal, vertical or diagonal.

If you scan the QR code above, 

you can also see it on your mobile!


16 wooden pieces

(8 light ones, 8 dark ones)

one board with 16 squares

<Game Sequence>

1. Randomly determine the first player

2. The first player selects one of the 167 pieces and gives it to their opponent.

3. Their opponent places the piece on any square of the board.

They must then choose one of the 15 remaining pieces and give it to the other player.

4. That player then places the piece on an empty square.

5. Players keep giving and placing pieces back 

and forth until one of them wins or a draw is reached.

<Winning the Game>

1. The game is won by the first player to call "QUARTO!".

A player calls "QUARTO!" and wins the game 

when they place the piece give into them and create a line of:

1. light / dark

2. long / short

3. round / square

4. hollow / solid 

Note :

- The winner does not need to have placed the 3 other pieces himself.

- They must declare their win by calling "QUARTO!"

- Different characteristics can accumulate.

2. If this player has not noticed the alignment and passes a piece to their opponent,

the latter may at that moment call "QUARTO!",

point out the alignment,

and win the game.

3. If none of the players see the alignment when it is created,

the game continues,

and this alignment is ignored for the rest of the game.

<End of the Game>

Game winner:

A player who calls and points out a "QUARTO!".


All the pieces have been placed and no winner declared.


For beginners (for example, children)

Until you are familiar with the game,

you can play with only 1,2 or 3 characteristics as a winning criteria.

For example : Create on the board a line of 4 pieces of the same color.

(just one characteristic).

Variant for Advanced Players

Now, to win the game, create a line or a square of 4 pieces having 

at least one common characteristic.

This variant adds 9 ways calling "QUARTO!".