Murder of Crows

2~5 players (20 min)

The participant who completes the letter MURDER first wins the game.

Scan the QR code above, and see it on your mobile!


48 regular cards

(8 each of 'M','U','D','E' cards and 16 'R' cards)

7 wild crow cards

Reference card

(5 is regular, and one is for The Murdered Third)

<Preparation for the game>

1. Shuffle the cards except for the reference cards.

2. The most suspicious looking player gets first turn in first game.

The person on the left of the player who won the previous round 

will be the starting player for the next round.

3. First player gets 4 cards and the rest gets 5 cards each.

4. Set the remaining cards face down and put them in the middle.

5. Turn goes clockwise.

<Progression of the game>

You'll play cards to your Murder, an area on the table in front of you.

It has six stacks in order, one for each letter.

Stack can have more than one copy of its letter, to backup in the case you have to discard.

On your turn, you can choose your action.

A. Draw one card and play one card.


You can draw one card from the deck, and play from your hand to any of your stacks.

Each cards has their effects. When you play a card, its effect happens.

1) 'M' card (Misplace)

'M' card can take one card from any player you choice.

2) 'U' card (Uncover)

'U' card can reveal all players' card. And you can choose one card

from any other player's hand and bring it.

3) 'R' card (Reap)

'R' card can draw one additional card from card deck.

4) 'D' card (Drain)

'D' card can make other players discard one letter's card which you choose.

If you choose letter 'M', other players should discard 'M' card.

5) 'E' card (Expel)

'E' card can make everyone else discards their whole card.

And they must draw 3 new cards from card deck.

B. Skip your turn and draw card twice.

You can give up your turn to play and draw 2 cards.

Then, play passes to your left player.

Wild crow card can be used in 3 ways.

1. It can replace one card. 

The effect of the card also applies same as the replacement letter.

2. It can remove someone's stack of one letter .

3. It can prevent any card's affect.

You can also prevent other player's attack by discarding a card from your hand.

Discarding card must have the same number of crows as the card played by other player.

<Winning the game>

The fastest player who complete the word 'MURDER' wins.

Player who complete the word 'MURDER' should read the murder story written in cards.

If you have a Wild crow card in your completed 'MURDER',

select any card on the table with the appropriate word and fill the story!

<The Murdered Third>

(An optional two player variant)

A reference card 'The Murdered Third' included in the game is used 

only for this variant.

After both player take their turns normally, 

follow the action written in 'The Murdered Third' reference card.

There is no way to block this effect.

Do this action every round, when a third player's turn would be.