Tofu Kingdom
3~8 players (30 min)

Prince Mochi from the Mochi Kingdom is proposing to Princess Tofu.

But somehow Queen Tofu orders Prince Mochi 

to find Princess Tofu hidden behind the curtain just by questioning 

and then proposing to her.

Scan the QR code above, and see it on your mobile!


7 Character cards

1 Prince Mochi card

Total 28 Soybeans Token

(Each Soybean Token represents 1 point)


<Game Progress>

1. The participant who gets Prince Mochi plays the role of Prince Mochi.

2. After shuffling all 7 Character cards, Prince Mochi hands out a card to each player.

The received card will be the role to play in this round.

(Place ALL cards so that the back is visible.)

3. (If any) place the remaining cards separately on the center of the game table.

4. After Prince Mochi closes his eyes,

the rest of the participants confirm each other's Character cards.

(Now the rest of the players except Prince Mochi,

will know the location of Queen Tofu and Princess Tofu.)

5. Prince Mochi opens his eyes,

and asks each participant a question from the list below.

(Can ask the same question in duplicate.)

<Question List>

(1) Ask any given player where Princess Tofu is.

(2) Ask any player the Character card he/she holds.

(3) Ask any player the Character card held by any other player.

6. The Respondent must answer 

according to the marker on the upper-right corner of the Character card.

(Can check other participants' Character cards before answering if necessary.)

<Upper-right Marker List>

진실 Marker: Must tell the truth.

거짓 Marker: Must lie.

?? Marker: Can either lie or tell the truth.

7. After Prince Mochi asks every participant a question, 

then point out any one last participant for the final question.


8. Prince Mochi has to guess which participant is Princess Tofu.

After the conclusion, the point at a participant who was thought to be Princess Tofu, 

propose, and then flip the card.

9. The designated participants' marker on the upper-left corner of the Character card

implies the Winning team for this round.

<Upper-left Marker List>

Heart Marker: Tofu Princess, Tofu Chef

Crown Marker: Tofu Queen, Tofu Guard, Tofu Minister

Masquerade Marker: Pudding Spy, Tofu Maid

10. The participants of the Winning team get the amount of Soybeans Token

specified on the lower-right corner of the Character card.

<Lower-right Marker List>

Takes 1 Soybean Token.

Takes 2 Soybean Tokens.

Steals 1 Soybean Token from another participant.

(Cannot steal soybean token given as a reward for this round.

If not suitable, Take the Soybean Token from the Soybean Token pile.)


<How to Finish the Game>

1. The game ends when a particular participant collects 

more than 7 bean tokens after the round.

2. And the given participant shall win the game.

(A tie with the same amount of Soybean Tokens is considered a joint victory.)

3.  If not, toss the Mochi Prince Character card to another participant 

and start a new round.