Motley West

3~6 players (15 min)

Playing Motley West, you will have to arrest the Outlaw on the Wanted List 

faster than your opponents, but without making any mistakes!

Scan the QR code above, and see it on your mobile!


72 Cards

45 Outlaw Cards

27 Bounty Cards

1 Sheriff Badge

18 Reputation Tokens

<Set Up>

1. Shuffle ALL 72 Cards and distribute them equally to each participant.

(Must place the Cards face down.)

2. (If any) give the remaining cards randomly to any participant.

3. Each participant will receive 3 Reputation Tokens

the leftovers are not used in this game and will be returned.

4. Place the Sheriff's Badge in the center of the game table.

5. The participant who watched a Western movie most recently shell start the game.


<Game Progress>

1. The participants will take e turns in a clockwise rotation. 

(NOTE: Can only use ONE HAND for every action during the game.)

2. Each participant will reveal the card on top and place it in the front 

next to their deck. Then, cover the spread card with their hands. 

(Also not allowed to check card at will covered with own's hand)

3. Repeat STEP 02 until 'Freeze!' occurs.


(1) If you notice that any revealed Outlaw Card matches with 

You may immediately declare the Bounty Card (or vice-versa) "Freeze!".

(2) And hit the Sheriff Badge to pause the game.

(After 'Freeze!' occurred, all participants should immediately stop playing,

keeping their hands on their last position.)

(3) Then indicate which participant has the matching cards. 

(You can indicate yourself.) 

(4) Both designated participants withdraw their hands to check if you were right.

4. The result for the 'Freeze!' declaration is as follows: 

(1) <Successful Arrest>

If the Outlaw's characteristics (hat or scarf) match with the Bounty Card, 

the declaration is considered a Successful Arrest.

Take the given cards to face down,

as well as previously discarded Reputation Tokens on the game table.

(2) <Failed Arrest>

If the Outlaw's characteristics (hat or scarf) do not match with the Bounty Card, 

the declaration is considered a Failed Arrest.

Immediately discard a Reputation Token and place it next to the Sheriff Badge.

(The next participant who successfully arrests an Outlaw 

will gain the previously discarded Reputation Token.)

5. After any arrest, the next participant next to the participant 

who revealed their card will resume the game.


6. The Additional Rules are as follows: 

<How to arrest Brutal Outlaws>

(1) There are Armed Outlaws (hereinafter referred to as Brutal Outlaws) in the game.

(2) Brutal Outlaws can only be arrested by Bounty Card that displays a gun.

(If matched by a general Bounty Card, discard a Reputation Token 

and, likewise, place it next to the Sheriff Badge.)

<Chain Reaction>

(1) Even if any participant wins a card, the game continues. 

(2) Remember every time any participant wins a card, 

the previous card of the prior turn will reveal.

(3) In the given case, the 'Freeze!' declaration is also available.

(Tip to win: Make a Chain Arrest by this rule.)

7. If multiple participants hit the Sheriff Badge simultaneously,

only the first participant gets the chance to arrest an Outlaw.

8. (Can declare 'Freeze!' even if ran out of cards.)


<How to Finish the Game>

1. When every card is exhausted, the game is over.

2. Points are tallied as follows:

<Bounty Cards>

(Reward)/1,000 POINTS each.

<Outlaw Cards>

1 POINT each.

<Reputation Tokens>

2 POINTS each.

3. The participant with the most points wins!