3 - 5 players

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At the end of 6 rounds of play,

the player whose family

has accumulated the greatest number

of Influence Pointswins the game.


- 50 Influence cards

(10 in 5 different colors)

- 70 Influence Point tokens

(value 1 and 5)

- 1 First Player tile

- 1 Resolution Direction tile

<Set Up>

Each player takes a complete family,

represented by 10 cards of the same color.

Shuffle your 10 cards,

then removes 3 random cards,

and set them aside face down ①.

Keep the remaining 7 cards in your hand,

without showing them to the other players ②.

Each player takes 1 Influence Point ③.

Place it in front of you.

Pile all the other Influence Points on the table

where everyone can reach them,

forming the supply ④.

The oldest player starts the game.

This player takes the First Player tile ⑤,

and places it in front of them.

The First Player places the Resolution Direction tile

⑥ in the middle of the table.

This indicates the direction in which

the effects of the cards in the Influence Queue ⑦

will be applied for the entirety of the game.

<Game Progress>

Oriflamme plays over 6 rounds.

Each round consists of 2 phases :

Placement Phase and Resolution Phase

1. Placement Phase

Each player MUST play a card

from their hand.

The first player secretly chooses a card

from their hand and places it face down

in the middle of the table.

As long as a card is face down

it is considered “unrevealed”.

The next player(clockwise) must place

a card to the right or left of the first card

in order to form a horizontal line of cards :

the “Influence Queue”.

And so forth, with each subsequent player

playing their card to the left or right

of all the cards already placed.

You cannot play between cards.

The placement phase is complete

once everyone has placed one card

from their hand on the table.



Red is the 1st player, 

and places a card face down in the middle of the table.


Blue must play a card to the left or right of Red’s card.


Green must play their card to the left of Blue’s 

or to the right of Red’s.

2. Resolution Phase

Each player MAY reveal

one or more of their cards

they have placed,

and MUST activate the abilities

of those they have revealed.

The player whose card is in the first position

in the Influence Queue

(according to the Resolution Direction)

chooses whether to reveal their card :

- If they do not reveal it,

the card remains face down, has no effect,

and that player places 1 Influence Pointon it.

- If they reveal it,

they immediately apply the card’s effect,

and gain any Influence Pointson it.

Repeat this operation with the following card,

and so forth until the end of the Influence Queue.

Depending on the players’ choices,

it is quite possible that no cards are flipped over,

that only some are, or that all are.

It is quite possible to reveal a card

in the same round in which it was placed,

with no Influence Pointson it.

During this phase, each revealed card

will apply its ability, eliminate a card,

remain in play, or be discarded.


When you reveal one of your cards,

you gain thethat have been placed on it.

There are 2 exceptions to this rule :

- Conspiracy earns you double

theplaced on it. 

- Ambush never earns you

any of theplaced on it.

When Ambush is revealed,

discard all of them.


Once a card is revealed,

you must apply its ability during

the resolution phase of each round.

For example, a Soldier must always

eliminate an adjacent card,

even if it is from the same family.


Each time you eliminates a card

(no matter which color),

you gain 1ß.

Place eliminated cards face up

in front of their owner.

Everyone can look at these.


Certain cards must be discarded

after applying their ability.

Place discarded cards face up

in front of their owner.

Everyone can look at these.


Cards in the Influence Queue

will remain there for the following round,

whether they are face down or face up

(unless the card indicates it should be 

discarded after applying its ability).

A card in the Influence Queue,

that is revealed and not covered,

continues to apply its ability

in the following round.



In this example, 

Red is first to choose whether to reveal their first card.


Red decides not to reveal their card. 

Red places 1from the supply on the card, instead.


Blue decides to reveal their card. 

Blue immediately gains thethat was on his card.


Blue’s card is a Soldier, which must eliminate an adjacent card. 

Blue chooses Red’s second card, and reveals it. 

Blue discards theon it, 

removes the red card 

and places it face up in front of Red, 

then gains 1from the supply for eliminating a card.


With the red card gone, Green is next. 

Green decides not to reveal their card, 

and places 1from the supply on it.

Note :

At any time, 

you may peek at your facedown cards in the Influence Queue, 

as well as the cards removed during setup.

<A New Round of the Game>

The player who has the First Player tile

passes it to the left.

A new round of the game begins.

Cards in the Influence Queue remain

where they are, as they are.

The new first player chooses a card

from their hand to place face down

at the beginning or end of the Influence Queue,

and so forth until everyone has placed

a new card face down.

Then, resolve the Influence Queue

in the resolution direction.

- For each card already revealed,

apply its ability anew.

- For each card face down,

its owner decides whether to reveal it.

If it is revealed, apply its ability.

If it remains face down, add 1to it.

<Stacks of Cards>

Starting with the 2nd round of the game,

it is possible to place a card

in the Influence Queue by creating a stack of cards.

You can only play a card ON

another of your own cards, already in play,

regardless of whether it is revealed.

The card just played now

covers the previous one.

We call this a “stack of cards ”.

As long as a card is covered,

it is not taken into account

during the resolution phase.

A covered card thus can neither be revealed,

accumulate additionalon it,

apply its ability, let you take its,

nor be targeted by another player.

There is no limit to the number

of cards that can be stacked.

This means you should be careful not to lose

too manyby playing

too many cards atop one another.


By using a stack of cards,

you can protect one of your cards that would otherwise be eliminated

or place a Soldier in the middle of the Queue

to eliminate cards otherwise out of range,

or even set up a cascade of actions.


Red plays a card from his hand to cover one of his own cards

(in this case, the Shapeshifter). 

During the resolution phase, 

the red Shapeshifter cannot take effect

unless the card covering it is discarded or eliminated first.


You can make combinations with stacks of cards. 

For example, covering a card with an Assassination

allows you to play 2 times in a row :

 first by revealing the Assassination,

which you discard after its effect,

then immediately play the card that was under the Assassination,

which has again become active.

<How to Finish the Game>

Because you started the game

with 7 cards in your hand,

after the 6 rounds of the game,

you will have 1 card left.

You will not play this card.

Whoever accumulated the most

Influence Points wins the game!

Your Influence Points are visible

throughout the game.

At the end of the game,

Influence Points still on the cards

in the Influence Queue do not count

in the final score.

If there is a tie, the tied player

with the most cards still

in the Influence Queue wins.


- Archer

: Eliminate the first or last card

from the Queue.

It doesn’t matter whether

the target card is revealed.

If you have no other choice,

you must eliminate a card from your family,

but you still earn 1.

- Soldier

: Eliminate an adjacent card.

It doesn’t matter whether

the target card is revealed.

If you have no other choice,

you must eliminate a card from your family,

but you still earn 1.

- Spy

: Steal 1from a player

who has a card adjacent to your Spy.

It doesn’t matter whether

the target card is revealed.

If you have to steal from yourself,

you end up with the same number of.

Steal thefrom the player’s stack,

not from the adjacent card.

- Heir

: If there is no other card revealed

with the same name, gain 2.

As soon as another Heir is revealed

and uncovered in the Queue,

no Heirs gain any.

- Assassination

: Eliminate any card in the Queue.

Discard Assassination.

It doesn’t matter whether

the target card is revealed.

This is the only card that allows you to kill

wherever you like in the Influence Queue.

- Royal Decree

: Move a card wherever

you want in the Queue.

Discard Royal Decree.

To move a character,

leave the Royal Decree where it is,

make the move, then remove the Royal Decree

and continue resolution with the next card.

- Lord

:Earn 1, plus 1per

adjacent card that is in your family.

Each adjacent card in your family

earns you 1

regardless of whether it is revealed or covered.

- Shapeshifter

: Copy the ability of

an adjacent revealed card.

The target card must be revealed and uncovered.

The Shapeshifter copies only

the ability of a card, not its name.

No matter what it copies,

the Shapeshifter always retains its name,


If you copy the only Heir in the Queue,

you gain 2

- unless there is another Shapeshifter in the Queue.

- Ambush

: If revealed by an opponent’s card, 

discard the attacker and gain 4.

If you reveal it yourself, gain 1.

Discard Ambush.

If an opponent’s card targets

your Ambush, discard this card.

Ambush is discarded with

anyplaced on it,

and gain 4from the supply.

If you reveal your own Ambush,

discard Ambush and anyplaced on it,

and gain 1from the supply.

If an opponent’s Soldier eliminates your Ambush,

the Soldier’s owner gains 1

for eliminating a card, and you gain 4.

Both cards and all

on Ambush are discarded.

If your Soldier eliminates your Ambush,

you gain 2.

1because your Soldier

eliminated a card,

and 1because you have revealed

your own Ambush.

Both cards are discarded,

along with allon Ambush.

- Conspiracy

: Gain double theaccumulated on

Conspiracy when it is revealed.

Discard Conspiracy.

If there are 3on

this card when you reveal it,

you gain them, as well as 3 more,

for a total of 6.