Crazy Time (Flip Flap ed)

4~7 players (30 min)

Somewhere in the universe, 

there are Outer Gods that allow time to flow by counting time. 

Having lived in eternity, the immortal beings created a game 

where rules change every game to count time more interestingly. 

And that is Crazy Time.

Scan the QR code above, and see it on your mobile!


1 Game Board

18 What Cards

16 When Cards

63 Time Cards

5 1 Hour, 2 Hour, 3 Hour Tokens for each

12 Penalty Tokes

1 Rabbit Marker


<Set up>

1. For Quick Start, Check the Summary Preview displayed on the Game Board.

2. Set the Game Board in the middle face up.

3. Place the Deck of When and What Cards next to the Game Board.

4. Shuffle the Time Cards and deal each player cards as similar as possible face down.

(Doesn't matter to receive a few more cards than other players.)

5. Each player will individually make a Deck of Time Cards in front of them.

6. The youngest player takes the Rabbit Token.



Crazy time is played in 4 games in total, 

and the progress of each game is similar.

Players will have to reserve Time Cards as much as possible for the first 3 games 

and will have to maintain them for the final game.

<Game Progress>

1. The player with the Rabbit Marker is the StarterPlayers will take turns in clockwise. 

2. The Starter will always declare as follows: 1 O'Clock!

3. Reveal the very top card of your Time Card Deck.

(Note: Must reveal the Time Card in the direction where other players can see it first.

Reveal the card quick so you can check the card.)

4. Every player will take turns in order and declare time as chronological.

In other words, declare the time based on the variables that apply to time.

(If no variables, Just add 1 Hour.)

5. Depending on the card the previous player revealed, 

each player's turn may require them to play it differently.

Determine which Law of Time to apply!

6. During the First Game, the following 3 Laws of Time must be followed:

<The Law of Time Inversion>

If any player reveals the Hourglass Card, time begins to flow backward.

Of course, the players must declare time backward.

Whenever the Hourglass Card appears, the time shall be reversed.

<The Law of Synchronization>

Every player is required to hit the center of the Game Board immediately 

if the time declared by any player and the time shown on the Time Card match.

This Law does not apply if the player declares the time after 12 O'Clock or Clock and half. 

The time must match perfectly.

<The Law of Overload>

If the revealed card invokes 2 or more Laws at the same time, no Laws shall be applied.

The players shall play their turns as originally given.

7. If a player makes a mistake or hits the center of the Game Board last 

(as defined by The Law of Synchronization), they will receive a Penalty Token.

Place the given Penalty Token next to your Time Card Deck

<The Penalty Token Method>

(1) Declare "Stop!" and show what Law of Time the given player has broken 

if you believe someone has made a mistake.

(2) If the given player actually made a mistake, they will receive a Penalty Token.

If this is not the case, the declarer will receive a Penalty Token instead.

(3) If anyone notices that the game continues even after a mistake has been made, 

the player who played the most recent turn will receive a Penalty Token.

(4) If the game is delayed because someone is not performing their assigned role, 

anyone may declare 'Tik', 'Tock', 'Tik', 'Tock' for every second per syllable. 

If the game does not continue after the entire phrase, 

the declarer must point to the player who did not perform their role. 

Penalty Token will be given to the given player.


8. Players must return their revealed card to their deck and shuffle

after any player receives a Penalty Token

The player who was penalized will restart the game by declaring "1 o'clock" once again. 

The First Game is over when all Penalty Tokens are dealt.

9. <The End of the First Game>

(1) The player(s) with the least Penalty Token will win the First Game.

(2) The Winner(s) of the given game must leave the playing area 

and stand nearby in a place where they cannot hear the other players.

In addition, the Winner(s) will receive a 1 Hour Token as a prize.

(2) After the First Game is completed, at least 2 players should remain.

Otherwise, no one will win the award, and the Winner(s) will remain.

10. After the Winner(s) have left, the remaining players will add a new time law.

<How to Apply the New Law of Time>

(1) Take 1 When card and 1 What card

Declare the New Law of Time by revealing both cards.

* When Card: specifies when the New Law is invoked.

* What Card: specifies the roles that the given players should play.

Additional information is also provided by some peculiar rules.

(2) Give the New Law of Time any name you want.

Avoid names that reveal details to avoid giving too much information to the Winner(s).

(3) Remember that naming the New Law of Time is important.

(If any of the players commits a mistake, 

the remaining players who know the context of the Law of Time must declare its name.)

11. Place the cards implying the New Law of Time face-down 

under the corner of the Game Board that displays '1 Hour.' 

Only players who know the context of the given Rule are allowed to check the cards.

12. For the remainder of the game, players who are unaware of the New Rules 

should make assumptions about their context and make an effort not to violate them.

(The New Law of Time must also obey the Law of Overload.)

13. <The Second Game>

(1) Only notify the Winner(s) who departed the playing area 

of the New Rule of Time after they have returned.

(2) Again shuffle the cards and deal each player face down as similarly as possible.

(3) Continue as in the first game until the 12 Penalty Tokens are depleted. 

In the same way as in the First Game

the Winner(s) of the Second Game will leave the playing area.

(4) The Winner(s) of the Second Game will receive a 2 Hour Token as a prize. 

(5) The remaining players must add a New Law of Time, name it, 

and place the cards under the Game Board's '2 Hour' corner. 

(The basic progression is identical to that of the first game. 

Refer to the section <How to Apply the New Law of Time>.)

14. <The Third Game>

(1) The progression is identical to the previous two games.

But as a prize, the Winner(s) will receive a 3 Hour Token.

(2) Add a New Law of Time 

and place the cards in the '3 Hour' corner of the Game Board as usual.

(The following will be omitted.)

15. <The Fourth Game>

(1) The basic progression is identical, but after the Fourth Game

the Final Score and Final Winner will be determined.

(2) When all 12 Penalty Tokens have been depleted, 

each player will compute their score.

(3) The Penalty Tokens earned in the Fourth Game will be deducted 

from the Final Score earned from the First to Third Games.


<How to Finish the game>

1. The final is won by the player with the highest score!

(In a tie, the player who received the fewest penalties in the fourth game wins.)


1. Once you mastered the game, use the blue side of the Game Board.

2. A method of varying the number of Penalty Tokens 

used per game is introduced to refresh enjoyment:

Now, Penalty Tokens are used for the First Game, 8 for the Second

10 for the Third, and 12 for the Fourth.

3. Still bored? Add an additional Law of Time!

Add a Law of Time and apply it to the First Game as well.