That's a Question!

3~6 players (30 min)

Players will play the role of squirrels, 

and while climbing a mountain will question each other. 

But Why squirrels? Well, then that will be your first question.

Scan the QR code above, and see it on your mobile!


1 Game Board

1 Question Board

108 Answer Cards

5 Acorn Chits

6 Squirrel Markers

6 A Card, 6 B Card

6 Times-3 Kicker Card, 6 Tough-Question Kicker Card


<Set up>

1. Each player will take Components in common color.

2. Set the Game Board compatible with the number of players.

3. Place the Squirrel Marker on the Starting Space.

4. Shuffle the Answer Cards and deal each player 5 cards.

5. The Game Board will show the number of cards to use 

depending on the number of players. 

So make a stack of Answer Cards. (Hereinafter referred to as Deck)

6. Place the Deck on the marked space of the Game Board.

The leftovers will not be used in this game so return them.

7. Place the Question Board next to the Game Board


<Game Progress>

1. Choose the player to start the game. 

Every player except the Starter will receive 1 Acorn Chit.

2. Players will take turns in clockwise. The Turn Orders are as follows:

(1) Select a question from the Question Board,

and select 2 Answer Cards in your hand.

(2) Then, select any other player with an Acorn Chit.

That player shall be the respondent for the turn.

(3) Take the respondent's Acorn Chit 

and set the Question Board in an easy-to-read direction for the respondent.

(4) Declare the question.

(5) Place one of the given Answer Cards adjacent to Tab A from the Question Board

The Answer Tab that matches the color of the Question Hole 

shall be the answer for the given question. (Do the same for Tab B)

(6) NOTE: In any case, you cannot ask yourself.

If nobody else has an Acorn Chit except you, ask the player on your right.

3. After indicating the decision, 

the respondent will declare the answer by playing either A Card or B Card face down.

(The respondent should answer HONESTLY.)

4. Everyone else except the questioner must have to guess the respondent's answer. 

After indicating the decision, likewise declare the conjecture 

by playing either A Card or B Card face down.

(Not allowed to give away their conjecture.)

- Additional Turn Order -

(1) While guessing the respondent's answer, 

you can also play one of your Kicker Cards face down.

(Not allowed to play both Kicker Cards at once.)

(2) Reveal the Kicker Card with your conjecture. The results are as follows:

Times-3 Kicker: Move 3 spaces forward if you are with the answer; 

Does not affected by the incorrect conjecture.

Tough-Question Kicker: Move a space forward for each incorrect conjecture; 

Does not affected by your own speculation.

(3) Used Kicker Cards shall be discarded to the Game Board.

But, can be retrieved when your Squirrel Marker reaches the Lake or Meadow Section.

(Passing through the Section is also considered as reaching.)

5. After everyone indicates their decision, the respondent shall reveal the answer.

Then, others will reveal their conjecture.

6. Those with the answer will move their Squirrel Token a space forward.

(The respondent will always move their token a space forward.)

7. The questioner will move their Squirrel Token a space forward 

for each incorrect conjecture.

8. After the score calculation, discard the 2 used Answer Card.

Then, draw 2 new Answer Card from the Deck

9. The next player will proceed with the game.


<Additional Rules>

1. For 4 Player game: 

A. Everyone starts with an Acorn Chit.

B. But, the Tough-question Kicker's effect will be doubled.

2. For 3 player game: 

A. Everyone starts with an Acorn Chit

and the player on the Starter's right will receive an Extra Acorn Chit.

B. When the Tough-question Kicker Card is used, 

the questioner will have to make a conjecture.

If the questioner gets the incorrect conjecture, 

the players with the correct conjecture will move 2 spaces forward.

The questioner cannot move forward additionally regardless of their own's conjecture.


<How to Finish the game>

1. If the last 2 Answer Cards from the Deck are drawn,

that round will be considered the Final Round.

2. You can retrieve discarded Kicker Cards when the Final Round starts.

3. Every player will play their turn as a questioner. 

The Final Round will be played as usual except for the Answer Card drawing step.

4. The player who climbed the farthest wins!