Hotel Tycoon

2~4 players (40 min)

Buy land and build a hotel for rent!

The last player who doesn't go bankrupt shall be the winner!

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1 Game board

28 Hotel Buildings

8 Recreational Facilities

8 Title Rights

1 Control Tower

1 Hangar

30 Hotel Entrances

1 Set of Bills

4 Airplane Markers

1 Classic Dice

1 Special Dice


<Set up>

1. Place the Hangar and the Control Tower on top of the Game Board,

then place a pair of Bills, Title Rights, Hotel entrances, and Hotel Buildings

around the Game Board.

2. Select one of the players as the Bank President.

(The given player shall play the role of the Bank President,

and manage Bills and Certificates of rights.)

3. The Bank President shall distribute each player

1 $5,000 bill, 5 $1,000 bills, 3 $500 bills, 4 $100 bills, 2 $50 bills.

($12,000 in total.)

4. Place Airplane Markers on the Game Board as many as the number of players,

and select their own marker.

5. The given rules shall be applied at all times:

<The Salary>

Earn $2,000 every time you cross the following Red Line next to the Hangar.

* WARNING: Must claim for salary when you pass it. (If not, lose the right to demand.)

<The Hotel Entrance>

Can Set up a Hotel entrance on a plot of land adjacent to the corresponding Hotel 

for each Title Deed that has a Hotel Building built

every time you cross the Yellow Line next to the Control Tower.

(Hotel Entrances can not share the same plot of land.)


<Game Progress>

1. Start with the youngest player and proceed clockwise.

2. Every player will play their turn by moving the number of spaces forward 

as the number of pips on the Classic Dice using the Plane Marker.

<Number of Cases>

A. If any player lands on an opponent's space: Move 1 space forward.

(B. If any player scores a 6: Instantly gets a FREE second turn after the turn is over. 

C. If any player lands on a space with Hotel Entrance built by an opponent: 

 Pay the Payment to the owner after the turn is over. 

- Payment 

(1) The number of nights to stay at the hotel shall be decided by

the pips on the Classic Dice and the Rank of the Hotel.

(2) Determine the payment by referring to the Title Deed.

* WARNING: Must claim for Payments when you pass it. 

(If not, lose the right to demand.)

- Auctions -

(1) If can not afford the Payment or necessary, Can Auction any entire Hotel. 

(Can not Auction Hotel Facilities in part.)

(2) The Hotel automatically will be sold to the highest bidder.

(3) If nobody is participating in the Auction, the Hotel will be demolished.

The Banker will take over the Title Deed and will be put up for sale again.

(If so, all the Facilities will be removed from the game immediately.)

(4) If can not afford the debt even after the Auction,

must Auction at another Hotel until you can.

(5) You will go bankrupt if you even don't have the Hotel to Auction.

Being bankrupt is considered to have been eliminated from the game.

3. Instructions for space by icons are as follows: 

<Buying Space>

(1) Can buy unowned 1 Hotel's Title Deed adjacent to the space if possible.

(Allowed to decide whether to buy after checking the Title Deed.)

* If owned by any opponent: (Only if the Hotel Building isn't built)

Can buy the Title Deed from the opponent by paying the Resale Cost to the owner.

And the original owner can not refuse this decision.

- Title Deed Composition -

A: Title Deed Price.

B: Title Deed Price but for Resale.

C: Hotel Entrance Price.

D: Hotel Building Price.

E: Recreational Facilities Price.

(2) After purchasing Title Deed, you Can build the Hotel Building starting from the next turn.

<Build Space>

(1) Only if you own any Title Deed and can afford the cost, 

Can add Hotel Buildings to your properties.

(Also, you are allowed to just skip the turn if you desire.)

* NOTE: Can only be expanded as the given order on the Title Deed.

(2) Select a particular Title Deed to put up Hotel Buildings and declare how many.

(Only can add Hotel Buildings on a single plot of land for each turn.)

(3) Roll the Special Dice to get permission. The results are as follows: 

A. Red: Permission denied; Can not build Hotel Buildings during this turn.

B. Green: Permission granted; build Hotel Buildings as you just declared.

C. H: Can build Hotel Buildings as you just declared for FREE.

D. 2: Obliged to build Hotel Buildings as you just declared for DOUBLED COST.

<Build One Phase Free Space>

Can add 1 Hotel Building to one of your properties for FREE.

(If already fully built, add a Recreational facility instead.)

Recreational Facilities: Despite which location, 

Can be built if every building on the Title Deed is built.

(Can be built on different plots of land regardless of turn.)

<One Free Entrance Space>

(Only if you own any Title Deed with a Hotel Building built,) 

Can add 1 Hotel Entrance on the plot of land adjacent 

to the corresponding Hotel for free.


<How to Finish the Game>

1. If all but two go bankrupt, continue the game without receiving a Salary.

2. The last player who does not go bankrupt shall be the winner!