Dobble (a.k.a. Spot it!)

2~8 players (15 min)

In Dobble, no matter which cards are compared, only one item matches.

The player who finds the most of the same item wins!

Scan the QR code above, and see it on your mobile!


55 Cards



1. There are 5 different methods to play Dobble.

Players have the option to play via multiple Mini-Games in a specific order,

or just keep playing in same way repeatedly.

2. <How to Calculate Points in a Tournament>

Game #1 serves as the Tournament's Opening Round, 

and the Loser gets to pick the next Mini-Game.

Game #1 [The Towering Inferno]

1 Point per 1 Card.

The Winner receives additional 5 Points.

Game #2 [The Well]

10 Points for the player who played every cards the first.

Additionally, The Backmarker will lose 5 Points.

Game #3 [Hot Potato]

20 Points for player who receives the fewest cards.

And 10 Points for the player in second place.

Game #4 [Catch Them All!]

The Backmarker will lose 5 points per round.

Game #5 [The Poisoned Gift]

1 Points per 1 Card.


1. Game #1 [The Towering Inferno]

(1) Deal 1 Card to each player face down. 

Set the rest face up in the center as a Draw Pile.

(2) Players will simultaneously reveal their cards.

(3) Declare the item in common between your card and the top card of the Draw Pile.

The first claimant takes the card and places it on top of their Deck.

(4) Rep the given Turn-Orders immediately 

as the new card from the Draw Pile is revealed.

(5) The game ends when the Draw Pile is depleted.

The player with the most cards wins!

2. Game #2 [The Well]

(1) Deal out the Deck as evenly as possible and set your Draw Pile face down.

Place the rest face up as a Community Card in the center.

(2) Players will simultaneously reveal their cards.

(3) Declare the item in common between your card and the Community Card.

The first claimant will place their card on the top of the pile of Community Card.

(4) Rep the given Turn-Orders immediately as the atop Community Card is renewed.

(5) The Backmarker will be the last player to exhaust their own Draw Pile. 


3. Game #3 [Hot Potato]

(1) Each player will be dealt a card per round, which they hold face down.

Put the rest aside; they will be used in the following round.

(2) Players will simultaneously reveal the card with their other hand.

(3) After declaring the item in common between your card and any other player's card,

place the card in the hand of the corresponding player.

(4) The given player will have to find a match with the renewed card.

(Whenever a player finds a match, regardless of the number, the card will be tossed.)

(5) Rep the given Turn-Orders.

(6) The round ends when any specific player holds all of the other players' cards.

Up to at least 5 rounds or until every cards have been used, the game will continue.

The Backmarker is the player with the most cards.

4. Game #4 [Catch Them All!]

(1) Each round, 1 Card will be dealt face up in the center as a Community Card.

Dealt the cards face down next to the Community Card in the number of players.

Put the rest aside as a Draw Pile; they will be used in the next round.

(2) Cards will be revealed simultaneously.

(3) Declare the item on the revealed card as well as the Community Card share.

Then draw the corresponding revealed card; the given card is considered a Reward Card.

(With the exception of the Community Card, allowed to draw as many as possible.) 

(4) When the Community Card is the only card on the table, the round is over.

Return the Community Card back to the Draw Pile and keep the Reward Card face down.

(5) Rep the given Turn-Orders.

(6) The game is over after the Draw Pile is exhausted.

The player with the most cards wins.

5. Game #5 [The Poisoned Gift]

(1) Deal each player a card, face down.

Set the rest face up in the center as a Draw Pile.

(2) Players will simultaneously reveal their cards.

(3) Declare the item the Community Card and any other player's card have in common.

 Then, Place the given Community Card on the corresponding player's Deck.

(4) Rep the given Turn-Orders using the renewed Community Card.

(5) Once the Draw Pile is exhausted, the game is over.

The player with the fewest cards wins.


6. <Priority to Cards>

In the case of simultaneous declaration, 

the first player to act will have the priority when playing cards.