Venture into global ancient ruins in search of treasure, combining strategy with chance using dice and cards.

Risky Adventure

2-4 people | 45 minutes | Store1: R5, Store2: X

Game components

• 1 Camp

Connect the two tiles together.

• 3 excavations - Ix jungle, Ix desert, Ix sea

• 3 expeditions - Ix jungle, Ix desert, Ix sea

• 3 expedition tokens

• 30 equipment cards - 8x Scarab (yellow), 12x Discount (green), 10x Bonus (red)

• 12 discount markers

• 30 clocks

• 4 dice

Each die has the following symbols:

3x food, 2x map and 1x pick & shovel

• 16 treasure maps

• 27 artifacts - 6x A-artifacts & 21x B-artifacts

• 12 wild artifacts

• 12 adventurers (incl. plastic bases) - 3x yellow, 3x blue, 3x red, 3x green

• 8 player markers - 2x yellow, 2x blue, 2x red, 2x green

• 4 starting equipment

• 1 rules booklet

Goal & overview of the game

Each player leads a team of 3 adventurers discovering untouched land and earning fame along the way. There are three areas to the game:

The 3 excavations: Players earn fame by finding valuable artifacts.

The expedition: A race against other players to be the fastest to the end, gaining fame along the way.

The camp: Players gain equipment that will help them find artifacts and get bo- nuses at the expeditions.

On a player's turn he places his adventurers in the three areas. In order to find an artifact, get equipment, or advance on the expedition track, players have to roll the dice combination depicted on the spot where they placed their adventurer. After a player has placed all his adventurers, indicating what he wants to roll for, he then picks up the custom dice and rolls them one time.

Now it's time to claim the items the player has rolled the correct dice combination for. If he is lucky he can claim multiple things in one turn. But a player can only claim things from the spots he has put his adventurers on. Play continues clockwise until one of the end game conditions is met. Players then count their fame and whoever has the most, is the winner of Risky Adventure.


The Camp

Place the camp on the table.

• Shuffle the equipment cards face down and place them in a pile next to the camp. Reveal the top 4 cards and place them right to left on the equipment spaces of the camp. Place the discount markers next to the camp.

• The clocks are placed on the clock supply on the camp (these markers represent preparations and efficient use of time during the adventure).

• Place the discount markers next to the camp.

The 3 excavations

• Place the 3 excavations below the Camps.

• Sort the artifacts by their backside in A and B piles. Shuffle both piles individually and place 5 of the B-artifacts face down on each of the 3 excavations. Then place 2 A-artifacts on top of each of those stacks. Reveal the top artifact on each excavation. The remaining B-artifacts go back into the box.

• Place the dice next to the excavations.

The expedition

• Randomly determine a start player. He takes the 3 expedition tokens, shuffles them face down and keeps the stack in front of him (as a reminder that he is the start player). He then flips over the top tile and places the matching expedition below the excavations.

• Shuffle the treasure maps face down into a pile and place them next to the expedition. Reveal the top 3 treasure maps and place them face up next to the pile.

• Place the wild artifacts next to the expedition.

Player material

• Each player chooses a color and takes 2 player markers, 3 adventurers, and their starting equipment card.

• One player marker is placed next to the fame track and the other next to the expedition.

• Each player takes one clock and places it on his starting equipment card.

Sequence of play

Risky Adventure is played in rounds. A round concludes once all players have taken a turn. Each round begins with the start player and continues clockwise.

A player's turn is divided into 3 phases:

1st phase: Placing the adventurers | 2nd phase: Rolling the dice | 3rd phase: Clean-up

1st phase: Placing the adventurers

The player has to place all of his adventurers on adventure spots on the camp, the excavations and/or the expedition.

He can choose whichever spots he likes, however, no more than one adventurer may be placed on the expedition track.

Example: Mark places two of his adventurers on camp spots and one on the desert excavation.

Once the player has placed his 3 adventurers play continues with the 2nd phase: Rolling the dice.

2nd phase: Rolling the dice

The player takes the 4 dice and rolls them once. After rolling, the player checks the spots where he placed his adventurers to see if he can claim an equipment card, an artifact, and/or advance on the expedition track.

With the help of clocks the player can change a die symbol to his benefit.

A die cannot be used multiple times.

Note: As a reminder players should place each die near the location where it was spent.


A player can use a clock that he has stored on his starting equipment to change the symbol on one die to a symbol of his choice. The clock is put back onto the camp. A player can choose to spend up to 4 clocks in one turn.

Depending on the area the player claims the following:

The three excavations:

To acquire an artifact a player has to roll the dice combination depicted on the artifact. If successful, the player earns fame points and advances his player marker on the fame track accordingly.

If a clock is depicted, the player takes one clock from the camp in addition to the fame points and places it on his starting equipment.

The artifact is placed in front of the player.

Example: Inga has managed to roll the three depicted food symbols and claims the artifact. She puts it in front of her and advances her player marker two spaces on the fame track.

There are 3 types of artifacts: Gems, sarcophagi and statues. These can be used to activate an equipment card and/or fulfill the requirements of a treasure map at the end of the game.

The Expeditions:

To advance one space on the expedition track, the player has to place one of his adventurers on the selected spot and roll the die/dice symbols indicated.

Example: Ulrich has placed his adventurer on the first spot of the expedition and did roll the required pick & shovel symbol. He claims the clock as reward and places his player marker on the player marker spot.

The player can also decide to advance more than one spot on a turn by placing his adventurer further ahead. He then has to roll all the dice symbols for each spot, up to the spot he wants to reach. If he fails to roll all the symbols, he does not advance at all.

If the player reaches a spot, he puts his player marker on the according player marker spot and claims the rewards of that space only:


He takes one clock from the camp and places it on his starting equipment.

Treasure map+wild

He takes one wild artifact and one treasure map, either from the array or from the top of the stack.


He advances his player marker on the fame track according to the number shown.

Next turn he can advance on the track from the new position of his player marker. Multiple players can have their player marker on the same player marker spot. If a player reaches the end of the expedition track, finish the round and then discard the current expedition. At the beginning of the start player's turn he flips over the next expedition token and places the matching expedition. All players advance on the new track from start again.

Example: Ulrich has placed his adventurer two spots away from his player marker. He now has to roll two food symbols to reach that spot. Unfortunately he rolls only one food symbol, so he does not advance at all.


The wild artifact can be used to activate any equipment card and/or fulfill the requirements of a treasure map at the end of the game.


These are kept hidden from other players. They show a combination of artifacts needed at the end of the game, to get the depicted fame points. An artifact can contribute to a treasure map, even if it was used to activate an equipment card. Each artifact/wild can be used for only one treasure map.

The Camp:

The camp is where players collect equipment cards, clocks and advance their player marker on the fame track.

To get a clock a player can place any three dice above the clock supply and take a clock. A player can place the three dice at any time regardless of where his adventureres are placed. The clock is placed on the player's starting equipment card.

Example: Inga cannot use the dice symbols to claim anything else so she uses three of them to claim a clock.

In order to get an equipment card, a player has to roll the dice symbols depicted above the equipment card. The equipment card is placed in front of the player.

Example: Inga has rolled the depicted symbols for the equipment card. She takes the card and places it in front of her.

Equipment cards and clocks acquired on a turn are available the following turn (not available the turn they are acquired).

The equipment cards come in three types: Bonuses, Discounts and Scarabs.


Bonus cards let the player choose an additional fame point or clock, assuming he meets the criteria shown and has activated the card. There are two types of bonuses:

A) One that gives the player the bonus, if he reaches a fame or a treasure map+wild space on an expedition.

B) One that gives the player the bonus, if he successfully acquires an artifact in one of the two shown excavations.

Before a player can use the effect of a bonus card he has to activate the card by attaching an artifact, matching the activation symbol, or a wild artifact. Once activated the effect can be used until the end of the game.

Example: Inga got lucky with her roll and can advance on the expedition as well as claim an artifact in the desert. Since she has both of her bonus cards activated she gets both rewards. She takes an extra fame point for the claimed artifact and a clock for landing on the treasure map + wild spot.


When a player acquires a discount card, he takes the corresponding discount marker and places it on the card. There are two types of discounts:

A) One has no artifact activation symbol, it can be used from next turn onward. A player can use only one of the shown symbols per round.

B) One that has to be activated with the corresponding artifact.

When a player tries to acquire an artifact in one of the excavations shown on the discount card he can use the discount marker as an additional die symbol. A player can use multiple discount markers to get an artifact, if they are for that excavation. Any markers spent are retrieved during the 3rd phase: Clean-up to be used again on future turns.

Example: Anthony has two discount cards for the sea excavation. He uses these two markers along with two other dice to acquire the artifact. He uses one of his remaining two dice to advance on the expedition track. His fourth die goes unused.


There are two types of scarabs: A top part and a bottom part. Each part is worth 1 fame point at the end of the game. A set of top and bottom parts is worth 4 fame points instead of 2.

An artifact or wild that is attached to an equipment card cannot be used to activate another card, it stays attached to that card until the end of the game. Bonuses and Discounts can be used every turn if applicable.

Once a player has used all the dice symbols he could or wants to use he then finishes his turn and moves to the 3rd phase: Clean-up.

3rd phase: Clean-up

If equipment cards were acquired, the player first slides the remaining equipment cards from right to left to fill the gaps. The empty space(s) on the right are then refilled from the equipment stack.

If artifacts were acquired, the player flips up the next artifact.

If a treasure map was taken from the array, the player reveals a new treasure map and places it next to the others face up.

The player then collects his 3 adventurers in front of himself and returns all used discount markers to his discount cards. Play continues with the next player in clockwise order.

End of the game and final scoring

The game ends after the round in which one or more of the following end game conditions are met:

1) The equipment card stack has run out and not all equipment card spaces on the camp can be refilled.

2) One of the 3 excavations has no more artifacts to acquire.

3) The second expedition is completed and discarded.

Now players get additional fame points for their scarabs and completed treasure maps.

The player with the most fame points wins the game. In case of a tie, the tied player who owns the most equipment cards wins. If there is still a tie, then there are multiple winners.

Example: Anthony gets 6 extra fame points for having one complete scarab set and two top parts. He also completed three treasure map requirements with his artifacts. This gives him another 10 (2+3+5) fame points.