It is a court discussion psychology game that reduces the number of people through discussions every night. Political ability will be important.

Original Mafia Cards

* The game can be played with 6~20 players
* One game takes about 45~90 minutes

  Table of Contents

[5]. Expended Character Game Progress

[1]. Components

26 character cards divided into groups of good citizens and criminals

<good citizens>

8 Good Citizen Cards

Investigator Card

1 Doctor Card

1 Immortality Card

2 Fair Judge Cards

1 Sheriff Card


3 Mafia Cards

1 Godfather Card

1 Ninja Card

3 Yakuza Cards

1 Mad Man Card

1 Werewolf Card

1 Lawyer Card

1 Corrupt Judge Cards

[2]. Game set

In the basic game, only four types of cards are used.

(The rest of the cards are used in extended games) on the number of players

Create a stack of cards with the following configurations.

 Number of cards used

Number of Players / Good Citizen / Investigator / Mafia / Godfather

Choose one host who will not participate in the game and will be responsible for the progress of the game.

The character card you received becomes your identity.

Be careful never to reveal it to others!

The game is clockwise.

[3]. Card Description

Good Citizen Card (선량한 시민)

The easiest and the most difficult. Fall asleep at night and have discussions during the day.

Gotta find and execute the criminals.

Investigator Card (수사관)

The investigator can choose one player every night, and find if the player is in the criminal group. It's about guiding citizens to make the right choices in the day. 

Be careful to reveal your identity to criminals.

Doctor Card (의사)

The doctor should guess who's going to be killed this night.
At night, the doctor quietly points to one player.
(You can also point at yourself)
If one of the criminal groups attempts to kill the player that the doctor pointed to,
The attempt fails and the player survives.
IMPORTANT: Doctors cannot protect the same player twice in a row.
The host confirms this.

Immortality Card (불멸)

Immortality is a good citizen and can't get killed at night. Their goal is to be targeted by criminals. But you can be executed during the day, 

You have to be careful not to be questioned by the same team members.

Fair Judge Card (공정한 판사)

In games involving judges, only judges can vote. (both fair and corrupt judges)

When deciding whether to execute two or more players together or no one, Only the judge participates in this decision. If all the judges are dead, 

Like the base game, all players are on the vote.

Sheriff Card (보안관)

At the end of the night stage, 
The sheriff decides on one player to arrest. 
Arrested players will no longer be allowed to participate in the game,
as will the murdered players. 
Be careful not to arrest a good citizen!

Mafia Card (마피아)

Their goal is to kill citizens. 

If the number of criminal groups, excluding the Yakuza group, is equal to or greater than the number of citizens, Mafia wins the game.

Godfather Card (대부)

The godfather is the most important person in the mafia group. The godfather can point out one player every night, and find out if the player is an investigator or ninja.

Yakuza Card (야쿠자)

They win the game if they remove both the mafia group and the citizens. The Yakuza doesn't know who the Mafia group is, also the Mafia doesn't know who the Yakuza group is. Yakuza and Ninja quietly check on each other on the first night, 

From the second night, after the mafia group's killing phase, the yakuza group 

Similarly, proceed with the killing phase.

Ninja Card (닌자)

Ninja is a member of the Yakuza group.
Ninja can point out one player every night,
and find out the player is an investigator or a member of the mafia group.

Mad Man Card (미치광이)

Crazy people don't belong on anyone else's team, 
Mad man has to survive the game as only the last one to win. 
Mad man kills one player every night.

Werewolf Card (늑대 인간)

Werewolf doesn't belong on anyone else's team, Werewolf has to survive the game as only the last one to win. At the start of the game, werewolves act like good citizens. 

But if one of the criminal groups is wiped out, The werewolf immediately becomes part of the group, However, werewolf can't use the abilities of the godfather and ninja. 

The host treats the werewolf like a good citizen, If a group of criminals is wiped out 

From then on, the werewolves are considered the corresponding criminal group.

Lawyer Card (변호사)

Lawyers are a group of criminals, 

It doesn't happen when groups of criminals identify each other. Instead, the lawyer doesn't have to be a different group of criminals night after night 

First, stand up and point out one player, You can tell who the player is. Also, when the investigator identifies the lawyer, Lawyers regard them as good citizens, not groups of criminals.  (It's actually a group of criminals.) 

If the mafia group or Yakuza group wins the game, 

Lawyers also win the game together.

Corrupt Judge Card (부패한 판사)

Corrupt judges are a group of criminals, 
It doesn't happen when groups of criminals identify each other. 
In a game involving a judge, 
Only a judge can vote.
If the mafia group or Yakuza group wins the game, 
Corrupt judges also win the game together.

[4]. Game Progress

Every player checks their character cards.
The game alternates between the night and day stages.

At the night stage, a group of criminals is given the chance to kill one player, 
During the day, all players will have a discussion,
and they can execute 1 player suspected of being a criminal group.
(However, no one is killed on the first night.)

When the game starts, the host declares that the first night has started.

When the night begins, all players must close their eyes. The night stage consists of three detailed stages. The host tells you what happens at each level of detail, 

It guides players on how to behave.

IMPORTANT: Be careful not to allow players to proceed with the steps arbitrarily at this time. 
Each step must be conducted with the guidance of the host.

Note: The host must know the characters of all players. If it's difficult to constantly check or remember character cards, it's recommended to write them down separately where only you can see them.

Stage 1 Night: Mafia group's mock-up

Players with mafia or godfather cards all open their eyes and identify each other.
For 60 seconds, they don't let others notice 
Quietly use gestures and signals to decide who to kill for the next 3 nights. 
If you've decided who's going to kill, use your fingers 
Determine the first victim, the second victim, and the third victim. 
In the future, mafia groups will not be given time to discuss to change this order. 
If they want to change their plans, 
Make sure to give a clever signal or clue that no one else will notice at the daytime.
After 60 seconds of all of this process, 
Now the mafia group falls asleep with their eyes closed.

Stage 2 Night: investigation of investigators

Players with investigator cards open their eyes, 
Quietly point out one other player with your finger. 
If the named player is a criminal group, the host nods quietly. 
If not, shake your head. 
After that, the investigator closes his eyes and falls asleep.

Stage 3 Night: The Godfather's Intuition

The player with the godfather card opens his eyes, 
Quietly point to one of the opposing team's players. 
(In stage 1, 'Night', the godfather player has already identified the members of the mafia group, You will also know who the opposing team player is.) 
If the named player is an investigator, the host nods quietly. 
If not, shake your head. 
After that, the godfather falls asleep again.
If you've finished all the night steps, 
The host declares that the day has begun.

◎ Stage 1 Daytime: Incident reporting

Every player opens their eyes.
The host tells them what happened last night.

◎ Stage 2 Daytime: Discussion

After the host's story is over, the players start the discussion in order. 
Guess who the mafia is, 
You can say anything, such as defending yourself from someone who doubts you, 
You can also pretend to be a character that is different from your actual character.

>>Important: No one should reveal their characters in this process. <<

While the player is talking, others must listen to it, 
Do not intervene or interfere while speaking.
Each can point to one player who should be executed at the end of the story.

◎ Stage 3 Daytime: Trial

If every living player had their opinion once, 
The trial begins.

~ The Trial Stage ~

First, the host tells all players once again in order of who pointed out who.

Suspects are given the opportunity to speak in their own defense.
Then, it's time to vote. 
Every living player raises their hands high, 
They must choose one of the suspects and vote. Every time a suspect is called, the host counts to three. 

The player who thinks the suspect should be executed while counting three, 

should place the hands on the table. The host counts each suspect's vote.

(Note: All abstentions are considered to have been cast for the last suspect.)

After the vote, the suspect with the most votes is executed. 

The player leaves the game with the last word, will no longer be able to participate in this game.

IMPORTANT: We will not release the executed player's character card.

If there are multiple suspects with the most votes, The host only votes on the suspects once again.

If we get the same votes once again, Will all players except them execute them all 

Or decide not to execute anyone.

- Exception of the first day -

If only one suspect had been identified during the first day, 
No trial is held and no one is executed. 
But from the second day, the trial will be held if only one suspect is named 
The suspect is executed immediately.

After the execution, if any team meets the conditions for victory, the host must inform them.  If not, the day ends and the night begins again. 

Repeat this until the game ends. From the second night, each detailed step will be carried out as follows.

On stage one night, the mafia group does not wake up. Instead, the mafia groups can agree on the following, and kill 1 player.

The host calls the numbers one by one in order from number 1. 

(Includes the number of the player who has already died at this time.) 

Whenever the host calls the player's number one by one, Mafia members who want the player killed will be informed in easy-to-understand gestures by the host. 

(Example: Shape a pistol with your fingers and pull the trigger)

If every member of the mafia group points to one player, An attempt to kill is a success. 

If different players were named, The attempt to kill is a failure, No one is being killed this night. 

The host informs you of the consequences of the murder attempt at the end of the night and at the beginning of the day.

Like the first night, the investigator identifies one player, determines if it is a group of criminals or not.

Like the first night, the godfather points out a player, checks to see if it is an investigator or not.

Important: Even if the investigator or the godfather is already dead 

The host should proceed with their night steps as if they are still alive.

From the second day, the game will be played in a slightly different form from the first day.

The player who was killed or executed, No words, gestures, or gestures can be made, or their character cards can be released.

From the player who started the discussion first in the past day, Clockwise, the next player starts the discussion first. If the player is dead, then the player starts the discussion.

Even if there is only one suspect, the trial proceeds normally. After being given the opportunity to defend himself, The suspect is executed immediately.

~ The end of the game~

Whenever one of the following two situations happens 

The host announces the winning team and declares that the game is over.

◆ If all groups of criminals are dead : good citizens win.

◆ When the number of criminal groups equals good citizens : the criminal group wins.

▶ Rules for Beginners
If there are players who are playing Mafia for the first time, it is recommended to use these beginner rules to proceed with the game. During the first step of Night 1, the Mafia group confirms each other's identities, but they do not make plans on whom to kill first. During the first step of Night 2, the Mafia group opens their eyes and silently discusses whom to kill using gestures and signals. Once they have decided whom to kill, they quietly inform the host as well.

[5]. Expended Character Game Progress

In this extended game, we use characters that we didn't use in the base game. 
Look at the following table and use the appropriate characters for the number of people.

Number of cards used

In the expansion game, the order of the night stage is changed as follows. Each phase only occurs if the corresponding character is alive.

Night 1: Doctor's Treatment
On the first night, the Doctor player opens their eyes, and the host confirms who the Doctor is. No other actions are taken, and the Doctor then closes their eyes. From the second night, the Doctor selects one player they want to save. The player chosen by the Doctor will not be killed that night. Then the Doctor closes their eyes. The Doctor can choose themselves.

Night 2: Lawyer's Investigation
The Lawyer player opens their eyes and silently selects one other player. The host shows the Lawyer the character card of the selected player. Then the Lawyer closes their eyes.

Night 3: Mafia Group's Planning
This phase proceeds the same as the base game.

Night 4: Yakuza Group's Planning
The Yakuza and Ninja act as a second criminal group, behaving like the Mafia group. This phase proceeds the same way as Night 3.

Night 5: Mad Man's Murder
On the first night, the Mad Man player opens their eyes, and the host confirms who the Mad Man is. No other actions are taken. From the second night, the Mad Man selects one player they want to kill. The player chosen by the Maniac will be killed that night. Then the Maniac closes their eyes.

Night 6: Investigator's Investigation
This phase proceeds the same as the base game.

Night 7: Godfather's Intuition
This phase proceeds the same as the base game. However, if the Yakuza group is included, the host will nod if the player chosen by the Godfather is either an Investigator or a Ninja.

Night 8: Ninja's Pursuit
The Ninja player opens their eyes and silently selects one other player. The host nods quietly if that player is an Investigator or a member of the Mafia group (including the Mafia and the Don). Otherwise, the host shakes their head. Then the Ninja closes their eyes.

Night 9: Sheriff's Patrol
On the first night, the Sheriff player opens their eyes, and the host confirms who the Sheriff is. No other actions are taken. From the second night, the Sheriff selects one player they want to arrest. The player chosen by the Sheriff is arrested and can no longer participate in the game, just like a player killed. Then the Sheriff closes their eyes.

In the expansion game, an additional step is added during the first daytime phase. If the characters include the Fair Judge and the Corrupt Judge, all judges must announce that they are judges when the first daytime phase begins. The host then confirms whether they are truly judges by checking their character cards. However, the identity of the Corrupt Judge is not revealed.

- Host's Instructions:

Regarding the Host
The Host has unlimited authority.

The Host is always right.
Even if the Host makes a mistake or conducts the game incorrectly, the players must follow the Host's instructions.

The Host can warn players who behave inappropriately according to the rules, and if necessary, exclude them from the game.

The Host should pay attention to players who peek at others' phases during the night or speak when they are already dead, and those who continue talking even after their turn has ended, in order to smoothly conduct the game.

Playing the Game without a Host

When playing with 12 or more players, this method can be used. The most experienced player temporarily becomes the Host when starting the game. Then, all players, including the temporary Host, close their eyes and proceed through the night phases. During the first night, the confirmation steps for the Investigator, Don, Lawyer, and Ninja are skipped. The player executed during the first daytime phase becomes the new Host and leads the game from there.