You are Dwarves laying tunnel cards to get gold: but which one of you is the traitor?


Number of people: 3 to 10 | hours: about 30 minutes

"Saboteur" is a game where players take on the roles of miners, hunting for gold in a mine. Some players are miners, while others are saboteurs, but these roles are kept secret. The players must build paths to reach the gold, with miners trying to create an uninterrupted path from the start to the gold, and saboteurs trying to prevent this without being too obvious.

Each round, players either place path cards to build paths, play action cards to help or hinder others, or pass. The round ends when a path reaches the gold or when it becomes impossible to reach. Miners win if they reach the gold, and saboteurs win if they prevent it. Players receive gold pieces accordingly.

After three rounds, the player with the most gold pieces wins.

Table of Contents

[1]. Components

[2]. Set Up

[3]. Game Progress

[4]. How to Finish the Game

[1]. Components

44 Cave Cards

27 Action Cards

28 Gold Nugget Cards

7 Miner Cards

Saboteur Cards

(The miner and the Saboteur cards are combined and called 'Dwarf Cards.')

[2]. Set Up

Divide the cards into categories: Cave, Action, Gold Nugget, and Dwarf Cards.

The number of Miner and Saboteur cards varies depending on the number of players:

* 3 players: 1 Saboteur card, 3 Miner cards

* 4 players: 1 Saboteur card, 4 Miner cards

* 5 players: 2 Saboteur cards, 4 Miner cards

* 6 players: 2 Saboteur cards, 5 Miner cards

* 7 players: 3 Saboteur cards, 5 Miner cards

* 8 players: 3 Saboteur cards, 6 Miner cards

* 9 players: 3 Saboteur cards, 7 Miner cards

* 10 players: All Dwarf cards

Shuffle the required number of Miner and Saboteur cards together.

Deal one card to each player, ensuring they keep their role secret by placing them face down.

The last card should remain face down until the end of the round.

Find the Start Card (depicting a ladder) and three Goal Cards (two with only a treasure icon, one with a boulder icon) from the 44 Cave Cards.

Shuffle the Goal Cards and place them face down on the table alongside the Start Card.

As the game progresses, a maze-like path will form between the Start Card and the Goal Cards.

Combine the remaining 40 Cave Cards with all Action Cards and shuffle to create a draw deck.

Deal cards to each player based on the number of players:

* 3 to 5 players: 6 cards per player

* 6 to 7 players: 5 cards per player

* 8 to 10 players: 4 cards per player

Place the remaining cards next to the Goal Cards.

Shuffle the Gold Nugget Cards and place them face down next to the remaining Dwarf Cards.

The youngest player takes the first turn, and play proceeds counterclockwise.

[3]. Game Progress

On your turn, a player must first play one card, which means one of the following:

- Add one Cave Card to the maze.

- Place one Action Card in front of a player.

- Pass by discarding one card onto the discard pile.

Then, the player must draw the top card from the Cave Card deck and add it to their hand. This concludes their turn, and play proceeds to the next player.


If the draw deck runs out, players no longer draw cards.

Using Cave Cards:

Cave Cards are used to construct the tunnel from the Start Card to the Goal Cards. They can only be connected to existing Cave Cards on the table, including the Start Card.

All tunnels on both sides of the new card must align with already placed cards, and they cannot intersect.


Newly placed Cave Cards must always be continuously connected to the Start Card!

Game Play Tip:

Miners will try to create an uninterrupted path from the Start Card to one of the Goal Cards, while Saboteurs will attempt to block it. If these actions become too obvious, your roles will be easily guessed!

Using Action Cards:

Action Cards are always placed face up.

Action Cards can be used to hinder or assist players, remove cards from the maze, or gather information about the Goal Cards.

Broken Tool:

Players have the option to not play a Cave Card. Of course, they can still play other cards!
At any time, only one card of each type may be placed in front of a given player.
Players can only add Cave Cards to the maze when they begin their turn without a Broken Tool card in front of them.

Tool Repair:

This card is used to repair a broken tool, and it can be applied to both oneself and other players. Both Repair and Broken Tool cards are placed in the discard pile. Of course, the Repair card must match the type of broken tool it's repairing. For example, a broken mine cart in front of a player cannot be repaired with a lantern or pickax card. It can only be repaired with a functional mine cart.

Some Repair cards feature two tools.

When using one of these cards, you can restore one of the displayed tools, and you cannot use both.


All Repair cards can only be used if the matching Broken Tool card is already placed in front of the player.


This card must always be placed in front of a player to be used.
The player can remove one Cave Card of their choice (excluding the Start Card and Goal Cards) from the maze and discard it along with the Rockfall card.
This action creates an opening that can be filled with Cave Cards during game play.


Saboteurs can use this card to block the path from the Start Card, while Gold Miners can remove dead ends to provide new paths to the Goal Cards.


When a player uses this card, they draw one of the three Goal Cards, look at it, then place it back in its original position and discard the Map card.
This allows players to determine if digging a tunnel towards a specific Goal Card is a good idea! (Because only one out of the three reveals the treasure).

[4]. How to Finish the Game

When creating an uninterrupted path to a Goal Card, it must be flipped over.

• If it's a Treasure Card, the round ends immediately.
• If it's a Boulder Card, the round continues.

The revealed Goal Card is placed next to the last used Cave Card to ensure alignment.


Occasionally, Goal Cards may not match adjacent Cave Cards, an exception to the usual rule, applicable only to Goal Cards.
Additionally, if there are no more playable cards in the draw deck, the round ends.
At the end of the round, all Dwarf Cards are revealed, allowing players to determine who is a Miner and who is a Saboteur.

Distributing Gold Nuggets:

If there is an uninterrupted path from the Start Card to a Goal Card revealing the treasure, the Miners win the round.

The player who placed the last Cave Card (the Miner) draws the same number of Gold Nugget Cards (with the back face visible) as the number of Gold Diggers in the game, for example, 5 cards in a game with 5 Gold Diggers. They secretly choose one card to keep and then pass the remaining Gold Nugget Cards counterclockwise to the next Miner.

If the Goal Card with the treasure is not reached, the Saboteurs win the round. If there is only one Saboteur, they receive a total of 4 Gold Nugget Cards from the deck. If there are two or three Saboteurs, each receives 3 Gold Nuggets. If there are four Saboteurs, each receives 2 Gold Nuggets.

All players keep their Gold Nugget Cards secret until the end of the game!


In games with 3-4 players, there may be no Saboteur during a round. In this case, if the treasure is not reached, none of the Dwarves get any Gold Nuggets!

Starting a New Round:

After distributing the Gold Nuggets, the next round must begin.
Place the Start Card and Goal Cards on the table as at the beginning of the game.
Shuffle the same Dwarf Cards (including those already deposited) and redistribute them.
Shuffle the Cave and Action Cards, create a new draw deck, and deal starting hands.
Of course, players keep the Gold Nuggets from the previous round.
Reshuffle the remaining Gold Nugget Cards and place them next to the extra Dwarf Cards.
The player to the left of the player who placed the last Cave Card in the previous round starts the next round.

End of the Game:

The game ends after 3 rounds.
Each player counts the Gold Nuggets on their cards.
The player with the most Gold Nuggets wins the game!
In case of a tie, it's a shared victory.