Sabotage is a Dwarf-themed game that sells gold mines, some digging gold mines, and some getting in the way!


|3-10 people | 30 minutes |Best 6-1

<Table of Content>

1) Game Supplies 
2) Game Preparation
3) Game Start
4) Game Over

[1]. Supplies

44 cave cards

27 action cards

28 gold card

7 miner's cards

4 disturber cards

(The miner's card and the disturber card are combined and called the 'dwarf card.')

[2]. Game Preparation

Divide each into cave, action, gold, and dwarf cards. The number of miner and sabotage cards depends on the number of players.

• 3 people: 1 sabotage card and 3 miner cards
• 4 people: 1 sabotage card, 4 miner cards
• 5 people: 2 sabotage cards and 4 miner cards
• 6 people: 2 sabotage cards and 5 miner cards
• 7 people: 3 sabotage cards and 5 miner cards
• 8 people: 3 sabotage cards and 6 miner cards
• 9 people: 3 sabotage cards and 7 miner cards
• 10 people: All Dwarf Cards

Mix miner cards and sabotage cards as much as you need. Distribute cards one by one, look at the cards and lay them face-to-face without revealing their roles to the other players. The last card allows the back to be visible until the end of the round. 

Out of 44 path cards, find one departure card (with a ladder drawn) and three goal cards (two with only treasures and stones). Mix the goal cards and place the start cards all on the table with the front visible.

During the course of the match, a maze route is created between the starting and finishing cards. These routes can be extended beyond the boundaries of the 5x9 card patterns.

Add and mix all the action cards to the remaining 40 cave cards to create one stack of draw cards. Distribute several cards to each player based on the number of players in the game.

• 3 to 5 players: 6 sheets per player
• 6 to 7 players: 5 tickets per player
• 8 to 10 players: 4 sheets per player

Place the remaining cards next to the target cards. Mix the gold ball cards and place the back side next to the remaining Dwarf cards.
The youngest makes the first turn, and the sequence goes counterclockwise.

[3]. Game Start

In one's turn, the player must first play one card. This means one of the following. 

- Add 1 cave card to the maze.
- Place 1 action card in front of the player.
- Place one card on top of a pile of discarded cards and pass through.

Then, the player must take the top card out of the pile of cave cards and get his hands on it. This ends his turn, and the turn goes to the next player.

Please refer to: 
When the stack of draw cards is used up, the player will no longer pull the card.

Using Cave Cards
Cave cards are used to make a cave from start cards to target cards. You can only connect cave cards (including start cards) that are already on the table.

All cave on either side of the new card must fit with other cards that have already been placed, and cannot be used interchangeably.

The newly placed oyster card should always be connected to the start card without interruption!

Hint for play: 
Miners will try to create a constant path from departure cards to one of the goal cards, while disruptors will try to block the path. If these acts are revealed too much, your role will be guessed very easily!

Using Action Cards

The action card should always be put front. The action card interferes with or helps the player, It can be used to remove cards from the maze of the cave, or to get information about your target cards.

Broken Tools:
You may not be able to play cave cards. Of course, you can play other cards! You can always be in front of a player given only one card of each type. Players can only add oyster cards to the maze at the start of their turn if there is no broken tool card in front of them.

Repair the tool:
This card is used to repair damaged tools. It can be applied to other players as well as yourself. Both the repair card and the broken tool card are placed in a discarded pile of cards. Of course, the repair card must match the type of broken tool. For example, a broken mine cart in front of a player cannot be repaired with a lantern or a pick card. It can only be repaired with an unbroken cart.

Some repair cards show two tools. If you use one of these cards, you can recover one of the tools shown, but can not use both.

All repair cards can only be used if a matching failed tool card is already placed in front of the player.

This card can always be used when placed in front of the player. Players can take one cave card of their choice (excluding the start and target cards) out of the maze and put it in a pile of discarded cards (along with the rockfall cards). The resulting difference can be filled with cave cards as they are played.

* Hint:
Disrupters can use this card to block the path of the start card, or Gold Minor can remove the dead end to provide a new path to the cave.

When a player uses these cards, he or she pulls out one of the three target cards, then puts it back in place and places the map on a pile of discarded cards. Then, he or she can see if it's okay to dig a cave for the target card! (Since only one of the three shows treasure)

[4]. Game Over (1 round over)

If you create an uninterrupted route to that target card, you must open the target card upside down.

• If it's a treasure card, the round ends right away.
• If you turn, the round continues. 

The target card shown is placed next to the last used cave card to fit the cave.

Please refer to: 
Rarely, you can't use your target card in a way where every path fits your adjacent path card. Exceptions compared to the usual rules. Of course, only for your target card. Also, if you don't have enough cards in your pile of draw cards and there are no playable cards left, the round ends. At the end of the round, all the Dwarf cards will flip and open. So you know who the miner is and who the disruptors are?

Distributing the Gold
The miners win the round if there is an uninterrupted route to the target card that shows the treasure on the departure card. The player who uses the last cave card draws the same number of gold bull cards (with the back side visible) as the miners (for example, if there are five gold diggers), and selects one of them to look at and keep secretly. Then, he passes the remaining gold bull cards counterclockwise to the next miner. 
If the treasure-filled target card does not reach, the stymie wins the round. With only one stymie, he receives a total of four gold nuggets from the stack of cards. If there are two or three stymie, they get three gold nuggets each. If there are four stymie, they get two gold nuggets each. 
All players keep their gold cards secret until the game is over!

Please refer to:
In a game with three to four players, there may be no disruptors for one round. In this case, if the treasure does not arrive, none of the dwarves will get a gold!

Start a new round
Once you hand out the gold nuggets, you must start the next round. Place the start and target cards on the table as they start the game. Mix the same dwarf cards (with the reserved cards) as before and then hand them out again. Mix the cave cards and the action cards, make a new draw deck, and give your starting hand. Of course, players keep the gold nuggets from the previous round. Mix the remaining gold nuggets again and place them next to the extra dwarf cards. The player on the left side of the player who used the last oyster card in the previous round starts the next round.

Game over
The game ends after three rounds. Each player counts the gold balls on one's card. So the player with the most gold wins the game! If it is tied, it is a tie.