In War chest, you become a medieval commander and compete with your opponents to gain an important foothold with tactical power.

War chest

Play-in-one: 2 or 4 people
Play time: 30-60 minutes
Location: BEST1-4

<Table of Content>

1) Game Supplies 
2) Game Preparation
3) Game Start
4) Game Over
5) Proficient Game Preparation
6) Get ready for a game for 4 people
7) Player Action Summary

1) Game Supplies 

74 Military Coins

4 King Coins

16 Military Cards

16 Occupation Marks

1 Double-sided first-hand mark

4 pouch

1 game board

2) Game Preparation

Spread the game board in the middle of the table. When playing for two, decide on your kingdom and take 1 pouch, 1 king coin, and 6 occupation marks for your kingdom. Put the king coin in your pouch and place 1 occupation mark at 2 start points on the board. The rest of the bases are neutral.

 Mix 16 military cards, get 4 each, and put them in the front. Each player receives a military cone matching 4 military cards. Stack them next to matching military cards for each type of military and use them as a supplier. Return unused military coins to the box. Throw the first-hand mark. The player who matches the top of the first ball mark takes the first ball mark and starts the game first.

In the case of a two-player game
 Don't use the outer areas of the board marked as dark areas. Return unused king coins, pockets, and occupation marks to the box. These configurations are only used in a four-player game.

Use coins
 You can take action with coins drawn from your pocket. You take turns using the coins you have once, starting with the player with the first sign. You can take action until you run out of coins you have. You can take action once for every coin you use.

1. Batch Action
Place or reinforce military on the battlefield. Place military coins on the front of the game board.

2. Action to throw the coin to the back
Throw the coin back in the area where it is discarded and declare, recruit, or pass the next round.

3. Action to throw the coin to the front
Ditch the coin to the front in the throwaway area and direct the operation to a matching soldier on the game board. (Move, Attack, Occupy, or Exclusive)

* King's Coin
 The King Coin does not have a matching military card. The King Coin can only be used as an action (or a full solo from the Royal Guard) to throw away to the back.

Now the preparation is done and the game begins!!

3) Game Start

Warchest is played in multiple rounds. All rounds consist of two stages.

1. Picking coins
2. Use coins

Conditions for victory
 A player (team) plays the game until they place all of their occupation marks on the base. A base is a special area represented by a green knot symbol. Place all of the occupation marks that a player (team) has on the base, and the game is over, and that player (team) wins.

Picking coins
 At the beginning of the round, each player draws three coins from his or her pocket and brings them without showing them to the opponent. If there are no coins in the pocket, fill the pocket again with the coins in the discarded area. Shake and mix the pockets, and then pull out the coins until there are three.

In case of lack of coins
 Rarely, you can combine the coins in your hand and the coins in the dump pile to make one or two. In this case, you only pick as many coins as you can. In this round's coin-use stage, you can only act on the number of coins you have. Repeat your turn by yourself until you run out of coins.

Declaration of the next round
 Ditch the coin to the back and bring the marking of the first ball that the opponent has. When you get to the next round, you start first.

1. Select the coin in your hand and throw it back in the abandoned area so that you can't see it to the other person.

2. Get the first sign and put it in front of you.

3. If you already have a first-time mark, or if you brought one this time, you cannot declare first-time. First-time marks can only be exchanged once per round.

Ditch the coin to the back and get a new coin from the supplier.

1. Select the coin in your hand and throw it back in the abandoned area so that you can't see it.

2. Transfer one coin you want from the supplier to your abandoned area as a front.

3. This coin goes into the pocket later and mixes together.

4. Coins imported into the recruitment do not have to be the same as those used in the recruitment.

Throw the coin to the back and pass once. If you pass this time, you'll have to pass the rest of the round 
You don't have to pass it. When it's your turn again, you can use the remaining coins normally.

Placing action
Place the military by placing the coin on the board.

1. Select a coin in your hand and place it in front of an empty base you occupy (with your own occupation mark up and no other military).

2. If there are other soldiers in the base you occupy, you cannot deploy them.

3. No reinforcement, movement, attack, occupation, or full-scale action is allowed before deployment.

4. There can only be one military of the same kind on the board. The kind of military that is already on the board cannot be newly deployed, only reinforcements are possible.

5. If you are attacked and the last military coin on the board is removed, you can redeploy that kind of military again.

Increase the number of troops already deployed on the board. Add coins to the matching military to make sure they are not easily removed if attacked.

1. Choose a coin in your hand and stack it in front of the same type of military on the board.

2. Military can be increased any number of times. There is no height limit for coin piles.

3. Every coin in the dummy is one military. For example, if the military moves, the entire dummy moves together.

Action to throw the coin to the back
 The action of putting the coin back in the throwaway area is important in the game. It's very important when to recruit the military and to keep your own pocket operational.

Ditch the coin to the front and attack the adjacent opponent with a matching military.

1. Select the coin in your hand and throw it to the abandoned area as a front.

Attacks the opponent's military with a gunat that matches the discarded coin.

2. Select the opponent's military adjacent to the military.

3. Remove 1 target coin into a box. The removed coin is no longer used in the game.

4. If the goal is not boosted (if there is 1 coin), the goal will be removed from the board. Later, you can use the same kind of other coins that have not been removed to redeploy the military.

 Tactics are written on some military cards. For example, the cavalry's tactic is to move and attack. Throw the coin to the front and execute a matching military tactic.

1. Select the coin in your hand and throw it to the abandoned area as a front.

2. Execute the tactics written on the military's card that match the discarded coin.

Properties and Limitations
 In addition to taking the initiative, certain military forces have their own characteristics or limitations. Characteristics and limitations do not act as tactics do. Instead, it is an additional explanation of what the military can or cannot do in each situation.
 For example, a prosthetic type can have 2 soldiers deployed at once (characteristic) and an archer can't attack with a regular attack, but only with tactics. Archers can't attack adjacent soldiers. (Limited) The coins discarded with the front will remain the front in the abandoned area and can be checked by the opponent until they are put in the pocket for (public) mixing. In Worchest, it's important to know which coins your opponent has thrown away.

Action to throw the coin to the front (operation)
 Every action you do by putting the coin face to face in the throwaway area is called operation. Operation is key to Warchest. To win the game, it's most important to have the right operation when it's important.

Ditch the coin to the front and move the matching military on the board.

1. Select the coin in your hand and throw it to the abandoned area as a front.

2. Move the military matching the discarded coin to the adjacent blank space 1 square.

3. You cannot move if there are other soldiers in all adjacent places.



Ditch the coin to the front and occupy the stronghold currently occupied by a matching military.

1. Select the coin in your hand and place it in the discard area.

2. Place your occupation mark on the base when the military matching the abandoned coin is in a neutral base.

3. When the military matching the discarded coin is in the base occupied by the other party, the other party's occupation mark is placed on the base.

4. You cannot re-occupy a stronghold you already occupy. Every stronghold may have only one stronghold mark.

5. Place all your occupation marks on the board and you win the game.

4) Game Over

The moment a team deploys the last occupation mark, the game ends. The team that deploys all occupation marks wins.

A draft in a four-man game
In preparation for the game, 12 military cards are randomly drawn and spread among the players. Throw a first-past-the-post mark to decide which team will take the card first. Teams will take one military card from the first player to the fourth player, alternating clockwise. If you take cards from the fourth player, this time you take one card from the fourth player, counterclockwise. When the first player takes his second card, the second player (left side of the first player) takes the third card and proceeds clockwise, so the first player takes the last card.

5) Proficient Game Preparation

If you're familiar with the game, I recommend the draft method, in which you don't randomly accept military cards in preparation for the game, but alternately choose. In preparation for the game, eight military cards are randomly drawn and spread out between players. They decide which player chooses the card first by throwing the first sign. The first player takes 1 military card. The second player then takes 2 military cards in order from the first player. The last one will be taken by the first player. The second player takes the first sign and starts the game. The draft method allows players to strategize and form a unit based on the military interactions.

6) Get ready for a game for 4 people

In the four-player game, two teams of two players compete. Each team decides on a kingdom, and players take a pocket and a king coin. Teams share eight occupation marks. Each team places three occupation marks on top of the starting point. The remaining eight are neutral.

 After mixing 16 military cards, each player receives 3 cards. They receive cards randomly (basic game) or by draft. This is the military the player will be using this time.

 Each player receives the equivalent of a military card and puts two coins in his pocket with the king coin. The rest of the military coins are stacked next to a matching military card and used as a supplier. Put any unused military coins back in the box.

 Throw the first ball mark. One of the players from the kingdom who matches the top of the first ball mark becomes the line. The game begins now! 

The flow of the game
 The same team members sit face to face with each other. Let opposing team members sit next to each other. (During the game, two teams take turns.) The player with the first sign of the round does the first action of the round, and the opponent sitting on the left does the next action. It goes clockwise until all the coins are used. Players cannot make a declaration of first action to get the first sign that a team member has.

Team Interaction
 Teams share occupation bases. Any member of the same team can deploy troops to empty bases occupied by teams.

 When the tactics are executed, the military of the same team is punted to this army. Players cannot recruit the military of other team members. All communication of the team must be made publicly.

7. Player Action Summary

Placing Action
Placement: Place military coins on your own empty occupation base.
Reinforce: Pile coins over matching troops already deployed on the battlefield. Reinforce makes it harder to remove with an attack.

Action to throw the coin to the back
Declare first: Ditch the coin to the back and get the first mark from your opponent. Start first in the next round.
Recruitment: Ditch the coin to the back and bring the new coin to the support group.
Pass: Discard the coin to the back and pass once. Passing this time doesn't mean you have to pass every remaining round.
The remaining coins can be used normally.

Action (Operation) Throwing it in front of the coin
Move: Ditch the coin to the front and move the matching military on the board.
Occupy: Ditch the coin to the front and occupy the stronghold currently occupied by a matching military.
Attack: Ditch the coin to the front and attack the adjacent opponent with a matching military.
Tactics: Some soldiers have tactics marked on their cards. For example, a cavalry tactic is to move and then attack. Ditch coins to the front and execute matching military tactics.

Properties and Limitations
Some militaries have their own characteristics or limitations in addition to tactics. Characteristics and limitations are not used as actions like tactics. Instead, it is an additional explanation of what a military can or cannot do in each situation.

The player (or team) who placed all their occupation marks first wins!