
3 - 5 Players

Lexio begins with

all the players having

equal number of blocks

and ends when a player

plays his last tile(s).

From the fist person,

the turn goes clockwise.

Player must keep

two basic rules

in this game.

Must put down

the same number of tiles

as the previous player did.

To play following

another player

the player must put down

a stronger tile.

If you can scan the QR code above,

you can also see it on your mobile!


- Tiles

(Sun 1 - 15, Moon 1 - 15,

Star 1 - 15, Cloud 1 - 15)

- 5 Reference cards

- 65 Chips

(Red : 25 points,

Green : 5 points,

Yellow : 1 point)

<Set Up>

Regardless the number

of players,

each player gets

4 yellow chips,

4 green chips,

and 5 red chips.

Each player gets

one reference card.

3 players play with

1 - 9 numbered tiles.

4 players play with

1 - 13 numbered tiles.

5 players play with

1 - 15 numbered tiles.

Each of 3 players

will take 12 tiles.

Each of 3 players

will take 13 tiles.

Each of 5 players

will take 12 tiles.

The tiles are numbered

1 through 15,

with the strongest

number being 2.

Therefore, 3 is

the weakest number.

If the number

are the same,

then color(symbol) has

a hierarchy with Red(Sun)

being the strongest.


<Game Progress>

The player with

a Cloud 3 plays first.

The starter, using

the reference card,

put down a combination.

(He does not

have to put down

Cloud 3 first)

The next player

puts down the same

number of tiles

but a stronger combination.

If the player can't

put down a combination,

he says "pass" and

waits for the next turn.

(Saying "pass" doesn't

necessarily mean that

the player has to

"pass" until the starter changes)

If everyone passes

except one player,

the player becomes

the starter and gives

a new combination.

It doesn't matter what

combinations have come before.

Repeat steps 1, 2, 3.

If a player puts down

all his tiles

the first round ends.

The winner of the

first round confirms

if any other player

has a tile of number 2.

The players with a tile

numbered two must pay

the winner twice chips

as his number of tiles.

(For example,

when a player has

four tiles left and

has a tile of 2,

he must pay eight chips.

If there are two 2's,

he must count his tiles

as sixteen tiles)

Mix up the tiles

and play up to 5 rounds.

Players can change

the number of rounds

they want to play.

<How to Finish the Game>

The game over when

after five(or another) rounds


when there is a person

who has no chips left.

The player with the

largest number of chips

wins the game.


Combination is the

various types to

put the tiles down.

Combination can be

1, 2, 3, or 5 tiles at once.

Players can't put down

four tiles.

The combination of

five tiles is called a "made".

1 Tile


: one tile.

2 Tile

One Pair

: two tiles of same number.

3 Tile


: three tiles of same number.

5 Tile


: five consecutive numbers

regardless of the color.


: five tiles of same color

regardless of the color.

Full House

: three tiles of same number

and other two tiles

of same number.

(one pair + one triple)

Four Card

: four tiles of same number

and another tile of any number.

Straight Flush

: straight + flush

"made" hierarchy is

in the order of

Straight<Flush<Full House

<Four Card<Straight Flush