Royal Visit

For 2 Players

In Royal Visit, 

you and your opponent must vie to attract the King to your Chateau. 

On your turn, play a card from your hand 

to move Characters or use the powers of the Wizard 

and Jester to influence the position of the King and his Court. 

 You can then move the Crown between the two Duchies, 

according to the position of each Character. 

 The first player to welcome the King or the Crown into their Chateau 

 immediately wins the game! 

If the King can’t decide, make sure he ends up 

in your Duchy at the end of the game to get his final approval!

If you can scan the QR code above, 

you can also see it on your mobile!


1 Game board

The game board is divided into two Duchies, 

 separated by one middle space decorated with a Fountain. 

 On either end of the board are two Chateaus, 

each one taking up two spaces. 

During setup, each player chooses one of the two Chateaus. 

The zone in front of each Chateau is that player’s Duchy. 

 The Crown Track running alongside both Duchies is 

where you’ll move the Crown token. 

The symbols opposite the Crown Track remind you 

where to place the Character pawns on the board at the start of the game.

1 Crown token

The Crown token has two sides: 

a Little Crown side and a Big Crown side. 

It moves along the Crown Track 

 at the top of the board during the game.

5 Character pawns :

1 King, 2 Guards, 1 Wizard, 1 Jester

Each pawn represents a type of character: 

 King, Guard, Wizard, or Jester. 

These Characters can be moved 

by playing cards during your turn. 

 They do not belong to a specific player, 

 so either player may move them. 

 The "Court" refers to the group of both Guards and the King.

54 Cards

There are four types of cards that allow you to move the four types of Characters: 

King, Guards, Wizard, and Jester. 

Each card type corresponds to a different type of Character. 

The symbols show you how to move the Characters when you play the card.


1. Unroll the game board and make sure each player is seated 

in front of one of the Chateaus found at either end of the board.

2. Place the King on thespace and a Guard on each of thespaces 

on the board.

3. Take the Jester in one of your hands and the Wizard in the other, 

without letting your opponent see. 

Ask them to choose one of your hands, 

then place the chosen character on their side and the other on yours, 

on thespaces.

4. Shuffle the deck of cards and deal 8 to each player. 

Put the remaining cards near the board in a face-down deck. 

Leave room for a discard pile.

5. Place the Crown token with the Big Crown side up 

on the middle space of the Crown Track, 

 next to the King.

6. You’re now ready to play! 

 The player with the Wizard in their Duchy 

 (between the Fountain and their Chateau) 

 takes the first turn.  

<Game Play>

You and your opponent will each take turns 

until the King or the Crown enters one of your Chateaus 

or the deck runs out for the second time. 

During your turn, take the three following actions in order:

1. Play a type of card or use a power

2. Move the Crown

3. Refill your hand

1. Play a Type of Card or Use a Power

Play a type of Card

Each card lets you move a Character the exact number of spaces shown on that card.

 Choose a card from your hand, 

put it in the discard, 

then move the corresponding pawn 

as many spaces as shown on the card. 

You can then play another card of the same type, 

as many times as you like, 

to take additional movement actions. 

 Note : You cannot play a card 

if you cannot complete the entire movement shown on that card. 


1:  Move either Guard one space.

1+1: Move both Guards one space each or one Guard two spaces.

: Move both Guards so that they are on the two spaces 

on either side of the King’s space.


1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5: Move the Jester one, two, three, four, or five spaces as shown. 

 : Move the Jester to the middle space of the board.


1 • 2 • 3: Move the Wizard one, two, or three spaces as shown.


1: Move the King one space. 

King’s Privilege: You can also play two King cards to move the entire Court 

 (the King and his two Guards) one space in the same direction. 

This is the only exception to the rule 

that players must play one card at a time.

* The Court

 The King and his two Guards make up the Court. 

 The King must always be between both Guards, 

 but not necessarily on the spaces adjacent to them. 

The King cannot be on the same space as a Guard. 

The Wizard and the Jester can move freely

 and even stop on the same space 

 as a member of the Court.

※ Examples

The green player plays a Guard 1+1 card and moves one Guard two spaces. 

They then play another Guard 1+1 card and move the same Guard two more spaces. 

Then they play one Guard 1 card and move the Guard one final space. 

The red player plays two King cards to move the entire Court one space, 

then plays another King card to move the King a single space.

The green player plays a Jester M card and moves the Jester onto the middle space. 

They then play a Jester 4 card and move the Jester 4 spaces.

The red player plays acard and moves both Guards 

 to the spaces on either side of the King.

Use a Power

The Wizard’s Power 

The Wizard has the power to summon the King or one of his Guards 

to the space the Wizard is on. 

If you want to use this power, do not play a card on your turn.

 Instead, move the character of your choice to the Wizard’s space, 

respecting the following conditions: 

• You can only use this movement 

 if the King remains between his two Guards. 

• The Jester can never be summoned by the Wizard.

※ Example

The green player chooses not to play cards and 

instead uses the Wizard’s power to move the King to the Wizard’s space.

The Jester’s Power

If the Jester is between your Chateau and the King, 

you can use the Jester's power. 

Your Jester cards become "wild" cards that you can use 

to move any type of Character,

 respecting the following conditions: 

• Every Jester card you play 

during a single turn must move the same type of Character, 

no exceptions. 

 You can move both Guards this way,

 since they are the same type. 

• You cannot play Jester cards and another type of Character card on the same turn. 

• If you play Jester cards to move the King, 

the Jester must remain between your Chateau 

and the King to continue playing Jester cards.

※ Example

The Jester is between the King and the green player's Chateau 

who can therefore use his power. 

The green player plays a Jester 3 card and moves one of the Guards three spaces. 

They then play a Jester 2 card and move the other Guard two spaces.

2. Move the Crown

Move the Crown on its track towards you according to the following:

• Move the Crown one space for each Character in your Chateau.

• Move the Crown one space if the entire Court 

 (the King and both Guards) is in your Duchy.

These two conditions can be combined.

※ Examples

The Jester and one Guard are in the red player's Chateau. 

The red player moves the Crown two spaces towards them. 

The entire Court is in the green player’s Duchy and the Wizard is in their Chateau. 

The green player moves the Crown two spaces towards them.

3. Refill Your Hand

Draw cards from the face-down deck 

until you have eight cards in your hand. 

When the deck is empty, 

shuffle the discard pile to make a new face-down deck 

and flip the Crown token to its Little Crown side. 

After refilling your hand, 

your turn ends. 

Your opponent can now take their turn.

<End of the Game> 

The game ends if you meet one of the following victory conditions: 

• If the King or the Crown is in a Chateau, 

the player who owns that Chateau wins the game. 

• If the deck runs out when the Crown token already has the Little Crown side up, 

the player with the King in their Duchy wins the game. 

 If the King is on the middle Fountain space

 when the deck runs out, 

shuffle the discard pile to make a new deck 

and continue playing 

until either victory condition is met.