Wingspan European Expansion

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The European expansion of Wingspan,
with the addition of European birds,
has the ability to "end the round"
and enhance interaction between players,
can be placed in multiple compartments,
benefiting more from later actions,
and benefiting from excessive cards/foods.
Enjoy the European expansion that
you can mix with existing cards!


- 1 Rule book 

- 81 bird cards

- 15 egg tokens

- 5 bonus cards

- 4 automa cards

- 1 bird prop

- 1 score pad

- 5 goal tiles

- 38 food tokens

- 1 reference tile

<Set Up>

Mix extended new cards
with all other new cards. 
Likewise, bonus cards mix
the cards of the extended
and basic games together.
(The probability shown on
the bonus card is designed
to remain unchanged)
Additional egg tokens, food tokens,
and round goals are placed with
the corresponding default token/tiles, respectively.

<Game Progress>

(What's different about the extended version!)

The only change in Wingspan's game preparation
is to place a reference tile
next to the target board.

Some new goals may not be
compatible with the blue side
of the target board.
We recommend using the green side
when playing games, including this expansion.

Note that all action cubes must be placed
on the corresponding horizontal line until
the end of the round goal is calculated.
This extension has the ability to apply
depending on the position of the action cube
during the round termination ability.

<Bird Ability>

This extension has new cards
with new capabilities that are activated
at the end of each round.

Round is over. (Blue-green)
: This ability is applied after completing
all turns of the round before calculating
the target score for that round.

- The starting player of this round
will be applied one by one.

- If you have more than one new card
with the ability to end the round,
you can apply your new card ability
in the order you want.

- The ability to end the round
does not activate the ability
once in every turn (pink).

The cost of some new cards is marked with.
This symbol tells you that
the replaceable cost is explained
in the contents of the card.

Several bonus cards in the basic game
will now be added with words
displayed on new cards as below.

- Photographer (name includes color)
: Honey, charcoal.

-Anthropologist (including parts of the body)
: Legs, back, toes.
(The long legs are not included in the legs)

- Map maker (name includes geographic words)
: Eurasia, Europe, Corsica, Wilderness

- Bird historian (including human names)
: Montergyu, Moltoni, Bonnelly, Xavi,
Seti, Eleonora, Oduin, Tekla.

<Goal to end the round>

Food held
: Number of food tokens held.

New card in your hand
: The owner of the new card in your hand.

Birds higher than 4 points
: longevity of a new card
with points higher than 4 points
on the personal board.

Bird without eggs
: When calculating the target score,
the longevity of a new card
without eggs on a personal board.

1 bird in a horizontal line
: A new cardholder in the habitat
where the largest number of birds lie.

The completed vertical line
: The number of vertical lines
filled with new cards.

Brown Ability Bird
: The longevity of a new card
with the ability to "activate"
brown on a personal board.

White/Able Bird
: The longevity of a new card
that is incapable or "putting down"
on a personal board.

Bird with card below
: The longevity of a new card
with at least one card
below your personal board.

Food cost of the new card
: Count the food cost of all
the new cards on the personal board.
Birds with options for food cost
count only one food.

<New ability, egg-making ability, card-picking ability,
herding ability, hunting ability, and other abilities.
Check the ability of the bird on the card.>

<Automa Expansion Rules>

All the rules in the Wingspan Automa Rules
still apply, but I'll let you know what's changed!

It's a bonus card that only applies to automa
: This extension has two bonus cards
that only apply to Automa.
While preparing for the game,
choose one of these two cards
instead of randomly selecting one card
from the bonus card pile for Automa.

CAUTION: If you use a bonus card that
only applies to automobiles,
the Automubon Society card
has a stronger effect on scoring.
It is recommended not to use
the Automubon Association until you are ready
to play at a more difficult level.

The goal score card for the end of the new round
: The two new round-end target
score cards provide the automa with
a default value when calculating
the score of the new target tile
included in this extension.

The ability to steal
: Some new abilities allow
'stealing' from other players.
When you activate this ability,
you can "steal" from Automa only
if Automa's cube is placed on
the target tile of this round.
(We won't remove the cube.)
Otherwise, activating that ability
will not give you anything.
Everything you get comes from
the supplier as usual,
and automa gets nothing.

Blue-green ability
: The specific number of automa conditions
that must be checked in the ability
to select one other player or one player,
including himself, is the same as
the number of automa's cubes on
the target tile of this round.