Wizard, it's time to prepare! Equip yourself with the magic tools of your ancestors, summon familiars to be on your side, and become a legend!


Age: 14+|Number of people: 2~4 people|Time: Approximately 60 minutes

Table of content
[1]. Supplies
[2]. Game preparation
[3]. Game progress
[4]. Game over
[5]. Summary

[1]. Supplies

One game board

    wind        water        fire          earth

Four energy token

2 types of library (season) tokens

 50 Power card (front, back)

4 season dice (five each)
- Number: increase in crystal
- Drawing: earn the resource in the drawing
- Star: increase in summon gauge
- Circle border: ability to use energy exchange
- Square: able to bring a card from the deck or get rid of one
- A dot below a square: Shows the passage of time since the round and only applies the      dots of the last remaining dice

Personal board ( total: 4 )

- The piece in the personal board displays the summon gauge (number). You can summon cards equal to this gauge.
- Each time you use it, the piece moves to the right, adding a negative score. (number space) The same ability can be used multiple times.
(3) 4 spaces at the bottom 
- the bottom piece represent the special ability.
You can use any of the actions below (during your turn)

Crystal track
- The crystal board has up to 99 points, and when the score exceeds 100, the piece at the top can be moved to display a total of 299 points.

wizard token

[2]. Game preparation

1. Setting: Place 2 black pieces on the round board and place your personal pieces on the personal board and crystal board. 
(Black pieces are common, individual pieces are individually marked)

2. Card setting: There are 2 sets of 50 cards each. (2 of the same card each) Shuffle all 100 cards and hand out 9 to each person.

3. Drafting: This is the stage where you take one card of your choice out of nine and pass it on to the next person.
Repeat this and proceed with the game again with 9 cards of your choice.

Divide these 9 cards into 3 pieces and separate the card piles to be added in the 2nd year and the card piles to be added in the 3rd year to increase the season (library) token.

So I end up starting the game with only the first 3 cards (far left)

3. Dice setting: 

Randomly take out dice equal to the number of people +1 (the example is based on 2 players) and place them according to the color of the circular board.

The game begins by deciding on the first player and rolling the dice.

[3]. Game progress

1. Progress-Dice Stage:

The first month of the game is January, and the season is winter.
The first player rolls the winter blue die.
From the three dice rolled ( based on 2 players ), take the dice you want in order (on each person's board).

*The number of dice is greater than the number of players, so there must be one dice left at the end.

Dice Description

- Number: increase in crystals
- Drawing:  obtaining the corresponding resource.

- The Star: increases the summon gauge.

- The circular border: Used for energy exchange ability.

Energy exchange involves converting energy resources into crystals. Since the value of each energy varies depending on the season, exchange is performed by checking the circular plate.

After acquiring resources, you can exchange them as much as you want during your turn. (When exchanged, the wizard token placed on the crystal track moves to +number as obtained)

- After checking one card from the deck, Square can either bring it into one's hand or discard it again.
The dots below indicate the passage of time since the round, and only the dots on the last remaining die are applied due to [number of dice = player + 1].


Water energy increases by 2 and the summon gauge increases.
Resources are placed at the top of your personal board and a total of 7 can be stored.
Card actions take place after dice actions.

2. Progress - card stage:

If you have enough summon gauge and resources, you can summon cards in your hand.

The card displays the name (1), reputation points (2), price (3), and abilities (4), and there are three categories of abilities.

1) Instant abilities are effects obtained immediately upon summoning and are disposable.
2) Action ability refers to an ability that can be used once during your turn and can be used again in the next turn.
3) Sustaining abilities are effects that are continuously given to the user.

Time passes when you complete a card action.
The card displays the name (1), reputation points (2), price (3), and abilities (4), and there are three categories of abilities.

3. Progress-time flow stage:

Time moves by the last remaining point, and the round is repeated by rolling the dice for the shifted season.

4. Progress-Round repetition and special situations:

If fall (red) ends and time moves back to the number 1 (beyond), the black piece in the center will move to 2 (next).
At this time, the initially set 2-year card pack is added to the hand.

[4]. Game Over

When the game is in its third year and the number of months exceeds December, the game ends.
At this time, the ‘Prestige Score’ is added up.

- Number of crystal in hand

- Prestige score of the power card in use (indicated at top left)

- 5 points deducted for each power card remaining in hand

- Penalty points deducted from using the bonus

- Determine the winner:
The scores are added up and the person with the highest Prestige score wins.
If there is a tie, the person with the highest number of Power Cards in use wins.

[5]. Summary

1. Start the round (roll the dice)
2. Take the dice in order
3. Turn progress (dice stage, card application stage)
4.  Proceed the next person's turn
5. Time travel through the last remaining dice
6. Restart the round (roll the dice)